Feb 02, 2025  

Student Conduct


Alcohol, Drug, & Substance Abuse Policy

One of the fundamental purposes of Doane University is to maintain an environment that supports and encourages the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge. All members of the University community, students, faculty and staff members, share the responsibility for protecting that environment, and all are expected to exemplify standards of professional and personal conduct. The illegal or abusive use of drugs or alcohol by members of the University community adversely affects the educational environment. Therefore, Doane University is committed to having a campus that is free of illegal drug use and alcohol abuse.

In keeping with its primary purpose, Doane University will utilize educational strategies as its major approach to this area. Any member of the University community who uses, distributes, or abuses any drug, including alcohol, may be subject to prosecution and punishment by the civil authorities and to disciplinary proceedings by the University. Trafficking illegal drugs is particularly offensive and the penalties reflect this judgment. Doane University’s interest in resolving the problem is not punitive, but rather to establish clear boundaries of conduct. Misuse and abuse of alcoholic beverages is a serious problem often resulting in loss of human potential and irresponsible behavior that may be dangerous to the individual(s) involved, threaten the lives of others, infringe on the rights of others, and/or cause destruction of property. Doane University respects the rights of individuals to consume alcohol in a legal and responsible manner. Violations of the University alcohol policy are grounds for disciplinary action.

Doane University is dedicated to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge and expects all members of the academic community to behave in a manner conductive to that end. Faculty, staff and students must maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct. Illegal or abusive use of drugs or behavior by members of the University community adversely affects the mission of the University and is prohibited. The University, through its Board of Trustees, adopts the following policy consistent with the State of Nebraska on illegal drugs. The policy is intended to accomplish the following:

  1. Prevent drug abuse through a strong educational effort outside the classroom.
  2. Encourage and facilitate the development and use of rehabilitation services/programs.
  3. Discipline those members of the University community who engage in illegal drug-related behavior.

Drinking or possessing alcoholic beverages on University property, except where permitted under these regulations, is subject to disciplinary action. This includes fines, community service, drug and alcohol evaluations (at the student’s expense), probation, suspension or expulsion from the University.

Rehabilitation Services

Those students who seek assistance to overcome a drug-related problem shall be provided with information about drug counseling and rehabilitation services available through Doane University contacts/networks and through community organizations. Those individuals who voluntarily avail themselves of these services prior to disciplinary actions by the University shall be assured that applicable professional standards of confidentiality will be observed to the extent allowed by law.

Federal Trafficking Penalties

Students, faculty members and other staff are responsible, as citizens, for knowing about and complying with the provisions of Nebraska law that make it a crime to possess, sell, deliver or manufacture those drugs designated collectively as controlled substances. Any member of the University community who violates any of those laws is subject to both prosecution and punishment by the civil authorities and disciplinary proceedings by the University. TRAFFICKING IN ILLEGAL DRUGS and/or the illegal POSSESSION OF DRUGS is taken very seriously and will be dealt with in a similar fashion. The University is not an environment to use, sell and/or possess drugs. If such conduct occurs, or is alleged by law enforcement to have occurred and criminal charges are filed, the involved students will be subject to immediate suspension and additional disciplinary consequences up to and including expulsion. The penalties to be imposed by the University may range from written warnings with probationary status to expulsions and complete separation from enrollment and/or discharges from employment. A federal drug conviction will result in the loss of federal student aid eligibility and the loss of all Doane University institutional funding.  Check out more information on Federal Trafficking Penalties

Smoking Policy

In order to provide a safe and healthy work/study environment for all employees and students and to comply with the Nebraska Clean Indoor Air Act, the University has adopted the following tobacco policy.

The following forms of tobacco products are prohibited:

  • In the all campus buildings and University vehicles: smoking through the use of pipes, cigars and cigarettes.
  • In all non-residential buildings and University vehicles: smoking in any form through the use of tobacco products (pipes, cigars and cigarettes) or “vaping” with E-cigarettes.  Smokeless tobacco (chewing or sniffing.)

The use of smokeless tobacco and E-cigarettes is not permitted in the residence halls.  Smoking tobacco in any form and smokeless tobacco will be permitted outdoors in designated smoking areas at least 20 feet away from building entrances. All employees share responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy, and have responsibility for bringing it to the attention of visitors. 

Beverage Container Policy

Beverage containers of any type are not allowed into any Doane-sponsored public event, including sporting events and special events at the Haddix Center, Butler, Fuhrer Fieldhouse, etc. The public and students are encouraged to purchase refreshments sold at the concession stand. Anyone attempting to bring in a beverage container will be asked to dispose of it.

