Sep 27, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2016-17 CAS Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2016-17 CAS Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses of Instruction


Social Science

  • SSI 217 - Applied Statistics for Social Science (3)

    An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Areas of study include data collection and organization, measures of central tendency and variability, percentiles, probability, binomial and normal distributions, correlation, t-tests, analysis of variance, and nonparametric statistics. Application is oriented toward the social sciences.

  • SSI 322 - Economic Principles for Middle School Social Studies (0)

    This course begins the transition from student of social sciences to teacher of social sciences. The major emphasis is on developing competency in basic economics as it relates to economic decisions with the American economy and the impact within local, state, national and international levels, including marketplace operation, economic structure, role of government and personal finance. Students will apply their learning by developing materials that infuse economic principles into the course requirements for teaching middle school social studies and the methods and procedures for evaluating student learning.

    Generally taken during the sophomore year.
    Offered spring term.
  • SSI 323 - The Teaching of the Social Sciences I (0)

    An examination of topics in the teaching and evaluation of teaching the secondary social science curriculum with particular focus on United States history and government.  Students will apply their learning by developing materials for teaching United States history and government in the secondary classroom along with the methods and procedures for evaluating student learning.

    Generally taken during the junior year.
    Prerequisite: SSI 322  or permission.
    Offered fall term.
  • SSI 324 - The Teaching of the Social Sciences II (0)

    This course examines what issues complicate the ninth grade year for many students and how best to help each grow academically while being conscious of their personal development. Particular focus will made toward merging the content for ninth grade civics and geography with key academic, social and personal development skills. Students will create and present lesson plans for use in civics and geography courses that are intentionally designed to merge the development of key academic, social and personal development skills for ninth grade students along with content knowledge. 

    Generally taken during the junior year.
    Prerequisite: SSI 323  or permission.
    Offered spring term.
  • SSI 325 - The Teaching of the Social Sciences III (4)

    This course is a seminar designed to support the student teaching semester and will focus on issues regarding that experience. The format will be blended making full use of online and round-table discussion sessions. In addition to discussion and analysis of situations specific to their student teaching, attention will also be given to readying students for pending job interviews.  Students will apply previous learned skills in instruction and classroom management in a clinical setting.

    Prerequisite: SSI 322 , SSI 323 , SSI 324  or permission and enrolled in the professional term.
    Offered fall term.
  • SSI 421 - Social Science Internship (0-12)

    On-the-job experience in social science.

    Prerequisite: CED 205  or permission.


  • SOC 109 - Introduction to Sociology (3)

    An introduction to the systematic study of society in terms of social organization, processes, institutions, and relationships among individuals and groups.

  • SOC 215 - Introduction to Criminology (3)

    This course considers the sociological, psychological and physiological contexts for criminal activities.  A wide range of criminal actions are discussed including murder, organizational deviance, theft, prostitution as well as the use and distribution of illegal substances. In this course students will analyze morality, “free choice,” and the predictability of criminal behavior.  With these complex issues in mind, students will question whether or not our criminal justice systems are adequately prepared to address behaviors that our society has judged to be illicit.

    Prerequisite: SOC 109  
    Offered fall term.
  • SOC 230 - Social Problems (3)

    This course examines contemporary social problems through a psychological and sociological lens.  Students will gain an understanding of the depth and diversity of social problems in the United States with particular emphasis on:  economic inequality , unemployment, racial and ethnic inequality, gender inequality, crime and drugs, education, and inadequacies of health care.  Students will also investigate the complexity and effectiveness of contemporary social policies that address social problems.

    Offered even spring terms.
    (Cross-referenced with PSY 230 .)
  • SOC 271/371/471 - Selected Topics (1-3)

    An investigation of topics not offered in other courses, selected on the basis of student interest and available instruction.

  • SOC 285 - Social Research (4)

    An introduction to research in social phenomena as a science and craft, formulation of research problems, data-gathering, analysis, and statement of findings.

    Prerequisite: SOC 109 .
    Offered fall term.
  • SOC 288 - Deviance (3)

    Inquiry leading to knowledge of social disorganization, criminal behavior, delinquency, and power relationships in social control.

