Doane University’s 150th Year
Doane University Lincoln Campus’s 41th Year
Doane University Omaha Campus’s 9th Year
2022-23 Crete Campus Calendar
2021-22 Lincoln, Omaha and Online Calendar
2022-23 Lincoln, Omaha and Online Calendar
2021-22 16-Week Calendar - Crete Campus
FALL SEMESTER 2021 August 16 - December 11 21/FAL
12-15 Thurs-Sun New Student Orientation and Advising
15 Sunday Returning students Residence Hall move in
16 Monday FIRST DAY of FALL SEMESTER / Payment due date
19 Thursday Opening Convocation 11:00 a.m.
23 Monday Last day to drop/add a first 8-week session course
25 Wednesday Last day to add a semester long course
27 Friday Last day to drop a semester long course/Fall Census; Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 2)
6 Monday Labor Day – University CLOSED
17 Friday Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course (week 5)
2 Saturday Homecoming and Family Day
8 Friday Assessment work day for faculty
8-12 Fri-Tues Fall Break for students
11 Monday Second 8 week session starts
13 Wednesday MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
22 Friday Final day to withdraw from a course and receive a ‘W’. Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 10)
20-29 Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Spring 2022
5 Friday Final day to withdraw from the University without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s. (week 12)
24-26 Wed-Fri Thanksgiving Break – 11/25-26 University CLOSED
6-10 Mon-Fri FINAL EXAMS
11 Saturday DECEMBER COMMENCEMENT Ceremony Fuhrer Fieldhouse
15 Wednesday Fall Semester GRADES DUE by NOON
17 Friday Fall Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
SPRING SEMESTER 2022 January 10 - May 7 22/SPR
9 Sunday Residence Hall move in
10 Monday FIRST DAY of SPRING SEMESTER / Payment due date
17 Monday Last day to drop/add a first 8-week session course
19 Wednesday Last day to add a semester long course
21 Friday Last day to drop a semseter long course/Spring Census; Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 2)
11 Friday Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course (week 5)
4 Friday MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
7 Monday Second 8-week session starts
7-11 Mon-Fri Spring Break
16-25 Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Fall and Summer 2022
18 Friday Final day to withdraw from a course and receive a ‘W’. Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 10)
1 Friday Final day to withdraw from the University without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s. (week 12)
