Feb 06, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2016-17 CAS Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2016-17 CAS Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Degrees Awarded

*** Summa Cum Laude (3.98 - 4.0)
** Magna Cum Laude (3.92 - 3.97)
* Cum Laude (3.80 - 3.91)
# Doane College Honors Program

Class of 2015 - August Graduates

August 15, 2015

Cassandra Lynn Choquette, Minden, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Skyler Michele Ethridge, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art & German
David A. Johnson, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Nolan Ryan Kawata, Grand Island, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Michelle ReNae Rubesh Kringle, York, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Trey A. McGruder, Paducah, TX, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Addison Scott Popple, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Kaylee Marie Roach, Louisville, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Aric Michael Schnacker, Humboldt, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Domonique C. Smith, Louisville, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art
Alexandria Jane Winters, Elizabeth, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Art
Jacob Arnold Wirthele, Burr, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Jacob D. Wollam, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & International Studies
James Douglas Young, Fremont, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology

Class of 2016 - May Graduates

May 8, 2016

Dalton Alvin Aksamit, Wilber, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Emily L. Alfs, Shickley, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & Computer Science Honors
Sonia M. Almodovar, Grand Island, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Yasmine B. Al-Shdifat, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Tabitha F. Anderson, Sumner, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
John Raymnd Artozqui, La Habra, CA, Bachelor of Arts in History
** Jordyn L. Atwater, Ayr, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry #
Xiaonan Bai, Cangzhou, China, Bachelor of Arts in English as a Second Language
Kayla J. Bamesberger, Kearney, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Taytum Dayle Barbur, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
** Laura N. Barks, Bennington, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Dillon James Barta, Niobrara, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physics
Dillon D. Bates, Wilber, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Reid M. Baumgartner, Holyoke, CO, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Isaac A. Beber, Elkhorn, NE, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
Millanna Beck, Wilber, NE, Bachelor of Arts in History
Cale D. Benson, Grand Island, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Ryan M. Bergstrom, Funk, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Megan E. Birman, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Psychology
Shelbi N. Bittinger, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Elizabeth Grace Blanke, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art
*** Shanna M. Blazek, Valparaiso, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Carling A. Bloedorn, Wisner, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology #
Megan A. Blumenthal, Bladen, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Kenneth Boggs, Jr., Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
** Garrett C. Borcher, Pawnee City, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Austin G. Borne, Hammond, LA, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Scott A. Brabec, Wahoo, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art
Tyler J. Brandt, Scottsbluff, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Heather Marie Broman, Fairmont, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Accounting & Business Administration
Tyler J. Brookshire, San Diego, CA, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Blake A. Bunner, Blue Hill, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
* Erin L. Burrows, Columbus, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Chance R. Busey, Gig Harbor, WA, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media
Jiachen Cao, Shijiazhuang City, China, Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Kellie L. Carnes, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Nicholas P. Cepure, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Mitchell J. Chohon, Grand Island, NE, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Jonas A. Christensen, York, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Casey J. Clark, Snelling, CA, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Johnathan E. Clouse, Friend, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Trevor M. Cornelius, Shelton, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Timmy Jacob Cornell, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Joseph Romanos Couch, Seward, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Michael A. Crane, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Hunter S. Creglow, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Sara B. Cushing, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Psychology
Trevor J. Cyboron, Ravenna, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Jennifer M. Davis, Gretna, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Samantha Rose Desh, Garland, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Chelsie M. Detimore, Marysville, KS, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Brok Yeager Diffendaffer, Berthoud, CO, Bachelor of Arts in History
Allison R. Dobson, McCook, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English Language Arts
Shaylen L. Doremus, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
John Michael Douglas, Tilden, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Dariana E. Doumis, Pompano Beach, FL, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Paul James Downey, Benkelman, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Social Science & History
KaeLynn Mae Drake, Mason City, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
** Amanda Nicole Duermyer, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Matthew A. Dworak, Seward, NE, Bachelor of Science in Natural Science
Siteena Ali Ebrahim, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Carey A. Eischeid, Elgin, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Anthony J. Engebretson, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Film/Theater
* Lance Louis English, Sumner, NE, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science & Biology #
Matthew D. Eschliman, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Music