    Prerequisite: One course in sociology or psychology.
    Offered spring term.
  • SOC 290/390/490 - Directed Study (1-3)

    An opportunity for supervised, independent study of a particular topic based on the interest of the student and the availability and approval of the faculty.

  • SOC 298 - Honors in Sociology (1-3)

    Opportunities for enrichment are offered to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance in the discipline. These opportunities may take several forms: reading projects, teaching and tutorial assistance in courses, research and writing. Students may complete two courses at each level.

  • SOC 305 - Complex Organizations (3)

    All people in modern society interact with organizations on a daily basis. We take for granted our relationships with the institutions that allow society to accomplish great feats, yet many of us are frustrated by the impractical, impersonal and sometimes regressive and repressive nature of organizations. This course will investigate the best and worst of organizations by understanding issues related organizational culture, size, technology, market forces, leadership, processes and institutional bureaucracy. Students will understand the multiple ways in which organizations both shape, and can be shaped by internal, organizational forces and the external environment.

    Prerequisite: SOC 109  
    Offered odd spring terms.
  • SOC 308 - Cultural Anthropology (3)

    An anthropological investigation of the meaning, content, and acquisition of the ways of thinking, doing and behaving as individuals in society.

    Offered spring term.
    (Cross-referenced with ANT 308 .)
  • SOC 310 - Corrections (3)

    A course including the historical development of corrections in Europe and America. Theories of punishment, prison development, administration and programming of corrections, and probation and parole will be discussed. In addition, contemporary institutions and treatment styles are examined by touring correctional institutions.

    Offered fall term.
  • SOC 312 - Juvenile Delinquency (3)

    A course examining the historical societal response to delinquency and the types of behavior defined as delinquent. Also examined are theories of causation, the family and delinquency, gang delinquency, the school and delinquency, police handling of delinquency, detention and juvenile court treatment.

    Prerequisite: SOC 109 .
    Offered spring term.
  • SOC 314 - Criminal Law and Procedure (3)

     This course will examine the socially constructed nature of legal proceedings with the help of real life court cases.  The US legal system often provides a path for justice and reconciliation, yet this formal institution is not impervious to human sentiment and error.  Students will leave this course with a more nuanced interpretation of the phrase, “Innocent until proven guilty.    

    Prerequisite: SOC 109  or LPS 101  .
    Offered odd spring terms.
  • SOC 316 - Sociology of Sport (3)

    Sports represent much more than athletic competition. A sociological study of sports allow students to better understand issues of power, group cohesiveness, fairness and justice as they are manifested in class, race and ethnicity, sex and gender.  The Sociology of Sport will be explored in a range of global and local contexts including topics like the World Cup, professional and collegiate athletics, and pick-up basketball.

    Prerequisite: SOC 109  
    Offered even spring terms.
  • SOC 318 - The Sociology of Health and Health Care (3)

    This course is a systematic exploration and analysis of the social, cultural, political, and economic forces which shape health and illness in the United States. We will focus on the distribution of morbidity and mortality (i.e., who gets sick, and why?), the experience of illness (i.e., how people make decisions about illness and treatment), and the social organization of the healthcare field (e.g., health care policies and health care reform). An examination of ethical considerations within the health care field will also be discussed. 

    Prerequisite: SOC 109  or PSY 117 .
    Offered odd fall terms.
  • SOC 324 - Race and Nationality (3)

    A study of racial and cultural minorities with a special emphasis on intergroup, racial, and ethnic relations. This course examines myths, doctrines, and movements, and reviews the processes and consequences of conflict, discrimination and prejudice.

    Offered spring term.
  • SOC 336 - Social Psychology (3)

    Studies in the relationships between individual and social spheres with attention to such issues as conformity, persuasion, self-justification, aggression, prejudice, and attraction.