18 Monday Easter Break - NO CLASS
2-5 Mon-Thurs FINAL EXAMS
6 Friday Crete Campus SENIOR GRADES DUE
6 Friday Baccalaureate Service, President’s Concert, Honors Convocation
7 Saturday COMMENCEMENT – 2:30 p.m. Crete Campus Undergraduates
12 Thursday Spring Semester GRADES DUE by NOON
16 Monday Spring Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
2022-23 16-Week Calendar - Crete Campus
FALL SEMESTER 2022 August 22 - December 16 22/FAL
18-21 Thurs-Sun New Student Orientation and Advising
21 Sunday Returning students Residence Hall move in
22 Monday FIRST DAY of FALL SEMESTER / Payment due date
25 Thursday Opening Convocation 11:00 a.m.
29 Monday Last day to drop/add a first 8-week session course
31 Wednesday Last day to add a semester long course
2 Friday Last day to drop a semester long course/Fall Census; Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 2)
5 Monday Labor Day – University CLOSED
16 Friday Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course (week 5)
8 Saturday Homecoming and Family Day
14 Friday Assessment work day for faculty
14-18 Fri-Tues Fall Break for students
17 Monday Second 8 week session starts
19 Wednesday MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
28 Friday Final day to withdraw from a course and receive a ‘W’. Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 10)
26-11/4 Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Spring 2023
11 Friday Final day to withdraw from the University without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s. (week 12)
23-25 Wed-Fri Thanksgiving Break – 11/25-26 University CLOSED
12-16 Mon-Fri FINAL EXAMS
17 Saturday DECEMBER COMMENCEMENT Ceremony Fuhrer Fieldhouse
21 Wednesday Fall Semester GRADES DUE by NOON
23 Friday Fall Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
SPRING SEMESTER 2023 January 16 - May 11 23/SPR
13 Friday New Student Orientation
15 Sunday Returning students Residence Hall move in
16 Monday FIRST DAY of SPRING SEMESTER / Payment due date
23 Monday Last day to drop/add a first 8-week session course
25 Wednesday Last day to add a semester long course
27 Friday Last day to drop a semseter long course/Spring Census; Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 2)
10 Friday Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course (week 5)
10 Friday MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
13 Monday Second 8-week session starts
13-17 Mon-Fri Spring Break
22-31 Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Fall and Summer 2023
24 Friday Deadline to withdraw from a course receiving a “W”. Pass/Fail deadline for 8wk courses (week 10)
7 Friday Final day to withdraw from the University without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s. (week 12)
10 Monday Easter Break
8-11 Mon-Thurs FINAL EXAMS
12 Friday Residence Halls close at 9am
12 Friday Crete Campus SENIOR GRADES DUE
12 Friday Baccalaureate Service, President’s Concert, Honors Convocation
13 Saturday COMMENCEMENT – 2:30 p.m. Crete Campus Undergraduates
18 Thursday Spring Semester GRADES DUE by NOON
22 Monday Spring Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
2021-22 8-Week Calendar - Lincoln and Online
6 Tuesday Autumn Term schedule released
12 Monday Priority Registration begins for Autumn term
19 Monday Registration begins for Autumn term
5 Thursday Spring deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
6 Friday Summer term grades published to WebAdvisor
6 Friday at Noon Last day to add Autumn term
16 Monday Autumn Term Begins / Payment Due August 16 - October 9
23 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Autumn enrollments
30 Monday Winter I term schedule released
3 Friday Autumn term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
6 Monday NO CLASS MEETINGS - Labor Day
7 Tuesday Priority Registration begins for Winter I term
10 Friday Last day to withdraw from an Autumn course and receive a “W”
13 Monday Registration begins for Winter I term
1 Friday at Noon Last day to add Winter I term
5 Tuesday Summer deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
9 Saturday Autumn Term Ends
11 Monday Winter I Term Begins / Payment Due October 11 - December 11
15 Friday Autumn Term grades published to WebAdvisor
18 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Winter I enrollments
3 Wednesday Winter I term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
5 Friday Last day to withdraw from a WIN1 course and receive a “W”
15 Monday Winter Flex/Winter II term schedule released
24-26 Wed-Fri NO CLASS MEETINGS - Thanksgiving weekend
29 Monday Priority Registration begins for Winter Flex/Winter II term
6 Monday Registration begins for Winter Flex/Winter II term
11 Saturday Winter I Term Ends
17 Friday Winter I Term grades published to WebAdvisor
23 Thursday Last day to drop or add Winter Flex enrollments/ Last day to add Winter II term
The Doane Offices will be CLOSED December 24 through January 1
2-8 Sun-Sat Winter Flex Term
5 Wednesday Autumn deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
10 Monday Winter II Term Begins / Payment Due January 10 - March 5
17 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Winter II enrollments
31 Monday Spring term schedule released
4 Friday Last day to withdraw from a WIN2 course and receive a “W”
5 Saturday Winter II term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
7 Monday Priority Registration begins for Spring term
14 Monday Registration begins for Spring term
