Library Facilities
Following matriculation, each student is allowed free usage of the library at the main campus of Doane University in Crete. Students may also utilize other libraries across the state. They may need to present a Doane student ID card or a driver’s license in order to obtain another university library card.
The Doane-Crete library provides services for all students on site or on-line. All graduate students have access to the internet through their local Educational Service Unit. On-line resources including full-text journal articles, requests for inter-library loan, and search engines, etc. are available to students who access the library through the Doane web site at Requests for assistance and passwords should be made to the
Career Placement
Graduates may establish credentials through the Doane University Teacher Placement Office, which is located on the Crete campus. Information concerning the placement bulletin may be obtained through the Graduate Office.
Doane provides counseling for students who are experiencing personal, academic, or career concerns. Counselors are available afternoons and evenings to help students with problems on the Doane Campus. Graduate students needing services should contact the Assistant to the Dean for arrangements.
Definition of Faculty
Resident Faculty: A resident faculty member is a full-time unit faculty member holding at least a master’s degree. A resident faculty member is under regular contract at Doane university.
Graduate Faculty Member: A graduate faculty member is a full time, unit, resident faculty member having a regular contract with Doane University. The Graduate Faculty member holds the terminal degree. Resident faculty members who earn the terminal degree may choose to become graduate faculty members.
Adjunct Graduate Faculty: Adjunct faculty members hold at least a master’s degree. They are hired on a semester basis for particular courses in which they have exhibited exceptional expertise. Doane acknowledges the definition of exceptional expertise as the following:
Exceptional Expertise is defined as skill or knowledge in the profession or practice of the domain of the study or program of practice. Exceptional Expertise surpasses what is usual or expected as a result of experience or training. To meet the qualifications for exceptional expertise, professionals who do not hold the terminal degree must possess outstanding knowledge and skills that bring discerning understanding and real-world experiences and sensitivities to the program. Examples of exceptional expertise would be scholarship, skill, content specialization, knowledge of diversity, assessment or technology. In addition, those individuals with principal certification, building level leadership positions, demonstration or recognized work in continuous school improvement, superintendent certification and district level leadership positions would be considered as having exceptional expertise. Through exceptional expertise, the organization demonstrates its openness to innovative practices that enhance teaching and learning.
The following are required the minimum experiences needed to establish exceptional expertise:
1. A master’s degree appropriate for the area in which the person is hired.
2. At least 3 years teaching experience/relevant real - world experience in a field that is appropriate for working within the educational community
(i.e. , ESU; social agencies; state or federal agencies working with K-12 students; or the ministry).
AND at least two or more of the following:
3. At least 18 semester hours above the master’s of course work within the appropriate teaching field.
4. Hold principal certification or superintendent certification.-
5. Holding building level or district level leadership positions.
6. Exhibited scholarship within the discipline ( i.e., publications, presentations at national conferences, or work within the larger community
pertaining to K-12 students.)
7. Continued engagement in a doctoral/EDS program.
8. Receiving state or federal awards for teaching
Requirements and Evaluation Process:
- Attendance at adjunct faculty meetings will be required.
- Yearly updates on scholarship activities or those activities for which exceptional expertise was awarded.
3. Course evaluations from students will be monitored with a threshold of competence that is comparable to other faculty members within the Division of Education.
4. Faculty self- evaluations/assessment of teaching will be required.
School Based Faculty
- All School Based Faculty supervising internships or practicum courses shall have a master’s degree.
- School faculty supervising education specialist internships must hold the doctorate.
- All school faculty shall have a minimum of three years of experience in the areas they are supervising and hold a teaching, administrative or special services certificate for the areas they are supervising.
Advising and Committee Service
Graduate faculty members assist the advising office as needed. The faculty teaching EDU-603 Research Methods advise students about the culminating project in EDU-604. All resident graduate education faculty members serve on the committee of the whole for graduate admissions, policy and curriculum matters as well as serving on Doane University undergraduate committees.
Research and Community Service
Graduate faculty members are expected to engage in research with special attention to research done collaboratively with area K-12 teachers. All resident faculty members are reviewed according to the Doane University resident faculty requirements for evidence of growth in teaching, research, and scholarship.
Graduate faculty members are also expected to be regularly involved in professional associations and to provide education-related services at the local and state level in their area of expertise.