    Prerequisite: PSY 117  (or SOC 109 ), and sophomore standing.
    (Cross-referenced with PSY 336 .)
  • SOC 355 - Applied Psychology and Sociology (0-1)

    An integrative proseminar with special attention given to the relationship between theory and practice. Readings, discussion and written assignments are used to develop an understanding of a field agency in which students are completing an internship. Students will enroll concurrently in PSY 421 - Psychology Internship (0-12) , or SOC 421 - Sociology Internship (0-12) , for 2-3 credits. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to articulate ways in which psychological and sociological theories apply in field settings.

    Prerequisite: PSY 117  or SOC 109 , one additional course in sociology or psychology, or permission.
    Co-requisite: SOC 421  or PSY 421 .
    (Cross-referenced with PSY 355 .)
  • SOC 366 - Marriage and Family Relationships (3)

    A study of human kinship processes and the various communal forms associated with intimacy, marital bonding, and parenthood.

    Offered odd spring terms.
  • SOC 370 - Social Stratification (3)

    The study of dimensions of social stratification, including theories of social class, social mobility, the structural determinants of social inequality, and the relationship of stratification to issues such as gender inequality, poverty, ageism and elitism.

    Prerequisite: SOC 109 .
    Offered even spring terms.
  • SOC 398 - Honors in Sociology (1-3)

    Opportunities for enrichment are offered to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance in the discipline. These opportunities may take several forms: reading projects, teaching and tutorial assistance in courses, research and writing. Students may complete two courses at each level.

  • SOC 415 - Social Theory (3)

    A course concentrating on the history of sociological thought from the 19th century to the present day. The focus is on major sociological theories including functionalism, conflict, exchange, interactionism, ethnomethodology, and feminist and post-modernist thought.

    Prerequisite: SOC 109 .
    Offered even spring terms.
  • SOC 421 - Sociology Internship (0-12)

    On-the-job experience in sociology.

    Prerequisite: CED 205  or permission.
  • SOC 496 - Seminar in Sociology (3)

    A terminal and integrating course for majors in the discipline.

    Prerequisite: Senior major in sociology or permission.
    Offered fall term.
  • SOC 498 - Honors in Sociology (1-3)

    Opportunities for enrichment are offered to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance in the discipline. These opportunities may take several forms: reading projects, teaching and tutorial assistance in courses, research and writing. Students may complete two courses at each level.


  • SPA 101 - Elementary Spanish (3)

    A sequential introduction to basic spoken and written Spanish and Hispanic culture. Upon completion, the student will be able to communicate at an elementary level in spoken and written Spanish and will demonstrate an introductory knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures. Not open to native speakers of Spanish. SPA 101 and SPA 102  do not count toward the major or the minor.

  • SPA 102 - Elementary Spanish (3)

    A sequential introduction to basic spoken and written Spanish and Hispanic culture. Upon completion, the student will be able to communicate at an elementary level in spoken and written Spanish and will demonstrate an introductory knowledge of Spanish-speaking cultures. Not open to native speakers of Spanish. SPA 101  and 102 do not count toward the major or the minor.

    Prerequisite: For SPA 102, either SPA 101  or one year of high school Spanish.
  • SPA 203 - Intermediate Spanish (3)

    Intermediate conversation and reading combined with a review and continuation of grammar study. Upon completion, the student will be able to communicate at an intermediate level in spoken and written Spanish and will demonstrate enhanced understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.

    Prerequisite: For SPA 203, either SPA 102  or equivalent
  • SPA 204 - Intermediate Spanish (3)

    Intermediate conversation and reading combined with a review and continuation of grammar study. Upon completion, the student will be able to communicate at an intermediate level in spoken and written Spanish and will demonstrate enhanced understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.

    Prerequisite: for SPA 204, either SPA 203 , or equivalent.
  • SPA 210 - Medical Spanish (3)

    This course will involve intermediate conversation and reading with review of grammar focusing on medical terminology. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to engage in translation and interpretation relative to various health issues.

    Prerequisite: SPA 203  or equivalent.
    Offered spring term.
  • SPA 271/371/471 - Selected Topics (1-3)

    An investigation of topics not covered in other courses, selected on the basis of student interest and available instruction.