25 Friday at Noon Last day to add Spring term
5 Saturday Winter I deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
5 Saturday Winter II Term Ends
7 Monday Spring Term Begins / Payment Due March 7 - May 7
11 Friday Winter Flex/Winter II Term grades published to WebAdvisor
14 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Spring Term enrollments
30 Wednesday Spring term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
1 Friday Last day to withdraw from a Spring course and receive a “W”
11 Monday Summer and Summer Flex Term schedules released
18 Monday Priority Registration begins for Summer and Summer Flex Terms
25 Monday Registration begins for Summer and Summer Flex Terms
7 Saturday Spring Term Ends
13 Friday Spring Term grades published to WebAdvisor
13 Friday at Noon Last day to add Summer term
23 Monday Summer Term Begins / Payment Due May 23 - July 23
30 Monday NO CLASS MEETINGS - Memorial Day
31 Tuesday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Summer & Summer Flex enrollments
5 Sunday Winter II deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
13 Monday Summer term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
17 Friday Last day to withdraw from a Summer course and receive a “W”
4 Monday NO CLASS MEETINGS - Fourth of July
5 Tuesday Autumn Term schedule released
11 Monday Priority Registration begins for Autumn Term
18 Monday Registration begins for Autumn Term
23 Saturday Summer Term Ends
24-30 Sun-Sat Summer Flex Term
5 Friday Spring deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
5 Friday Summer & Summer Flex Term grades published to WebAdvisor
2022-23 8-Week Calendar - Lincoln and Online
11 Monday Autumn Term schedule released
18 Monday Priority Registration begins for Autumn term
25 Monday Registration begins for Autumn term
5 Friday Spring deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
5 Friday Summer term grades published to WebAdvisor
17 Wednesday Last day to add Autumn term
22 Monday Autumn Term Begins / Payment Due
29 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Autumn enrollments
5 Monday NO CLASS MEETINGS - Labor Day
6 Tuesday Winter I term schedule released
12 Monday Autumn term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
12 Monday Priority Registration begins for Winter I term
16 Friday Last day to withdraw from an Autumn course and receive a “W”
19 Monday Registration begins for Winter I term
5 Wednesday Summer deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
12 Wednesday Last day to add Winter I term
15 Saturday Autumn Term Ends
17 Monday Winter I Term Begins / Payment Due
21 Friday Autumn Term grades published to WebAdvisor
24 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Winter I enrollments
9 Wednesday Winter I term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
11 Friday Last day to withdraw from a WIN1 course and receive a “W”
21 Monday Winter Flex/Winter II term schedule released
23-25 Wed-Fri NO CLASS MEETINGS - Thanksgiving weekend
5 Monday Priority Registration begins for Winter Flex/Winter II term
12 Monday Registration begins for Winter Flex/Winter II term
17 Saturday Winter I Term Ends
23 Friday Winter I Term grades published to WebAdvisor
The Doane Offices will be CLOSED December 24 through January 2
5 Thursday Autumn deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
6 Friday Last day to drop or add Winter Flex enrollments
11 Wednesday Last day to add Winter II term
8-14 Sun-Sat Winter Flex Term
16 Monday Winter II Term Begins / Payment Due
23 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Winter II enrollments
6 Monday Spring term schedule released
10 Friday Last day to withdraw from a WIN2 course and receive a “W”
11 Sunday Winter II term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
13 Monday Priority Registration begins for Spring term
20 Monday Registration begins for Spring term
5 Friday Winter I deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
8 Wednesday Last day to add Spring term
11 Saturday Winter II Term Ends
13 Monday Spring Term Begins / Payment Due
17 Friday Winter Flex/Winter II Term grades published to WebAdvisor
20 Monday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Spring Term enrollments
5 Wednesday Spring term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
7 Friday Last day to withdraw from a Spring course and receive a “W”
17 Monday Summer and Summer Flex Term schedules released
24 Monday Priority Registration begins for Summer and Summer Flex Terms
1 Monday Registration begins for Summer and Summer Flex Terms
13 Saturday Spring Term Ends
13 Saturday SPRING COMMENCEMENT Ceremony
17 Wednesday Last day to add Summer term
19 Friday Spring Term grades published to WebAdvisor
22 Monday Summer Term Begins / Payment Due
29 Monday NO CLASS MEETINGS - Memorial Day
30 Tuesday CENSUS DAY - Last day to drop Summer & Summer Flex enrollments
5 Monday Winter II deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
12 Monday Summer term Financial Aid refund checks mailed/direct deposited to students
16 Friday Last day to withdraw from a Summer course and receive a “W”
3 Monday Autumn Term schedule released
4 Tuesday NO CLASS MEETINGS - Fourth of July
10 Monday Priority Registration begins for Autumn Term
17 Monday Registration begins for Autumn Term
22 Saturday Summer Term Ends
23-29 Sun-Sat Summer Flex Term
4 Friday Spring deferred Employer Reimbursement Due Date
4 Friday Summer & Summer Flex Term grades published to WebAdvisor