Jan 13, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2013-14 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2013-14 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Special Programs and Opportunities

The Zenon C.R. Hansen Leadership Program

The Hansen Leadership Program (HLP) is the college’s comprehensive approach toward leadership development. Doane College believes that leadership skills are inherent within every person, and stresses the importance of principled leadership based on core values. These core values include: Inclusiveness, Empowerment, Service, Accountability, Proactive, and Integrity.

Leadership requires responsible action in people in every part of society, not those simply in positional leadership skills. HLP’s mission is to be the avenue through which strong character and leadership skills are cultivated by actively leading and serving others in order to impact all lives, now and in the future.

Students have the opportunity to participate in several components of the program, including:

  • Workshops, retreats, lectures and self-assessments
  • Service and volunteer opportunities
  • Progressive tracking of leadership development and campus involvement
  • Interactions with faculty, staff and alumni

For more information, contact the Student Leadership Office.

Doane College Honors Program

The Honors Program is designed to enrich, in a variety of ways, the educational experience of selected Doane students. Specialized, interdisciplinary, one-credit honors (HNR 302 ) seminars form the intellectual core of the program. One other important component of the Honors Program is a study abroad experience undertaken during the junior or senior year. The culminating experience is a collaborative research project carried out by all honors students during their final spring semester at Doane. Student initiative, creativity, and leadership are expected in all phases of the program.

Honors students must take an HNR 200  seminar during the spring semester of their first year and HNR 302  during three out of the following four on-campus semesters. During their final spring semester, all honors students must take HNR 402 , a collaborative research project.


All first-year students will be invited to apply for the Honors Program during their first fall semester at Doane College. Students must fill out an application and submit an essay. The selection process will take place during the fall semester. The new honors cohort will begin the Honors Program in the following spring semester.

Criteria for Admission

Students will be selected for entry into the Honors Program by the Honors Program Committee and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Talented students will be screened according to their academic potential, written and oral communication skills, accomplishments and talents, leadership, and commitment to academic excellence.

Criteria to Remain in the Honors Program

Once in the Honors Program, the student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.50. A student whose grade point average falls below 3.50 may appeal to the Honors Program Committee to continue in the program.

Criteria to Graduate from the Honors Program

In addition to the graduation requirements for all students, the Honors students must:

  1. Fulfill the requirements of the program as specified in the Honors Handbook.
  2. Have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.50.

If these criteria are met, an honors designation will appear on the student’s transcript after graduation.


  1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the global dimension of each theme studied.
  2. Students will produce a collaborative cross-discipline final project.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to participate in another culture.
  4. Students will demonstrate a commitment to intellectual endeavor as a lifelong learning goal.
  5. Students will show evidence of having completed an intellectually challenging curriculum.
  6. Students will demonstrate an appreciation of cultural and artistic performance.
  7. Students will develop a sense of social responsibility toward their community.
  8. Students will demonstrate leadership in academic endeavors, service learning and/or co-curricular activities.

For further information concerning the Honors Program at Doane College, contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the director of the Honors Program.

Pre-Professional Programs

Doane College does not offer majors in many of the pre-professional programs, but it does provide foundation courses for future study at other institutions. Students who are enrolled in pre-professional programs at Doane for two or three years and complete their Doane degree elsewhere must complete all Doane Plan courses prior to transferring and the interterm requirement as follows:

Transfer Credits Interterm Credits  
1-30 9 (6 ITM prefixed)  
31-60 6 (3 ITM prefixed)  
61-99 3 (3 ITM prefixed)  


Students may pursue an engineering degree at Doane by participating in the Doane College Dual Degree Program. This program allows students to earn two degrees: a B.A. or B.S. from Doane and a B.S. in engineering or applied science from an engineering school.

Students completing the three-year pre-professional program at Doane before transferring to the engineering school of their choice may graduate from Doane by successfully completing the first year of engineering school and all other Doane graduation requirements. Students maintaining a 3.0 GPA at Doane are guaranteed admission into affiliated programs at Columbia University and Washington University. Students also have the option of pursuing a graduate degree in engineering. Participants in the dual degree program can often complete the M.S. degree with one additional year of study at the engineering school.


Doane participates in a cooperative program run by the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. This program includes a 3-2 arrangement with Duke, which makes it possible for Doane students to enter the School of the Environment after completing three years at Doane. After two more years at Duke, a student may qualify for a baccalaureate degree from Doane and a master’s degree from the School of the Environment.

The Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences offers a Master of Forestry (M.F.) and a Master of Environmental Management (M.E.M.). The M.E.M. program offers several areas of emphasis, including Coastal Environmental Management, Environmental Economics and Policy, Water and Air Resources, Conservation Science and Policy, Ecosystem Science and Management, Environmental Health and Security, or Global Environmental Change.