  • SPA 290/390/490 - Directed Study (1-3)

    An opportunity for supervised, independent study of a particular topic based on the interest of the student and the availability and approval of the faculty.

  • SPA 302 - Spanish Language Enrichment (1)

    A course designed to encourage interdisciplinary study in Spanish. It is taken in conjunction with a second course in a discipline other than Spanish. The student reads materials relating to the second course, which is selected by the faculty teaching it. The student also reads additional material in Spanish, under the guidance of a faculty member qualified to teach that language, and demonstrates course learning by preparing a report or project in Spanish, based on the reading.

    Prerequisite: Permission of both faculty involved.
  • SPA 305 - Spanish Conversation and Composition (3)

    Spanish 305 is primarily designed to increase the student’s ability to communicate orally at an advanced level; upon completion, the student will demonstrate marked improvement in vocabulary, Spanish pronunciation, and oral proficiency.

    Prerequisite: SPA 204  or equivalent, or permission. (May be taken in reverse sequence.)
    SPA 305 offered fall term
  • SPA 306 - Spanish Conversation and Composition (3)

    SPA 306 is primarily designed to increase the student’s ability to communicate in writing at an advanced level. Upon completion, the student will demonstrate the ability to write narrative, letters, and expository and argumentative essays with increased accuracy in vocabulary use and grammar structures

    Prerequisite: SPA 204  or equivalent, or permission. (May be taken in reverse sequence.)
    SPA 306 offered spring term.
  • SPA 312 - Spanish Civilization and Culture (3)

    Spain in past and present. Taught in Spanish. Students will recognize regional differences in Spain, identify key historical and cultural events, and understand current issues.

    Prerequisite: SPA 305  or SPA 306 , or permission.
    Offered even fall terms.
  • SPA 314 - Spanish-American Civilization (3)

    Survey of Spanish-American culture and civilization from 1492 to the present. This class gives students a broader knowledge of the Hispanic world.

    Prerequisite: SPA 305 , SPA 306 .
    Offered odd fall terms.
  • SPA 317 - The Teaching of Spanish I (0)

    This course begins the transition from student of Spanish to teacher of Spanish. Students will engage in pedagogical practices intended to create environments that encourage active engagement in learning foreign languages. Students will select and utilize authentic foreign language instruction materials, including the literature of the target language appropriate for all levels of learners. Students will plan, implement, teach, and assess foreign language curriculum in the target language to demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among central concepts of learning and teaching foreign languages, including the ability to communicate high expectations and create meaningful learning experiences for all students.

    Generally taken during the sophomore year.
    Offered spring term.
  • SPA 319 - The Teaching of Spanish II (0)

    This course continues the transition from student of Spanish to teacher of Spanish. Topics focus on the teaching of Spanish in the middle school. Students will engage in pedagogical practices intended to create environments that encourage active engagement in learning foreign languages. Students will select and utilize authentic foreign language instruction materials, including the literature of the target language appropriate for all levels of learners. Students will plan, implement, teach, and assess foreign language curriculum in the target language to demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among central concepts of learning and teaching foreign languages, including the ability to communicate high expectations and create meaningful learning experiences for all students.

    Generally taken during the junior year.
    Offered fall term.
  • SPA 321 - The Teaching of Spanish III (0)

    This course continues the transition from student of Spanish to teacher of Spanish. Topics focus on the teaching of Spanish in the high school. Students will engage in pedagogical practices intended to create environments that encourage active engagement in learning foreign languages. Students will select and utilize authentic foreign language instruction materials, including the literature of the target language appropriate for all levels of learners. Students will plan, implement, teach and assess foreign language curriculum in the target language to demonstrate an understanding of the relationships among central concepts of learning and teaching foreign languages, including the ability to communicate high expectations and create meaningful learning experiences for all students.

