Nov 21, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2018-19 CAS Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2018-19 CAS Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The Academic Program

Successful completion of the Doane Core Connections, an academic major, the general requirements, and the additional degree requirements qualifies students to receive a baccalaureate degree from Doane University. The bachelor of arts degree (BA) is the central degree at Doane University, but a student may opt for the bachelor of science (BS) degree if the following criteria are met:

  1. a major in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, engineering physics, environmental science, information systems, mathematics, physical science, physics, or science; or
  2. a total of four courses (a minimum of 12 credits) chosen from astronomy, biology, chemistry, environmental science, geography, geology, information science and technology (not including any course below IST 140 ), mathematics, physical science, or physics, in addition to the two courses required in the Mathematical Reasoning and Scientific Perspectives categories of the Doane Core Connections.


Requirements for the majors are specified in the “Programs of Instruction: Majors & Minors  and Courses of Instruction ” chapter. Major requirements must be met by following the catalog in effect during the student’s year of entry or subsequent terms of enrollment at Doane University.

Accounting   History  
Art   Information Systems  
Biochemistry  * Information Systems - Honors
Biology   Interdisciplinary Studies  
Business Administration   International Studies  
Chemistry   Law, Politics, and Society  
Computer Science   Mathematics  
Computer Science - Honors Media Communication  
Economics   Music  
Elementary Education   Philosophy  
Engineering   Physics  
Engineering Physics   Political Science  
English   Psychology  
English as a Second Language   Religious Studies  
English Language Arts   Science  
Environmental Science   Social Science  
Environmental Studies   Sociology  
Film and Media Production   Spanish  
French   Special Education  
German   Strategic Communication  
Graphic Design   Theatre  
Health and Human Performance    
Health and Society    
  See here  for Pre-Professional programs


A minor is not required for graduation. Students who choose to complete one or more minors must declare their choice(s) at the Registrar’s Office. Once declared, students must meet the requirements specified in the catalog in effect during their year of entry or subsequent terms of enrollment at Doane University.

Accounting   Graphic Design  
Agriculture and Natural Resources   German  
Art   History  
Asian Studies   Information Technology  
Biology   Leadership Studies  
Business Administration   Mathematics  
Chemistry   Media Communication  
Communication Minor   Ministry  
Computational Science   Music  
Computational Thinking   Philosophy  
Computer Studies   Physics  
Creative Writing   Political Science  
Economics   Psychology  
Engineering Minor   Religious Studies  
English   Software Development  
Entrepreneurship   Sociology  
Environmental Studies   Spanish  
Film and Media Production   Theatre  

Declaration of Major and Minor

In the fall semester of the sophomore year, students are asked to officially declare their major by filing the Declaration of Major form with the Registrar’s Office. (Students who sign the Four-year Guarantee may be required to declare their major earlier than the sophomore year.) Students may also declare a secondary major, minor(s), emphasis or endorsement. Students are encouraged to select an adviser in their area of study by obtaining permission of the new adviser and completing a change of adviser form. Transfer students entering at the junior or senior level declare their major during their first term at Doane. Once a student officially declares a major, minor, or emphasis, he/she must report any additions, deletions, or changes to the Registrar’s Office and fill out a Change of Major form.

Multiple Majors, Minors, Emphases, Endorsements

A student who chooses to complete more than one major, minor, emphasis, or endorsement may fulfill the requirements of each by using common courses, unless otherwise specified.

Student-Generated Major

The student-generated major enables a Doane student to design an interdisciplinary alternative to established majors. A petition co-signed by the student’s faculty adviser stating the objectives and listing specific courses to be included in the proposed major must be submitted to the chair of the Academic Affairs Committee. The petition is then reviewed by this committee and, if approved, constitutes the approved course of study to be followed by the student.

Student-generated majors are governed by the following stipulations:

  1. A proposal for a student-generated major must be presented to the Academic Affairs Committee chairperson no later than the third day after classes begin in the fall of the student’s junior year. This deadline must be met except in unusual extenuating circumstances.
  2. Students are required to include in their proposal:
    1. A statement of rationale for the student-generated major showing why this major is necessary rather than, or in addition to, a traditional major, and how the student-generated major will be useful in career planning.
    2. An assessment plan which includes at least two sources of data (e.g., portfolio, evidence from internships, etc.) to demonstrate how the student will meet the objectives.
    3. A list of courses completed to date, and those yet to be completed, for the student-generated major.
    4. A plan showing how the student-generated major can be completed in four years and, if it cannot be completed in that time, an expected completion date.
  3. After approval of the student-generated major by the Academic Affairs Committee, the student submits a copy of the major to the Assessment Committee.
  4. The student submits a final report to the Assessment Committee prior to the last month of the student’s final semester. The report must include a summary of the data gathered to measure the objectives.
  5. Requests for changes in a student-generated major at any point after its initial acceptance by the Academic Affairs Committee must be submitted to that committee for approval.
  6. The Registrar can approve changes to the Doane Core courses listed in the proposal.

Supplemental Course Offerings

In addition to regular courses offered in a particular term, the following options are also available:

Selected Topics courses (271, 371, 471) offer students an opportunity to investigate topics not covered in any other course and provide a procedure for faculty to pilot new courses. A selected topics course is not offered as an independent study but as a supplement to regular catalog courses and is listed on the schedule of classes with an assigned time and room. The faculty in the discipline must submit a proposal to the Academic Dean for approval to offer a selected topics course. Once it is approved, they must inform the Registrar of the course title and description.

Selected topics courses may be offered for 1-3 credits. (For courses which include a laboratory component, one additional credit may be added.) Generally a maximum of six credits of selected topics courses may be counted in the student’s major. Selected topics are repeatable for credit, provided the topic is different. Once a particular selected topics course has been offered during two consecutive years, it must be approved by the faculty as a regular catalog course before it can be offered again.

Directed Studies (290, 390, 490) offer an opportunity for supervised, independent study of a particular topic based on the interest of the student and the availability and approval of the faculty. Any discipline may choose to offer a directed study. Such courses are generally restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Directed studies may be offered for 1-3 credits. (For courses which include a laboratory component, one additional credit may be added.) Students must complete a directed study application form, secure the necessary signatures and submit the form to the Registrar’s Office. Directed studies are repeatable for credit, provided the topic is different.

Honors Courses (298, 398, 498) provide opportunities for enrichment and are offered to students who have demonstrated outstanding academic performance in a particular discipline. These opportunities may take several forms: reading projects, teaching and tutorial assistance in courses, or research and writing. Honors courses may be offered for 1-3 credits. (For courses which include a laboratory component, one additional credit may be added.) Students must complete an honors course application form and submit it to the Registrar.

A Tutorial Course is listed and described in the catalog and taught during a term in which the course is not scheduled to be offered. A special tutorial form from the Registrar’s Office must be filled out and permission from the Academic Dean granted before such a course may be taught.