*** Ashton V. Feldkamp, Fairbury, NE, Bachelor of Science in Natural Science
Megan E. Fender, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Music & Economics
Derek M. Filipi, Wilber, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & History
* Megan Elizabeth Fletcher,
York, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
Michelle Flores, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Amanda Raye Fogerty, Eagle, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Ryan K. Frahm, Herman, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Music
Samuel J. Frei, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Breanna B. Fye, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Kyle G. Gaston, McCook, NE, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
** Madisen E. Geiler, Greenwood, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Music
Breanne Michelle Gibler, Villisca, IA, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Marissa K. Glessman, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English & Philosophy
Madison Lynn Greif, Granger, IA, Bachelor of Arts in History & Social Science
Amy K. Gundvaldson, Gretna, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Kevin T. Gunter, Norfolk, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Michelle L. Hachtel, Harvard, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
* Katherine J. Hall, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Haylee N. Haller, Sidney, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Law, Politics, and Society & Sociology
Emily C. Hallstrom, Arlington, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media
Phillip A. Hamburger, Hastings, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Katherine Nichole Hamilton Uhler, Odenton, MD, Bachelor of Arts in English
Terra M. Hartman, Douglas, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Caytlin Rae Haselbush, Wilber, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Joshua M. Hayden, Jacksonville, FL, Bachelor of Arts in Art
Jonathan Hedge, Springfield, OR, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Kaelli M. Hedgpeth, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Tayler Hester, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
* Lauren E. Hestermann, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Erin E. Heuermann, Roca, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art
Jacy A. Hewitt, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art & English
Mahalia Danielle Hilts, Colorado Springs, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Social Science & History #
Whitney E. Hinn, Eagle, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Sydney M. Holtmeier, DeWitt, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
Kasey D. Hoppes, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
* Kylee J. Horton, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Amy PeiYu Hung, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics #
Christian A. Iannone, Northridge, CA, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Amanda P. Jackman, Denver, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
Tatton Blane Jacob, Palmetto, FL, Bachelor of Arts in English
Benjamin C. Jansen, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in History
Zachary A. Jensen, Friend, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & Economics
Jared D. Jensen, Dorchester, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Julie Ann Jirovec, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art
Jacob F. Johnson, Columbus, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Katherine E. Johnson, Beatrice, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Tyler L. Johnson, Elkhorn, NE, Bachelor of Science in Journalism and Media
Corey M. Kalkwarf, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Jacqueline M. Kardell, Aurora, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Economics & Business Administration
Mariah M. Karlin, Columbus, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Accounting
Zachary R. Kaster, Tecumseh, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Cassandra Caitlin Kennedy, Littleton, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media & Business Administration #
Jessica Kerwin, Gretna, NE, Bachelor of Arts in German & International Studies
Liu Kaiyi, Baoding, China, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Jenna Kathryn Kleeman, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Nathan Paul Klein, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Law, Politics, and Society & Sociology
Ryan D. Klein, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & Economics
Joshua P. Kluka, Roca, NE, Bachelor of Arts in History
Janae Leigh Koester, Du Bois, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Zachary B. Kucera, Waverly, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
Ashley T. Kunz, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Law, Politics, and Society
Colin J. Lauenroth, Denton, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Sara M. Lennemann, Stamford, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Qing Li, Shijiazhuang City, China, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Emily Anastasia Lively, Bellevue, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
* Brooke Ann Ludemann, North Platte, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Alexander J. Lund, Sidney, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Colin F. Mack, Littleton, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Stacy J. Manson, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration & Spanish
Miranda Marie Mayer, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Allie Jegan McConville, Indianola, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology #
Betsy McDonald, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
David John McDonald, Phillips, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Kendra Elaine McElravy, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Tara L. McGinnis, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Tyler P. McKee, San Diego, CA, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Tanya R. Metcalf, Elsie, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English & Spanish
Tanner A. Meyer, Grand Island, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
** Tracy N. Meyer, Shelton, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
Ryan J. Miller, Parker, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media
Taylor J. Minske, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English
Savannah Mitchell, Peoria, IL, Bachelor of Arts in English
Clayton Lee Moore, Friend, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Makaela H. Moore, Sparks, NV, Bachelor of Science in Sociology & Mathematics