    Generally taken during the junior year.
    Prerequisite: SPA 319  or permission.
    Offered spring term.
  • SPA 325 - The Teaching of Spanish IV (2)

    The student will participate in a setting where foreign language instruction is occurring. Students will foster relationships and collaborative skills with students, families, colleagues, and community agencies to support foreign language acquisition. Students will seek appropriate multicultural connections and integrate those perspectives into the foreign language and other curricular areas, where appropriate, to prepare students for participation in a diverse world. Students will become actively involved in leadership opportunities that promote professional growth in the foreign language area. Students will demonstrate the ability to promote career opportunities in the target language.

    Prerequisite: SPA 321 , Spanish major and enrolled in professional term, or permission.
    Offered fall term.
  • SPA 402 - Spanish Language Enrichment (1)

    A course designed to encourage interdisciplinary study in Spanish. It is taken in conjunction with a second course in a discipline other than Spanish. The student reads materials relating to the second course, which is selected by the faculty teaching it. The student also reads additional material in Spanish, under the guidance of a faculty member qualified to teach that language, and demonstrates course learning by preparing a report or project in Spanish, based on the reading.

    Prerequisite: Permission of both faculty involved.
  • SPA 421 - Spanish Internship (0-12)

    On-the-job experience in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: CED 205  or permission.
  • SPA 424 - Literature of Spain (3)

    A study of the most outstanding authors from Spain, from the Golden Age to the modern period. Upon completion of this course, the student will be familiar with literary periods and key authors from Spain, and will be able to read and discuss fiction, poetry, and drama in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPA 312  or SPA 314 , or permission.
    Offered odd spring terms.
  • SPA 425 - Latin American Literature (3)

    A study of the most outstanding Latin American writers in Spanish, focusing mainly on the modern period. Upon completion of this course, the student will be familiar with literary periods and key authors from Latin American countries and Hispanic U.S., and will be able to read and discuss fiction, poetry, and drama in Spanish.

    Prerequisite: SPA 312  or SPA 314 , or permission.
    Offered even spring terms.


  • ATV 173 - Theatre (0-1)

  • THE 101 - Introduction to the Theatre (3)

    A survey of the theatre as it relates to the viewer of today with investigation of theatre forms and traditions, film, and television.

  • THE 103 - Acting I (3)

    An introduction to the tools of acting, concentrating on the skills of voice, movement, improvisation, and the oral interpretation of literature.

    Offered fall term.
  • THE 108 - Introduction to Stagecraft (3)

    A study of the basic technical theatre practices with regard to scenery construction and painting, properties, lighting and sound. Practical experience with productions.

    Offered fall term.
  • THE 109 - Introduction to Costumes (3)

    Concentration in history of costuming and basic construction techniques. Also includes crafts for the costumer. Practical experience with productions.

    Offered spring term.
  • THE 115 - Makeup for the Stage (1)

    Design and process of makeup application for the theatre. Also includes wig and hair techniques. Students are required to supply their own makeup.

    Offered odd spring terms.
  • THE 207 - Advanced Acting (3)

    A concentration on the acting process and character interpretation. The course builds on the skills that have developed in THE 103 . Recommended for students majoring in theatre or with a strong desire to develop their acting skills.

    Prerequisite: THE 103  or permission.
    Offered spring term.
  • THE 210 - Script Analysis (3)

    In this course students will survey some diverse ways of analyzing scripts for dramatic production. This class focuses on reading a script theatrically with a view to mounting a coherent production. Through careful, intensive reading of a variety of plays from different periods and different aesthetics, a pattern emerges for discerning what options exist for interpretation of a script. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to assess a script’s components, develop critical thinking skills in the analysis and interpretation of scripts, and use script analysis techniques.

    Prerequisite: THE 101 .
    Offered spring term.
  • THE 211 - Film Making (3)

    Through the techniques explored during the semester, the student will acquire the procedures and methodology applicable to work in both amateur and professional production. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to: conceive and develop ideas that will lead to compelling, authentic, personally meaningful films; facilitate the expression and development of their own unique artistic identity, cinematic voice and point of view through an exploration of personal experience, interests, concerns, values and inherent taste; develop ideas for stories and characters through observation of, research into, and direct experience with real life; introduce connections between cinematic creativity and liberal arts education, drawing from a broad range of cultural sources; encourage awareness of the infinite possibilities for creative expression inherent in cinema, including documentary and experimental forms; enhance their collaborative skills through group discussion, giving and responding to feedback, and collective brainstorming; and enable them to create a diverse portfolio of project ideas, outlines, synopses, and real film projects that they can draw on in future production classes and life experiences.

