Feb 12, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2017-18 Graduate Studies Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2017-18 Graduate Studies Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Business Regulations

All charges are due and payable the first day of each term/semester. In addition to payment by check, Doane accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover for settlement of accounts with a 2.75% convenience fee.  

Automatic deferments will be granted to students who have been awarded financial aid or have certified military benefits to cover the entire balance.  However, if these benefits do not cover the balance 100%, the student is responsible for the difference by the first day of the term/semester. 

Students who wish to defer their payment in full until receiving their employer reimbursement may enroll in a deferred payment plan for a fee of $10, through FACTS/Nelnet Business Solutions.  This plan is available to all students who have employer reimbursement benefits and wish to defer payment.  This link can be found by logging into Webadvisor at doane.edu/wa.

A monthly online installment plan is available through FACTS/Nelnet Business Solutions.  This can be found by logging into webadvisor at doane.edu/wa.  Short-term plans (one to six months) are available for a one-time charge of $25.  Long-term plans (seven to twelve months) are $45.  Both plans are interest free.  Payments are charged on the 5th or the 20th of each month, and you can choose either free e-check withdrawals from a checking/savings account, or payment with a Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express credit card, subject to the 2.75% convenience fee.

Students are not eligible to attend classes until registration has been approved by the Registrar and the Business Office. Registration may be refused to any student whose previous term account is not current. No refund of charges will be made to students suspended or dismissed from the university. Registration will be cancelled for students who are delinquent in their payments. No transcripts will be issued to students who have an outstanding balance or who have failed to pay off any indebtedness to the university.

Official Business Day

The university’s official business day, as defined for federal financial aid delivery purposes, is 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Central time.


Registration constitutes a financial contractual agreement between Doane University and the enrollee. If a student withdraws from Doane prior to the official beginning of a term, all tuition and fees are refunded. After the term begins, students who withdraw are refunded a portion of tuition and fees for all courses in which the student is enrolled on or after census day. (Census day is listed on the calendar as the last day for registration.) The amount of refund and the manner in which it is calculated depends on the student’s status at Doane.

Refunds are determined by the number of days that have passed from the official beginning of the term, using the following schedule:

Term Schedule

Eight Week Terms     One Week Flex  
0-census day: 100%   1 day 100%
day following census-15 days: 40%   2 day 40%
After 15 days: 0%   after 2nd meeting 0%

Semester Schedule - Graduate Education

Fall/Spring Semester         Summer Semester - One week Sessions  
0-census days: 100%   0% refund after first class  
census-21 days: 50%      
22-28 days: 25%   Summer Online  
29-35 days: 10%   0-7 days 25%
      after 8 days 0%

Tuition refunds are based on the published start and end dates of a semester and not on the day the first class is held.  The first class meeting may be later than the deadline for any tuition refund, depending on the Doane University calendar.

Refunds are generally based on the last documented date of attendance or the official withdrawal date.