Section 3.01 Campus Solicitation
Students have the right to assume that they will not be subject to undue intrusions upon their privacy. In order to minimize intrusions, the following guidelines govern contacts by off-campus individuals or organizations with the College community.
- The college does not distribute lists of student names to sales representatives or solicitors.
- There will be no door-to-door solicitation by sales representatives, fund-raisers or other persons engaged in similar activities in any of the residence halls. Persons invited to conduct business with a student in his/her private room may come on campus to meet only with the student who requested The appointment. Students are encouraged to meet individuals in Perry Campus Center and not in residence halls.
- Solicitation will generally be limited to Perry Campus Center, but on occasion may be permitted in the common areas of the traditional residence halls.
- Solicitors must receive prior approval of the product, time and place by the Student Leadership Office.
- Groups or organizations that are designing graphics for t-shirts or clothing with the intent to sell them to the student body need to have their design approved by the VP for Student Leadership as well as the Director of the Office of Communications and Marketing prior to advertising their product.
- Solicitation on campus by student organizations requires permission from the Vice President for Student Leadership. Door-to-door solicitation in the living units is generally prohibited. The Athletic Director must approve solicitation at athletic events.
- Students may not utilize campus facilities for the purpose of running or promoting businesses that compete with campus retailers. (example: Bookstore - books)
Advertising and Posting Policies
The goal of our policies is twofold. First, that posted materials are easy to read and presented in an appropriate manner. Second is that the doors, windows and walls of our facilities are kept free of clutter and are attractive.
- Flyers and posters should only be placed on existing bulletin boards, kiosks and other designated posting areas. No flyers should be placed on doors, windows or painted surfaces. Under this policy, advertising is limited to the Perry Campus Center and the residence halls.
- Any publicity (flyers, posters, etc.) must be approved by the Senior Director of Housing for posting in the residence halls. Hall Councils, working with the Resident Directors, will determine the posting areas for their individual halls. For the Perry Campus Center, the Student Leadership Office must approve all publicity. The approval process includes publicity receiving the appropriate stamp from the Student Leadership Office. It is recommended that groups receive approval for their flyer prior to making copies because each copy must show the stamp. Flyers from Greek organizations must also have the approval of the Greek Adviser.
- The individuals or groups that post flyers are responsible for removing them immediately following the activity.
- References to and/or pictures of alcoholic beverages or alcohol-related events or suggestive gestures, etc. may not be used explicitly or implicitly.
- Only Doane students and recognized campus organizations are eligible to post on campus, with the following exception: Groups outside of Doane College may submit one poster or flyer for posting in the Perry Campus Center. The group must have the publicity approved (stamped) by the Student Leadership Office. Outside group publicity must abide by the guidelines in policy.
Failure to follow these guidelines may result in the removal of advertising privileges. In addition, advertising that is posted without approval, will be removed and may not be returned.
Section 3.02 Motor Vehicle Policies
- Registration
- Registration of student’s vehicles at Doane College is free. However, it is a privilege. Parking registration authorizes student to park at Doane in designated areas. Students who repeatedly fail to comply with parking policies will have the privilege revoked. This may include removal of upper-classmen parking privileges and reduction to first-year parking status. Students are encouraged to park their vehicle in an approved location and walk to classes and events as much as possible. Parking in an unapproved area, regardless of the reason will result in punitive actions.
- All Doane students who operate and/or park any motor vehicle on campus are required to register their vehicle within 24 hours after the vehicle is brought to campus. This includes students who reside off campus as commuters. Failure to do so will result in a fine, towing or a ban from parking on campus.
- To register your vehicle, bring your current vehicle registration and proof of insurance to the Doane Safety Office. This registration and insurance will be used to record the model and make of the vehicle and the license plate number, along with insurance information in case of emergency. No vehicle will be registered without a current vehicle registration and insurance, and registrations are non-transferable.
- Parking Stickers
- Stickers are based on class standing at the start of the semester. Upperclassmen (orange stickers) are given out to students who are noted as sophomores, juniors or seniors in the registrar’s office and are based on credit hours. The college can make exceptions to this policy (for example honors program students in the Spring semester).
- You must have a current registration sticker for parking on the Doane campus. Parking stickers should be placed on the outside of the rear window in the lower right hand corner (opposite the driver’s side). Parking permits cannot be taped and must be fully affixed to the window. Permits are also required for motorcycles.
- Temporary parking permits are available for fixed periods of time. The same procedure is used to register these vehicles. Students may apply for a special parking permit for restricted areas in cases where an exception is warranted.
- Unauthorized use of a sticker will carry a minimum of a $100 fine. In addition, a first-year student found guilty of using an upperclassman sticker may also be required to park for a minimum of one semester in general parking during the following academic year.
- Repeated violation of parking policy will result in the loss of upper classmen permit or the privilege of parking on-campus.
- Parking Areas
Doane has five (5) types of student parking available:
- Upperclassman Lots - ORANGE SIGNS: These lots are open to residential sophomores, juniors and seniors only. Upperclassmen can also park in first-year student parking. These lots are not open to first-year or commuter students.