    Offered spring term.
  • THE 212 - Scenic Design (3)

    This course will examine the principles, stylistic considerations and process of designing scenery for the stage. Work includes hand drafting, model building, portfolio preparation and image editing via computer graphics programs. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to understand the principles of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design aesthetics as applied to the theatre art of scenic design, demonstrate sensitivity to, knowledge of, and aptitude for the art, craft, and process of moving the script onto the stage, and demonstrate the ability to apply a conceptual approach to production.

    Prerequisite: THE 101 , THE 108 .
    Offered even spring terms.
  • THE 217 - Fundamentals of Play Directing (3)

    An introduction to the basic elements and strategies of directing through discussion and scene work.

    Prerequisite: THE 101  or permission.
    Offered even fall terns.
  • THE 224 - Summer Stock Experience (3)

    Provides an introduction to working professionally in theatre. Depending upon the strengths of the students, they will be either acting or doing technical work with a company for the length of the summer season. Some companies will ask students to perform in both areas. Students will have various opportunities to audition for companies during the academic year. Upon completion of this experience, students will have a firm grasp of the expectations for entering the professional market. Theatre majors are highly encouraged to take the summer stock experience during their first year, or as sophomores or juniors. Students need permission from the theatre faculty to participate in the summer stock experience.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the theatre faculty and acceptance into summer stock auditions. Deadlines for acceptance vary (usually February and March).
    Offered fall term.
  • THE 271/371/471 - Selected Topics (1-3)

    An investigation of topics not offered in other courses, selected on the basis of student interest and availability of instruction.

  • THE 290/390/490 - Directed Study (1-3)

    Supervised, independent study of a particular topic based on interest of the student and availability and approval of the faculty.

  • THE 303 - History of the Theatre I (3)

    A survey of early theatre history and its drama to 1640. Students develop critical thinking skills in an aesthetic perspective. Through course assignments, students develop research techniques and reading and writing skills in the context of drama.

    Prerequisite: THE 101 .
    Offered odd fall terms.
  • THE 304 - History of the Theatre II (3)

    A survey of the development of theatre history from 1640 to the present. Students apply critical thinking skills in an aesthetic perspective. Through course assignments, students enhance research techniques and reading and writing skills in the context of drama.

    Prerequisite: THE 101 .
    Offered even spring terms.
  • THE 307 - Advanced Acting (3)

    A concentration on the acting process and character interpretation. The course builds on the skills that have developed in THE 103  and THE 207 . This course is recommended for students majoring in Theatre or with a strong desire to develop their acting skills.

    Prerequisite: THE 103 , THE 207  or permission.
    Offered fall term.
  • THE 309 - Theatre Management (3)

    A study of a variety of areas relating to front-house management, including: advertising, marketing, crisis management, ticket sales, working with volunteers, communication among production staff members, and techniques for developing leadership and effective managing skills. Upon completion of this course, students will have a greater understanding of how publicity works in the theatre, how an efficient box office operates, the role of marketing in the financial success of the production, how effective leadership facilitates structure and organization, and relationships between commerce and artistic product. Students begin to develop the knowledge and skills needed for a career in theatre management.

    Prerequisite: Junior standing, THE 103 , THE 108 ; or permission of instructor.
    Offered odd fall terms.
  • THE 311 - Advanced Scenic and Costume Design (3)

    A practical exploration of stage set and costume design. Work includes rendering, model building, drafting, and portfolio preparation. Practical experiences with productions.

    Prerequisite: THE 108 , THE 109 , or permission.
    Offered even fall terms.
  • THE 312 - Light and Sound for the Stage (3)

    A concentration on specific materials and methods employed in the design, production and management of theatrical lighting and sound. Practical experience with productions.

