FALL SEMESTER 2014 14/FAL August 25 - December 12
Aug. 21 - 22 Th-F…. New Student Orientation and Advising
25 Monday……. FIRST DAY of FALL SEMESTER classes
28 Thursday….. Opening Convocation 11:00 a.m.
Sep. 1 Monday……… Labor Day - College CLOSED
3 Wednesday… Last day to add a course
5 Friday………… Last day to drop a course/Fall Census
19 Friday………. Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course
Oct. 4 Saturday…….. Homecoming and Family Day
13 - 14 M-Tu…. Fall Break
15 Wednesday MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
28 Tuesday…… Final day to withdraw from a course and receive a “W”
29 - 11/7……….. Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Spring and Summer 2015
Nov. 11 Tuesday…… Final day to withdraw from the college without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s.
26 - 28 W-F….. Thanksgiving Break - 11/27-28 College CLOSED
Dec. 8 - 12 M-F…….. FINAL EXAMS
14 Sunday…….. COMMENCEMENT - 1 p.m.
17 Wednesday. Fall Semester GRADES DUE by noon
19 Friday………. Fall Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
SPRING SEMESTER 2015 15/SPR January 20 - May 7
28 Wednesday. Last day to add a course
30 Friday………. Last day to drop a course/Spring Census
Feb. 13 Friday………. Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course
Mar. 9 - 13 M-F…….. Spring Break MID-TERM GRADES DUE at 4:00 p.m.
16 Monday……. MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
25 - 4/3. ……….. Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Fall 2015
27 Friday………. Final day to withdraw from a course and receive a “W”
Apr. 10 Friday………. Final day to withdraw from the college without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s.
May 4 - 7 M-Th…….. FINAL EXAMS
8 Friday ……….. SENIOR GRADES DUE
9 Saturday…….. Baccalaureate Service 10:30 a.m.
10 Sunday…….. COMMENCEMENT - 10 a.m. Lincoln/Grand Island Undergraduate and Graduate
COMMENCEMENT - 2:30 p.m. Crete Undergraduate
14 Thursday….. Spring Semester GRADES DUE by noon
18 Monday……. Spring Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
SUMMER 2015 15/SUM On-Campus: May 11 - May 29 Online: May 25 - July 25
May. 11 Monday……. FIRST DAY of ON-CAMPUS SUMMER courses
13 Wednesday. Last day to drop/add an on-campus course
14 Thursday….. Deadline for juniors/seniors to declare an on-campus course Pass/Fail
15 Friday………. Last day to withdraw from an on-campus course with a “W”
22 Friday Last day to add an online course
25 Monday……. FIRST DAY of ONLINE SUMMER Courses
Memorial Day Holiday - College CLOSED
29 Friday………. Last day of on-campus courses
Jun. 2 Tuesday…….. Last day to drop an online course; 15/SUM Census
5 Friday………… Deadline for juniors/seniors to declare an online course Pass/Fail
19 Friday………. Last day to withdraw from an online course and receive a “W”
July 3 Friday………… Fourth of July Holiday Observed - College CLOSED
25 Saturday…… Last day of online courses
Aug 11 Tuesday…… SUMMER GRADES DUE by noon
14 Friday………. Summer grades available on WebAdvisor
FALL SEMESTER 2015 15/FAL August 24 - December 11
Aug. 20 - 21 Th-F…. New Student Orientation and Advising
24 Monday……. FIRST DAY of FALL SEMESTER classes
27 Thursday….. Opening Convocation 11:00 a.m.
Sep. 2 Wednesday… Last day to add a course
4 Friday………… Last day to drop a course/Fall Census
7 Monday……… Labor Day - College CLOSED
18 Friday………. Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course
Oct. 10 Saturday…… Homecoming and Family Day
12 Monday ……. MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
19-20 M-Tu…… Fall Break
27 Tuesday…… Final day to withdraw from a course and receive a “W”
28 - 11/6……….. Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Spring and Summer 2016
Nov. 10 Tuesday…… Final day to withdraw from the college without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s.
25 - 27 W-F……. Thanksgiving Break - 11/26-27 College CLOSED
Dec. 7 - 11 M-F…….. FINAL EXAMS
13 Sunday…….. COMMENCEMENT - 1 p.m.
16 Wednesday. Fall Semester GRADES DUE by noon
18 Friday………. Fall Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
SPRING SEMESTER 2016 16/SPR January 19 - May 5
27 Wednesday. Last day to add a course
29 Friday………. Last day to drop a course/Spring Census
Feb. 12 Friday………. Final day for juniors and seniors to declare a Pass-Fail course
Mar. 7 - 11 M-F…….. Spring Break MID-TERM GRADES DUE at 4:00 p.m.
14 Monday……. MID-TERM GRADES DUE by NOON and available on WebAdvisor
23 - 4/1. ……….. Student REGISTRATION and ADVISING for Fall 2016
25 Friday………. Final day to withdraw from a course and receive a “W”
Apr. 8 Friday………… Final day to withdraw from the college without grade responsibility. Grades received are W’s.
May 2 - 5 M-Th…….. FINAL EXAMS
6 Friday ……….. SENIOR GRADES DUE
7 Saturday…….. Baccalaureate Service
8 Sunday………. COMMENCEMENT - 10 a.m. Lincoln/Grand Island Undergraduate and Graduate
COMMENCEMENT - 2:30 p.m. Crete Undergraduate
12 Thursday….. Spring Semester GRADES DUE by noon
16 Monday……. Spring Semester grades available on WebAdvisor
SUMMER 2016 16/SUM On-Campus: May 9 - May 27 Online: May 23 - July 23
May. 9 Monday……… FIRST DAY of SUMMER classes
11 Wednesday. Last day to drop/add an on-campus course
12 Thursday….. Deadline for juniors/seniors to declare an on-campus course Pass/Fail
13 Friday………. Last day to withdraw from an on-campus course with a “W”
20 Friday………. Last day to add an online course
23 Monday……. FIRST DAY of ONLINE SUMMER Courses
27 Friday………. Last day of on-campus courses
30 Monday……. Memorial Day Holiday - College CLOSED
Jun. 3 Friday………… Deadline for juniors/seniors to declare an online course Pass/Fail
17 Friday………. Last day to withdraw from an online course and receive a “W”
July 4 Monday……… Fourth of July Holiday Observed - College CLOSED
23 Saturday…… Last day of online courses
Aug 9 Tuesday…….. SUMMER GRADES DUE by noon
12 Friday………. Summer grades available on WebAdvisor