The American Bar Association states that undergraduates can be admitted to law school from almost every academic discipline. Students are encouraged to pursue an area of study that develops research and writing skills, analytic/problem solving skills, critical reading abilities, and oral communication/ listening abilities.

Law School 3/3 Program with Accredited Law Schools, including the University of Nebraska Law School. Students may earn degrees from Doane College and an accredited law school in a 6-year period through the College’s law school 3/3 program. Students who are admitted to an accredited law school, including the University of Nebraska Law School, may receive a bachelor’s degree from Doane College if the student meets all graduation requirements of Doane College and successfully completes the first year of law school.

Except for the final 30 hours in residence, students must complete all Doane graduation requirements including the Doane Plan and the interterm requirement. Students must earn a major at Doane College or transfer approved coursework from the first year of law school to complete their major. The final 30 hours in residence will be waived for students completing the first full-year of law school in the 3/3 program. Students should consult with their major department early in their program of studies about the coursework which may be transferred to complete their major.

Medical, Dental and Allied Health

Doane offers pre-professional coursework in most medical areas. The most frequently requested of these programs are: Pre-Dentistry, Pre-Medical Technology, Pre-Medicine, Pre-Nursing, Pre-Optometry, Pre-Physician’s Assistant, Pre-Physical Therapy, and Pre-Occupational Therapy.

Doane students can complete their professional education in these allied health programs at medical institutions across the United States and may qualify for graduation from Doane by successfully completing the first year of an approved professional program, as well as all other Doane graduation requirements. For these students, the 30-hour residency requirement is waived.


The best preparation for a career in the Christian ministry is a four-year liberal arts course preparatory to graduate work at a seminary. Students interested in religious education or missionary work, as well as pre-ministerial students, can also prepare by taking specific courses in religion, philosophy, literature, history, social studies, music, and theatre.

Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Many students are interested in veterinary science, and Doane offers all pre-veterinary requirements for area veterinary schools and most schools nationwide.

Off-Campus and Study Abroad Options

Doane recognizes the importance of international education to a liberal arts education. The purpose of Doane College is to educate students to serve and lead in the state, nation, and the world. Doane students are encouraged to develop a global perspective by engaging in cross-cultural learning through study abroad. Doane is committed to educating students for global citizenship and providing first-hand opportunities for our students to develop a global perspective by:

  • Stimulating the quest for knowledge of global issues by integrating international perspectives into the curriculum
  • Providing greater exposure to different belief systems by connecting components of the learning experience beyond the classroom
  • Creating a campus environment which embraces local, national and global diversity
  • Providing opportunities for our students to hone their leadership skills through meaningful cross-cultural programs
  • Compelling students to challenge themselves through study abroad

Office of International Programs

The Office of International Programs is charged with administering and promoting programs and activities that provide international educational opportunities. Information about services provided by the office of International Programs may be obtained by contacting Janet Willems, Director of International Programs, at 402-826-8215.

The office on International Programs provides the following services:

  • International Student Advising
    The International Student Advising Center provides assistance for students with issues relating to immigration and the SEVIS system.
  • Study Abroad Advising
    The Study Abroad Advising Center provides assistance for students who wish to integrate study abroad into their academic program.
  • Faculty International Education Advisory Group
    A select group of faculty serves as an advisory group to the office.

Objectives for Study Abroad

Doane students generally apply to one semester or year-long program in order to enhance their liberal arts academic program. Students meet with their academic adviser and the study abroad adviser to determine which programs are most closely related to their educational and personal goals. Study abroad is a life-changing experience, and determining the appropriate program helps maximize the benefit of the study abroad experience. Students may choose a program to enhance their major, improve their ability in a foreign language, to gain a greater understanding of other academic subjects, or to experience life in another culture.

International programs are available in over 40 countries. Fluency in a foreign language is not required. Many programs provide instruction in English, while other programs provide instruction in a foreign language. Students interested in any of the following off-campus programs may obtain detailed information by contacting Janet Willems in the Office of International Programs.

Types of Programs

Study abroad programs provide the opportunity to deepen a liberal arts education and to expand skills related to a major, emphasis or area of interest. Programs may organize coursework around a specific major such as chemistry, biology or business, or around a common theme such as gender development, the complexities of globalization and development or environmental issues. Instruction relating to the host country is generally included upon arrival.

Programs may be operated by Doane faculty, U.S.-based organizations, institutions abroad, or a consortium of cooperating institutions. Programs vary widely, and may offer traditional classroom instruction, experiential learning, community service, independent study and internships.

Faculty Led Programs

Special short-term international study/travel courses are offered each year during interterm. Courses may take place in January during the interterm period, or in May and June following graduation. Faculty lead international travel courses and students earn academic credit. In recent years international interterm travel courses include trips to Africa, Australia, Belize, Brazil, Caribbean, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Scotland, Thailand, and the United Kingdom. All participants are expected to attend mandatory information sessions the semester before traveling abroad.