    Prerequisite: THE 108  or permission.
    Offered odd fall terms.
  • THE 314 - Actors and Playwrights (3)

    An investigation of playwriting from an actor’s point of view. Students create a variety of scenes, monologues and dialogue from sources including adaptation of non-dramatic text, improvisation, and creative dramatics. Students participate in all written and performance activities and begin to identify a personal technique and writing style. A 10-minute play is completed, edited through a series of drafts, and submitted as a final project.

    Prerequisite: THE 101  or THE 103  or permission.
    Offered even spring terms.
  • THE 318 - Advanced Directing (3)

    A course expanding and clarifying the basic techniques learned in the fundamentals course through discussion, reading, advanced scene work, and the staging of a one-act play.

    Prerequisite: THE 103 , THE 108 , and THE 217 , or permission.
    Offered odd spring terms.
  • THE 328 - Field Experience for Teaching Theatre (2)

    A study of building an effective theatre classroom and/or theatre activity in junior and senior high schools.  Emphasis is on the production and direction of plays and theatre activities. 

    Prerequisite: by permission
  • THE 407 - Advanced Acting (3)

    A concentration on the acting process and character interpretation. The course builds on the skills that have developed in THE 103 , THE 207 , and THE 307 . This course is recommended for students majoring in Theatre or with a strong desire to develop their acting skills.

    Prerequisite: THE 103 , THE 207 , THE 307 , or permission.
    Offered spring term.
  • THE 421 - Theatre Internship (0-12)

    This course offers a field experience in professional theatre. Students will intern with professional companies, learning professional practices and studying current trends in the workplace. They will gain a hands-on understanding of expectations in professional theatre. Students may complete an internship in any area of theatre production. Theatre majors are highly encouraged to take an internship during their junior or, preferably, senior year. Internships may be performed during the school year or over the summer.

    Prerequisite: CED 205  and permission of two theatre faculty.
  • THE 495 - Senior Project (1-3)

    The student initiates and develops a project in one of the following areas: acting, design (scenic, costume, or lighting), directing or research. The student works closely with a faculty adviser in researching, designing/writing, and completing the project. Evaluation includes a public presentation or performance in Crete, a post-presentation discussion with the theatre faculty and other appropriate cross-disciplinary faculty, and final assignment of grades by the project adviser. Planning should begin in the junior year and application must be made in writing within the first four weeks of the semester preceding the project. Three credits are required.

    Prerequisite: Senior theatre major and permission.


  • TVL 300 - The Travel Course Experience (1)

    This two-part course, taught by faculty sponsoring off-campus trips, prepares students for the Travel Course experience in either January or May. The first part, the on-campus portion of this course, takes place during the semester before the travel portion of the course, and will introduce students to the scope of the course content including cultural experiences and the logistics and realities of the travel process.  This time should be used to complete all pre-travel paperwork that is required by the college. This course also provides time for the faculty sponsor and the students to get to know each other and to build a sense of community before the travel experience occurs. The second part, the off-campus travel portion of the course, follows the on-campus experience and will include guided reflection activities and assignments for student participants.

    Through the Travel Course Experience, students will work to understand and articulate how the travel experience helped achieve the essential learning-outcomes of the Experiential Learning component of the Doane University Core Curriculum as well as other learning-outcomes of the Foundational Areas of Knowledge or Fields of Specialized Studies, as appropriate. 

    Pre-requisite: Must be in good academic standing.

Doane Learning Center

The Doane Learning Center provides instruction in college reading efficiency and writing. A student may register for any DLC course at the beginning of a term or any time prior to the first day of each session. Students receive letter grades in these courses.

  • DLC 090 - Computational Skills (3)

    An accelerated algebra program designed to bring students who are weak in mathematical skills to a competency level allowing for college success. Upon successful completion of the course, students will demonstrate adequate basic computational skills.