** Marissa K. Moore, Norfolk, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English Language Arts
Danielle N. Morrow, Carson City, NV, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Kelly L. Mozena, Lone Tree, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Spanish & Sociology
* Leslie E. Mueller, Ralston, NE, Bachelor of Arts in History & English
Tracey L. Muzzey, LaVista, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English
Kennedy C. Nelsen, Guthrie Center, IA, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Aaron M. Neujahr, Osceola, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Jesse Scott Nissen, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in History
** Haley E. Norvell, Geneva, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
*** Karena E. Nyberg, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Katelyn R. O’Brien, Wahoo, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Brianna M. Oropeza, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
Elizabeth J. Otto, Ceresco, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Dakota J. Pariset, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Music & Theatre
Kellie L. Parks, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
Michaela Louise Parks, Pawnee City, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
** Elizabeth Joy Pegler, Elmwood, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
** Amanda J. Petersen, Nora, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English Language Arts #
Ella M. Peterson, Burwell, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Cameron R. Pfeifer, Waco, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English
* Claire N. Phillips, Wisner, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Kylie D. Pohl, Columbus, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Eric J. Reiter, Fremont, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Kendra Raeann Ritter, Holdrege, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Alexander J. Rogge, Auburn, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physics & Mathematics
** Bryce A. Rolenc, Seward, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Katlyn M. Rosas, Broadwater, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies
Taylor Marie Ruzicka, Morse Bluff, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Sean J. Ryan, North Platte, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Derek Michael Sabatka, Wahoo, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Carl M. Santiago, Louisville, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
* Mackenzie L. Santos, Blair, NE, Bachelor of Arts in English Language Arts
Gavin D. Sass, Elkhorn, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Kayleigh A. Schadwinkel, Gering, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Kassie Morgan Schirmer, Ravenna, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Quinn A. Selby, Los Osos, CA, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Emily V. Selden, Dannebrog, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Paul F. Shaw, Jr., Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Tyrel Spittler, Norfolk, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Melinda J. Stauffer, Phillips, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Hailey A. Steuter, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Breanna M. Stevens, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Nikolaus Tyler Stevenson, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
Brynn M. Stock, Ashland, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & French
Brandon M. Stuart, Bayard, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
* Clarice M. Stutzman, Friend, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Jessica M. Swanger, Papillion, NE, Bachelor of Science in Biology #
** Zachary M. Swanson, North Bend, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physics
Jesse R. Swantek, Columbus, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Art
* Mallory H. Swenson, Lander, WY, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Andrew S. Tatum, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Jared Tedesco, Castle Rock, CO, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Alexander L. Thatch, Aurora, CO, Bachelor of Science in Biology
Shelby C. Thibodeaux, Rayne, LA, Bachelor of Arts in Special Education
Tanner J. Thomas, Mesa, AZ, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Breann Katherine Thorberg, Petersburg, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Jordan D. Tjaden, Gering, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Arik A. Todd, Eagle, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Adam M. Touhey, San Tan Valley, AZ, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Caleb Tretheway, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Sierra K. Turpin, Grand Island, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology & Sociology
Kellen R. Unvert, Sterling, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration
Nicholas S. Uy Bico, Mesquite, TX, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Melissa M. Vasak, El Segundo, CA, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
** Andrew J. Vinton, North Platte, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration #
Meghan M. Voigt, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
* Rebecca J. Vossler,
Exeter, NE, Bachelor of Science in Natural Science
Jillian Kay Walmer, Royal, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Theatre
Brian M. Walvoord, Firth, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Music
Darion J. Ward, Irving, TX, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Kayla Wegman, Omaha, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
Wanying Wei, Qinhuangdao, China, Bachelor of Arts in Economics
Kendall Weisshaar, Burlington, CO, Bachelor of Science in Physics
Holden Scott Wetzler, Creighton, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Physical Education
Dakota L. Whisenhunt, Maxwell, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Law, Politics, and Society
Brittany J. White, Plainview, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education & Special Education
Jake White, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media
Connor Rhett Williams, Excelsior Springs, MO, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Delta Dawn Wilson, Alliance, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & International Studies
Steven L. Wilson, Fremont, NE, Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Elizabeth M. Woita, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Mathematics & English
Kale D. Wolken, Tecumseh, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Accounting
Lila Wondercheck, Newman Grove, NE, Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education
Landon E. Young, Lincoln, NE, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
Nicholas N. S. Youssef, Crete, NE, Bachelor of Science in Physics