Featured Study Semester and Year-Long Abroad Programs

Doane is affiliated with programs throughout the world. For a complete list of programs in Africa, Asia, Australia, Central America, Europe, Middle East, North America, and South America, please visit the Office of International Programs.

Transfer Policy for Study Abroad Programs

Generally, courses taken abroad which earn a C- or better are recorded on the student’s transcript as “Pass” credit. (Grades below C- are not accepted.) If, however, the course is taken through an approved study abroad program in order to fulfill specific requirements of the French, German, or Spanish major, a letter grade is earned, and is recorded on the transcript as such.

Consortium Agreements

Council on International Educational Exchange

Through this program, students may study in a variety of programs worldwide, including Australia, Belgium, China, France, and Spain.

Central College

Doane’s affiliation with the International Studies Program of Central College provides options to study in Austria, China, England, France, Mexico, Spain, and Wales. General undergraduate studies are available at these universities, and intensive language study is available at most.

Doane Africa Semester Abroad

Students who choose to participate in the Doane Africa semester abroad are charged the tuition rate currently in effect at Doane. If there is an overseas institution involved, the institution is reimbursed by Doane. This policy is subject to change, based on the exchange rate and the costs of the host institution. If the cost of the overseas program exceeds normal Doane charges, the student is responsible for the additional costs. Students register at Doane for their courses, and grades are determined by the instructor responsible for the overseas study.

For the above agreements, Doane is billed by the host institution, which sets tuition and fees. The student is responsible for all charges.

Doane Exchanges

Through this program, students may study in a variety of programs at colleges and universities throughout the world. Visit the Office of International Programs for a list of current Doane Exchange Opportunities.

Goethe Institut

Located in Germany, this institute is devoted to teaching German as a foreign language. Courses at the Goethe Institut begin at the elementary level and progress through intermediate to an advanced level. Incoming students are assigned the appropriate level of study by completing a placement test. Comprehensive exams are given after each group of levels, and certificates and credits are awarded. Students register at Doane for the courses, with the amount of credit determined by the length of the course. Students are charged the tuition rate currently in effect at Doane, and the Goethe Institut is then reimbursed. This policy is subject to change, based on the exchange rate and the costs of attending the Goethe Institut.

International Studies Abroad

Doane’s affiliation with International Studies Abroad provides options to study in Europe, Latin America, and Asia.

International Student Exchange Program: ISEP-Direct

Through the ISEP-Direct network, Doane students may enroll in university coursework in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Australia.

Summers Abroad

Students who study abroad during the summer can use the travel scholarship as financial aid. Freshman and sophomore students may chose to participate in short-term summer study abroad in preparation for semester or year-long study abroad during their junior or senior years. Study abroad is an essential element of a well-rounded liberal arts education. Although summer study abroad is very different than a semester abroad experience, it can be an excellent alternative for students who cannot spend a semester off campus for academic, financial or extra-curricular reasons. Summer study abroad programs are available in a wide variety of academic subjects in over 30 countries. Students interested in summer study abroad may obtain detailed information by contacting Janet Willems in the Office of International Programs.

Off-Campus Enrollments 2012-13

Caitlin Baker, Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE), Perth Australia, Spring 2013

Nick Brudigan, International Studies Abroad (ISA), Granada, Spain, Fall 2012

Kristen Burgess, Goethe Institut, Germany, Summer 2012

Gentry Doane, International Studies Abroad (ISA), Granada & Malaga, Spain, Fall 2012; Goethe Institut, Freiburg & Munich, Germany, Spring 2013

Alyssa Hangman, International Studies Abroad (ISA), Granada, Spain, Fall 2012

Megan Hanna, Central College, Bangor Wales, Fall 2012

Andrew Karn, International Studies Abroad (ISA), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Fall 2012

Storm Mellick, International Studies Abroad (ISA), Malaga, Spain, Spring 2013

Cali Neuberger, Council on International Education Exchange (CIEE), Rennes, France, Fall 2012

Samantha Pointer, International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), Canberra, Australia, Fall 2012

Matthew Steffens, Goethe Institut, Dresden, Germany, Fall 2012

Michael Steffens, Goethe Institut, Schwabisch Hall, Germany, Fall 2012

Ashley Stehlick, International Studies Abroad (ISA),Buenos Aires, Argentina, Spring 2013

Lauren Weihe, International Studies Abroad (ISA), San Jose, Costa Rica, Fall 2012

Doane Semester in Africa Fall 2012

Kristen Burgess
Tanner Clark
Ashlee Correll
Emily Dittmer
Alisha Forbes
Emily Frease
Erin Garwood
Aileen Gelb
Jeffrey Hawken
Bailey Hirsch
Sydney Jumps
Amy Kellough
Hilary Messersmith
Nicholas Morgan
Lauren Soto
Jacob Wollam
Katie Zabel