- First-Year Student Lots - GREEN SIGNS: These lots are open to residential first-year students.
- Commuter - PURPLE SIGNS/GUEST: Students who live off campus may park in the following areas: Fuhrer Fieldhouse, marked area in Haddix, and The Den.
- Motorcycle Parking - Students who have a motorcycle on campus must park in designated motorcycle parking areas. Please see parking map on our Web site for details. Motorcycles must be registered at the Doane Safety Office, and you must have a valid motorcycle license and proof of insurance to register. Motorcycles parking outside of designated areas are subject to ticketing and tow per normal vehicle parking regulations.
- General Parking Lots (Overflow) - Designated overflow parking areas are the Fuhrer Fieldhouse and east Hansen Hall parking lot These are areas that upperclassmen, first- year, and commuter students can all park when other parking lots are full or not available. If you need an escort from these parking lots to your residence hall or academic building, call the Safety Office at 402.826.8669, 24/7.
- Restricted Parking
- Restricted Lots - These lots are restricted for use by faculty, staff, visitors and special permit students. These areas include Communications, semi-circle drive through Gaylord, Con, and Padour Walker, diagonal spaces on Boswell Avenue West of Padour Walker and the circle drive between Padour Walker and Chab Weyers Education and Hixson Lied Art buildings. Restricted lots are not available to students without a special permit between the hours of 6 am through 6 pm, Monday - Friday.
- RA/RD and Facilities Services parking spaces are for the use of each respective Doane staff member only. Students who are in violation are subject to ticket, towing or both.
- Parking violations that may result in towing include, but aren’t limited to:
- Failure to display a valid parking permit in the appropriate location on the vehicle.
- Parking in restricted lots without appropriate permit.
- Parking in an RA/RD or Facilities Services Space.
- Failure to park between the lines marking parking stalls.
- Parking against the direction of traffic.
- Parking on lawns, in driveways, in no parking areas, by yellow curbs, in front of garbage pick-up areas, in handicapped only spaces (without a handicapped permit) or other unauthorized areas.
- Unauthorized use and/or failure to use a parking sticker will result in tickets, towing or a ban from campus parking. Tickets can still be added to the student account of students who do not register their vehicle. The college tracks all tickets written, even on non-registered vehicle. This means you could receive dozens of ticket charges all at once if we finally determine who owns the vehicle.
- One-way violation. All community members must follow the posted parking signs. This includes one-way signs.
- Speeding. The campus speed limit is 15 mph.
- Reckless Driving is not permitted on campus and will result in tickets or a ban from campus parking.
Students will be held responsible for tow charges even if they appear prior to the arrival of the tow truck. Doane also owns a vehicle boot and will boot cars parked illegally. To get a vehicle released from the boot requires a $25payment. If your vehicle is booted, please contact the Doane Safety Office.
Parking fines will be added to student’s account 5 days following issue of the ticket. Tickets may be appealed, with good reason, to the Doane Safety Office within five days from the date the ticket was issued. After five days, appeals will not be considered.
- Driving Regulations
- Motor vehicles driven on campus must be operated within the campus’ speed limit of 15 miles per hour. This includes any/all directional postings (one-way streets). Violations for speeding will be given out at the Safety Office’s discretion.
- Vehicles must not be driven on campus sidewalks or grass. Failure to abide by this regulation will result in a minimum fine of $100 and 10 hours of work, and/or compensation to the school for any damages.
- Passengers may not ride in the back of trucks on Doane campus property.
- Golf carts and Cushman’s operated on Doane property must operate at 5 miles per hour when driving on Doane sidewalks and grounds. Drivers of these vehicles must pull to the side and stop to allow pedestrian traffic to pass safely. Reckless or excessive speed driving will result in the immediate confiscation of the vehicle keys and a report to the office or department the student is working for. The student may also be subject to judicial action.
- Important Notes:
- Parking regulations are in continuous effect 24 hours-7 days a week. (This includes breaks and vacations.)
- Cars blocking access to trash containers, driveways, or other vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense. Once the College has requested a tow truck because of parking violations, the owner/operator of the vehicle is responsible for any cost incurred.
- Students must move their vehicles to the Field house parking lot when leaving campus for more than 24 hours. Vehicles that are not moved immediately when requested by the College because the student is “off-campus” will be subject to towing (example: snow removal). Vehicles cannot be left abandoned in any campus parking lot over the summer.
- An accumulation of six tickets in a semester will result in disciplinary action in addition to the fine. Sanctions typically include restricted parking and may result in denial of on-campus parking or towing/booting the vehicle in lieu of issuing another ticket. Towing and/or booting the vehicle will be at the student’s expense. Should your car be towed or booted, please contact the Doane Safety Office.
- Vehicles may be ticketed 1 time per shift. Shifts are 7 am until 3 pm, 3 pm until 11 pm, and 11 pm until 7 am. However, if the vehicle moves to another location during the shift, or is involved in a subsequent violation, the college may issue as many tickets as necessary to address the situation.