    Prerequisite: Permission. (Does not apply to minimum degree requirements.)
  • DLC 103 - Reading Effectiveness (1)

    A developmental mini-course designed to improve reading efficiency at the college level. Emphasis is on analyzing arguments, writing essays related to readings, and applying active reading and study techniques to texts used in college courses. Appropriate for any student interested in improving reading and study techniques for reading-based college courses.

  • DLC 107 - Speed Reading Techniques (1)

    A mini-course introduction to rapid reading theory and techniques. In-class drills focus on correct methods of rapid reading. Includes application of appropriate reading strategies to texts used in college courses. Special attention given to the importance of varying speed and technique depending on the reading and the reader’s background knowledge. Appropriate for any student interested in application of paced reading techniques to college texts.

  • DLC 116 - Writing Skills (3)

    An intensive writing course designed to improve basic skills in college-level composition.

    Offered fall term.
  • DLC 119 - Communication Skills (3)

    A communication course that prepares you for the types of speaking and listening skills you will need for class discussions, presentations and small group interactions. The course focuses on principles of grammar, usage, sentence structure, paragraph development and essay writing.

    (Cross-referenced with ELS 119 .)

Doane Student Support Services

The DSS program provides instruction in college-level study skills, writing, and basic computational mathematics. Students must be eligible for the Student Support Services program to enroll in these courses. Eligible students may register for any DSS course at the beginning of a term or any time prior to the first day of each session. Students receive letter grades in these courses.

NOTE: All students must demonstrate adequate basic computational skills before enrolling in any mathematics course numbered 100 or above. This requirement is met in one of the following ways:

  1. By attaining an Enhanced ACT math score of 19 or higher
  2. By attaining an SAT math score of 500 or higher
  3. By passing Doane’s Computational Skills Test
  4. By completing DSS 090  with a grade of C- or higher
  5. By transferring credits that are equivalent to DLC 090 /DSS 090  or college-level mathematics

  • DSS 090 - Pre-Algebra (3)

    An introductory algebra course that takes students’ basic skills to the level of beginning college algebra. Does not count toward minimum degree requirements.

    Requirement: DSS program eligibility.
  • DSS 117 - Thinking Skills for Writing (3)

    A course dealing with the thinking skills which underlie college-level writing and designed to improve basic writing skills through intensive practice.

    Requirement: DSS program eligibility.
    Offered fall term.
  • DSS 118 - College Reading and Study Techniques (3)

    An introduction to the active learning techniques and critical thinking skills fundamental to college success. Topics include: establishing academic goals, managing time, preparing for exams, using active reading and study strategies, analyzing arguments, writing essays, and coping with stress. Study techniques are applied to courses in which students are enrolled.

    Requirement: DSS program eligibility.

English Language Studies

  • ELS 101 - Reading Skills (3)

    A reading course for international students to improve reading effectiveness at the college level including:  building vocabulary, analyzing arguments, organizing reading/study notes, writing reflections related to readings, developing critical thinking skills, and applying active reading/study techniques to other reading-based courses.

  • ELS 115 - Orientation to the American College Classroom and Culture (2)

    A course designed for international students to provide an orientation to American culture and academic requirements in the college classroom.  Upon completion of the course, students will demonstrate their understanding of cultural awareness, active learning techniques, active reading strategies and oral and written communication by applying them to their other college courses.

  • ELS 116 - Writing Skills (3)

    A course designed for international students to help them understand the organization, rhetorical styles and mechanics of American college writing.  The focus of the course is on the development of students’ punctuation, grammar, sentence structure, paragraphs and essays. Practice with journaling, blogging, and reflective writing will also be addressed.  The concept of plagiarism will be introduced and explored.

    (Cross-referenced with DLC 116 .)
  • ELS 119 - Communication Skills (3)

    A speaking/listening course designed for international students to prepare them for successful interaction in the American classroom.
     Special emphasis will be placed on learning and practicing speaking and listening skills needed for class discussions, small group interactions, and presentations. While learning these speaking/listening skills, students will also develop the necessary vocabulary to be successful in each skill area.  Development of skills needed for technology such as Blackboard will also be introduced and practiced.

    (Cross-referenced with DLC 119  .)

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