Student Conduct Code

Generally, University discipline is limited to incidents of student misconduct that adversely affect the University community’s pursuit of its educational objective or create a substantial interference with the safety and well-being of Doane students.  Doane University expects that individuals will respect the rights of others and have regard for preservation of property.  The following misconduct, not an all-inclusive code, is subject to University disciplinary action.  Each student is held accountable for their behavior under the judicial system of the University.  Students are expected to be familiar with all University regulations and to abide by them at all times in order to maintain a fair, just, and safe living-learning community environment.

All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, plagiarism, forgery, knowingly furnishing false information to University staff, alteration or use of University documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud is not tolerated. This includes the sale of term papers, computer programs, theft of and/or unauthorized use of telephone codes and computer security authorizations. In addition, falsifying information obtained from the Doane University Web site, WebAdvisor, or from any print materials associated with the University is subject to disciplinary action.

Doane University may choose to address student discipline matters separate from or in conjunction with the criminal justice system. If a criminal complaint is filed against a student or students for conduct on or off campus which constitutes a crime of violence, sexual assault, distribution of controlled substances and/or illegal drugs or any other serious crime, the University may determine whether the

presence of student on campus during the pendency of the criminal justice proceedings will constitute a substantial interference with school and educational purposes. If such a determination is made, the University may suspend the student from attendance at Doane University until such time as the matter is brought to conclusion by the criminal justice system. Such suspension shall not restrict the University from invoking additional disciplinary sanctions as described below.

  1. Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other University activities.  This includes violations of the policies of the library.
  2. Acts or expression of harassment, discrimination, personal intimidation, or intentional physical or emotional abuse of any person on University premises or at University sponsored or University supervised functions.
  3. Conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person on University premises or at University sponsored or University supervised functions or conduct likely to result in property damage.
  4. Theft or attempted theft of property or services of the University or that of a member of the University community or campus visitor, or possession of known stolen property.
  5. Failure to comply with directions of University officials or their designees acting in performance of their duties.
  6. Failure to appear on request or give truthful testimony at a disciplinary hearing of the University.
  7. Unauthorized entry or use of University facilities.
  8. Violation of the law on campus and violation of the law off-campus as explained under 9.
  9.  Unauthorized possession or use of firearms (including air rifles and air pistols), ammunition, explosives, fireworks, firecrackers, or dangerous chemicals on campus.
  10. Setting fires, tampering with fire protection equipment, causing false fire alarms or failure to leave the building during alarms or drills.
  11. Possession of, sale, distribution, use or involvement with any kind of non-prescribed narcotics and/or illicit/dangerous drugs or controlled substances.
  12. Disorderly conduct.
  13. Sexual misconduct, sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on University owned or controlled property or at University-sponsored or supervised functions.
  14. Unsafe conduct:  any conduct that threatens or endangers one’s own life or the life of one or more members of the campus community.
  15. Assault or attempted assault of any person on University owned or controlled property or at University sponsored or supervised functions.
  16. Violation of the campus alcohol policy.
  17. Deliberate or unjustified damage to property of the University or to property of a member of the campus community or campus visitor.
  18. Providing or fabrication of false information or associations on your resume, applications or documentation.

This list is not all inclusive nor has it been designed to be.

COVID-19 and Public Health Informed Policies

Doane University strives to deliver its mission while protecting the health and safety of our campus community and minimizing the potential spread of disease within our community. As a student in the Doane community COVID-19 and/or similar public health crises may impact your overall experience including educational, co-curricular, and housing. Students are responsible for reviewing the health and safety guidelines addressed on the COVID-19 website.The guidelines listed are incorporated as part of the Doane University Student Code of Conduct and are applicable to all students. 

We expect that all members of the Doane University community act in a manner that demonstrates respect and consideration for those around them, including respect and consideration for the health and safety of all community members. Students are required to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations and health and safety guidance adopted by Doane University as it relates to public health crises, including COVID-19. This guidance will evolve as the public health crisis evolves and may include, but is not limited to, masking/facial coverings, physical distancing, gathering limitations, guest limitations, disinfection protocols, and quarantine/isolation guidelines. This guidance extends to all areas of campus including, but not limited to, academic classrooms, residence halls, and dining/recreation facilities. Lack of compliance with any COVID-19 and/or public health guidelines will be addressed through the educational processes of Doane University’s Student Code of Conduct.

Student Expression

Students, individually and collectively, are free to examine, discuss and express opinions and views using appropriate channels for expression and respecting the maintenance of order.  They are free to support causes by orderly means that do not disrupt the operation of the University.  At the same time, it should be made clear to the academic and larger community that in their public expressions or demonstrations individuals speak only for themselves.