Feb 19, 2025  
2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog

The Academic Program

The Academic Program

Successful completion of the Doane Core Connections, an academic major, the general requirements, and the additional degree requirements qualifies students to receive a baccalaureate degree from Doane University. Doane offers two degrees: a bachelor of arts, a bachelor of science. The bachelor of arts degree (BA) is the central degree at Doane University, but a student may opt for the bachelor of science (BS) degree if the following criteria are met:

  1. a major in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computing, engineering, engineering physics, environmental science, health sciences, mathematics, physical science, physics, or science; or
  2. a total of four courses (a minimum of 12 credits) chosen from astronomy, biology, chemistry, environmental science, geography, geology, (not including any course below CMP 140 ), mathematics, physical science, or physics, in addition to the two courses required in the Mathematical Reasoning and Scientific Perspectives categories of the Doane Core Connections Foundational Areas of Knowledge.

Majors and Minors

Requirements for the majors are specified in the ”Programs of Instruction: Majors & Minors ” and “Courses of Instruction ” chapters. Major requirements must be met by following the catalog in effect during the student’s year of entry or subsequent terms of enrollment at Doane University.

College of Arts & Sciences 

College of Business

College of Education

​Graduation Stipulations

  1. Completion of a minimum of 123 credits, with a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or above. NOTE: Students who take DLC 090  or DSS 090  are required to complete a minimum of 126 credits.
  2. Completion of an academic major in which the grade point average is 2.00 or above in all major coursework including cognates, which may be outside the students primary discipline.
  3. Completion of an optional minor or additional major(s) or minor(s) also requires a grade point average in that major or minor of 2.00 or above.
  4. The following credit maximums apply toward graduation:
    • A total of 48 credits in the major prefix discipline with these exceptions: 59 credits in the music major, public school music emphasis; 52 credits in the art major, public school art emphasis; 55 credits in the art major, professional emphasis; and 60 credits in the information systems and technology major.
      NOTE: The 48-credit limit does not apply to the interdisciplinary majors.
    • A total of four physical education credits in PED 101  and PED 104 .
    • Six semester credits of technical electives or activity electives. These credits may be awarded in transfer for those courses which are not taught at a traditional four-year liberal arts college. If a student has completed a professional competency (i.e., an associate degree, diploma, or certificate in a particular technical competency from a two-year school, community college, or approved proprietary school), the six-credit maximum does not apply. Within the six-credit limit, the following courses in transfer may also be used: intercollegiate sports and journalistic and forensic activities.
  5. Students who have been full-time students at Doane for at least two terms (excluding summer session) and are in good academic standing may earn internship credit through work experience. A maximum of 12 combined internship credits may count toward graduation.
  6. The last 30 credits immediately preceding graduation will normally be in residence.
  7. Requirements for a major or minor must be met by following a catalog in effect during the student’s year of entry or a subsequent term of enrollment at Doane University.
  8. Any course added to a Doane Core Connection category may be used as an additional option for that category, regardless of the catalog of entry.
  9. A student who chooses to complete more than one major, minor, emphasis, or endorsement may fulfill the requirements of each by using common courses, unless otherwise specified.
  10. A student can not declare a minor in the same discipline as their major (example a History major can not also declare a History minor).
  11. A course used to fulfill a requirement for the Doane Core Connections may also be used to fulfill a requirement for a major, minor, emphasis, or endorsement, unless otherwise specified.
  12. Each student is responsible for making certain all degree requirements are met. Advisors or faculty advisors, student advising guides, and the program evaluations available on SelfService help students monitor their progress toward graduation.
  13. Graduation requirements are reviewed on a case-by-case basis for students who return to Doane after an extended absence.
  14. All other academic policies and regulations as stated in this catalog must be followed.

Multiple Majors, Minors, Emphases, Endorsements

A student who chooses to complete more than one major, minor, emphasis, or endorsement may fulfill the requirements of each by using common courses, unless otherwise specified.

Supplemental Course Offerings

In addition to regular courses offered in a particular term, the following options are also available.

Directed Studies (290, 390, 490) offer an opportunity for supervised, independent study of a particular topic based on the interest of the student and the availability and approval of the faculty. Any discipline may choose to offer a directed study. Such courses are generally restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Directed studies may be offered for 1-3 credits. (For courses which include a laboratory component, one additional credit may be added.) Courses are letter graded. Students must complete a directed study application form, secure the necessary signatures, and submit the form to the Registrar’s Office. Directed studies are repeatable for credit, provided the topic is different.

Internship Courses (421) In this course, students plan a supervised internship experience for which they may earn academic credit. An internship is work experience offered by a business or organization for a limited period of time. Internships provide students with an opportunity to explore career interests while applying knowledge and skills learned in their courses. Internships also help develop an understanding of general workplace practices while gaining valuable professional experience and establishing networks.

Internships may be taken for 1 to 12 credit hours with a maximum of 12 credits that can be applied to graduation. If a student is completing an internship at an organization where a family member is employed, someone other than the family member must approve time and complete the intern evaluations. Students on the Crete campus who are completing this course over the summer may register up to 6 credits in the fall semester immediately following. 

Students interested in completing an internship for credit should discuss requirements and degree implications with their advisor. Once a student has secured an internship position, students should contact Career, Leadership, & Service (career@doane.edu) to complete the approval process. If students need assistance finding or securing an internship opportunity, please also contact Career, Leadership, & Service.

Prerequisites:​ CED 205   (or BIO 202  , EDU 415  , EGR 101  , EVS 351  , PSY 245  ). Approval from Career, Leadership and Service

Selected Topics courses (271, 371, 471) offer students an opportunity to investigate topics not covered in any other course and provide a procedure for faculty to pilot new courses. A selected topics course is not offered as an independent study but as a supplement to regular catalog courses and is listed on the schedule of classes with an assigned time and room. The faculty in the discipline must submit a proposal to the Academic Dean for approval to offer a selected topics course. Once it is approved, they must inform the Registrar of the course title and description.

Selected topics courses may be offered for 1-3 credits. (For courses which include a laboratory component, one additional credit may be added.) Generally a maximum of six credits of selected topics courses may be counted in the student’s major. Selected topics are repeatable for credit, provided the topic is different. Once a particular selected topics course has been offered during two consecutive years, it must be approved by the faculty as a regular catalog course before it can be offered again.

A Tutorial Course is listed and described in the catalog and taught during a term in which the course is not scheduled to be offered. A special tutorial form from the Registrar’s Office must be filled out and permission from the Academic Dean granted before such a course may be taught.