- Failure to comply with parking regulations will result in parking tickets, vehicle booting, and/or towing of the vehicle. The Doane Safety Office will ticket parking violations. Vehicles that have more than 6 parking tickets will be placed on a tow list, owner warned via letter in mailbox and e-mail, then vehicle will be towed on next violation. The college may also decide to downgrade a student parking permit. An upper-class residential student with an “orange” sticker maybe downgraded to a “green” sticker and restricted to those lots if they repetitively violation parking policy.
- The City of Crete limits parking on Boswell Avenue, 13th Street and other residential streets to 24 hours. They do ticket! Doane neighbors become agitated by students who repetitively park in front of their homes for long periods of time.
Section 3.03 Gathering Policy (Party Policy)
A gathering or party is defined at Doane College by the actions and activities that draw attention to it. Students that utilize college residential facilities to host parties are subject to disciplinary action including removal from housing. In the event of illegal activities (such as minors consuming alcohol or procurement to a minor) is suspected, local law enforcement may be notified. The following are potential identifiers of gatherings or parties that the Residence Life Staff looks for to articulate a violation of policy.
This is not an all-inclusive list and not all listed identifiers must be occurring at once to indicate a violation of policy:
- Excessive noise (music, voices) heard coming from any room, suite, or quad that is disruptive to the peace of the Residence hall.
- Noise complaints from other building residents.
- People and students gathering outside of balconies, rooms, lounges, or suites.
- Student numbers exceeding the room capacity size (set by Doane College and the Fire Marshal) seen entering a room, suite, or quad.
- Damages, vandalism, and other disruptive incidents that indicate the assigned residents do not have control of their room, lounge or suite (including incidents that occur on balconies or nearby after guests leave).
- Main doors left open due to the amount of people entering and leaving.
- Excessive time taken to locate a resident of the room, suite, or quad when Residence Life Staff attempts to make contact with the room’s residents.
Butler Gym Gatherings: (with alcohol)
The following guidelines and policies for social gatherings with alcohol on the Doane College campus provide a framework in which to define when gatherings can occur, where they can take place, who can attend gatherings and what is expected of both guests and sponsoring groups or individuals. These guidelines help Doane College meet several goals, including more effective enforcement of the student conduct code, the support of an atmosphere that actively discourages underage and binge drinking and a focus on our residence halls as living/learning communities.
- Social gatherings can be scheduled on select Friday or Saturday evenings throughout the school year. Dates are available on a first come, first serve basis and must be scheduled at least 14 days in advance through the Events office. The Associate Dean of Student Leadership must approve all Butler gathering requests. To ensure the necessary paperwork and training has been completed. All gatherings will take place in Butler Gym.
- Gatherings will begin at 9 pm and will peacefully end and disband at 1 am. All campus quiet hours begin at 1 am on Saturday and Sunday.
- Only current Doane College students are allowed to attend Butler Gym Gatherings.
- The host for the party must be 21 years of age, be present the entire gathering and not consume alcohol prior to or during the gathering. There must be 6 other students to support the party. Each must be sober and available throughout the party as noted on the gathering registration form. A complete list of their responsibilities is found on the registration forms available in the Residence Life.
- All alcohol available at the party must be supplied by a 3rd party vendor with an alcohol license. The vendor needs at least 14 days of notice so they can obtain a catering license. The vendor will be required to check licenses and band all “of age” students.
- Gathering organizers are responsible for their attendees at all times. If an attendee draws negative/inappropriate attention to him/herself, the organizers will be held responsible for those actions if they don’t take action on the attendee and will be subject to judicial review and disciplinary actions.
- Social gatherings that fail to observe the regulations above, and those on the gathering registration form will be closed down and the individuals participating will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.
- Butler gathering that result in disturbances (in the residence halls or on campus) afterwards that show signs the participants attended the gathering can be cancelled for future years and the organizers held responsible.
Section 3.04 Hazing
Hazing in any form is strictly prohibited. This refers to any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally, whether on- or off-campus premises, endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student. Such activities and situations include, but are not limited to, paddling in any form, creating excessive fatigue, forced consumption of any substance (such as food, beverages, tobacco, alcohol), forced road trips, kidnapping, morally degrading games or stunts, or other activities prohibited by law or college policy. Individuals, organizations, or athletic teams in violation of the hazing policy are subject to action by the administration and/or the Greek Council. Nebraska State Law § 28-311: Hazing shall mean any activity by which a person intentionally or recklessly endangers the physical or mental health or safety of an individual for the purpose of initiation into, admission into, affiliation with, or continued membership with any organization as defined in subdivision (1)(b) of this section. Such hazing activity shall include whipping, beating, branding, forced and prolonged calisthenics, prolonged exposure to the elements, forced consumption of any food, liquor, beverage, drug, or harmful substance not generally intended for human consumption, prolonged sleep deprivation, or any brutal treatment or the performance of any unlawful act which endangers the physical or mental health or safety of any person.