Feb 03, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2014-15 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2014-15 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies & Procedures

Enrollment Procedures


All students are expected to register prior to the beginning of each term.  Registration for the fall term takes place in April and spring term registration takes place in November, as specified in the college calendar.

New students, including transfer students, entering Doane for the fall term are encouraged to register during the summer months at one of the enrollment days. This is done after payment of the required deposit following admission to Doane ($200 total: $100 each for housing and tuition).

Full-Time Student

The normal credit load for full-time students is 12-17 credits per term. A flat tuition rate is charged for these credits.

Part-Time Student Enrollment

Part-time students may register for fewer than 12 credits at the scheduled rate of tuition for such students.

Exceptional Student Program

The Exceptional Student Program (ESP) enables qualified students to register for credits in excess of 18, but not over 20, without paying an additional per credit charge. A cumulative Doane grade point average of 3.25 must be earned or maintained each term to gain or continue eligibility for the next term.

Excess Registration

Students may wish to register for more than 18 credits in a term.

  • 19-20 credits are free to ESP students; other students must pay for any credits above 18 at the rate of $890 per credit.
  • Any credits above 20 must be paid for by all students at the rate of $890 per credit.

Any requested exceptions to the above guidelines are considered by the Student Status Committee or the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Changes in Registration

Changes in registration (adding and/or dropping courses) may be made until census day. After that time, no course may be added (with the exception of a mini-course) unless the add is approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Students may continue to drop courses, which results in a “W” (withdrawal) on their transcript for that course, until the deadline specified in the college calendar. After the withdrawal date, no courses may be removed except as approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


Cross Enrollment

In rare instances, a student is permitted to cross-enroll between the School of Graduate and Professional Studies and School of Arts and Sciences during the fall and spring terms. Permission to do so is required from the Vice President for Academic Affairs. A cross-enrolled student must pay all costs, including tuition, associated with enrollment at a campus different from his/her main campus. Students may cross-enroll during the summer without special permission but must notify the Registrar’s Office. Directed Study and Internship courses can be offered only from a student’s home campus.

Senior Citizen Enrollment

Tuition-free courses are open to senior citizens age 65 or over, as class space permits. However, fees must still be paid. Senior citizens wishing to enroll tuition-free are asked to bring identification to verify their age.

Senior citizens interested in enrolling at Doane as part-time students taking non-degree course work may contact the Registrar’s Office. Information on full-time, degree-oriented programs is available from the Admission Office. Tuition-free classes are not available in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies campus programs.

Veteran Enrollment

Doane submits enrollment verification each term, after census, to the Veterans’ administration. After this submission benefits can be received. Any change in enrollment (dropping or adding hours) must be reported to the VA. It is the student’s responsibility to notify their Doane VA representative of any change in enrollment. Repeated courses that are used to improve the student’s GPA cannot be included in the credit hours reported to the VA. A required class that is failed can be repeated one time for purposes of VA assistance.


Leave of Absence

A student who finds it necessary to leave Doane for a semester because of extraordinary reasons may take a leave of absence with the intention of returning to Doane after one semester. Readmission requirements for such students are waived.  While on a leave of absence, a student may choose to enroll at another college, but the course(s) must be approved in advance by the Doane Registrar.  If a student decides to extend the leave of absence to more than one term, completion of the readmission process is required in order to return to Doane.

For purposes of financial aid, students will be treated as though they have withdrawn from the college. Return to Title IV calculations will be conducted if applicable and lenders will be notified of the student’s last day of class attendance at Doane College.

Transfer Policy between Campuses

A student who attends either the School of Graduate and Professional Studies or the School of Arts and Sciences may be admitted to the other program after an absence from the college of two full academic years. A student who wishes to attend the other program after a shorter period of time must have the written permission of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The student must meet the criteria for admission and must be formally admitted by the other program. The student must also be in good standing with the Business Office

Withdrawal Policy

A course which is dropped before Census Day does not appear on the transcript.

A student who withdraws from a semester-long course after census day, but before the last day to withdraw according to the college calendar, receives a grade of “W” (withdrawal). A “W” is not computed in the grade point average. The drop dates and withdrawal dates for mini-courses appear each term in the schedule of classes.

A student who discontinues his or her enrollment at Doane College before the close of a term must contact the Student Leadership Office. A student who withdraws from Doane College by the specified last day on the college calendar (around November and April 15th) receives grades of “W” in the subjects for which he/she is registered at the time of withdrawal. Students are subject to administrative withdrawal from the college if they miss all courses for two consecutive academic weeks without an officially valid excuse. The Registrar keeps records of the dates of withdrawal, and along with the Student Leadership Office, notifies all offices and agencies concerned.


Classification of Students

Students are classified according to the number of credits they have earned. Student must successfully complete the minimum credits detailed:

Sophomore - 30 credits
Junior - 60 credits
Senior - 90 credits.

Credit Hours

A semester credit hour represents the completion of a total of one or more hours of work per week for one semester.  Consisting of, but not limited to, formally scheduled events such as lectures, examination, laboratories, quizzes, seminars, studios, and other activities by arrangement, and the informal, which includes research, study, and preparation time.


First-year students will be advised by a professional first year adviser. At the end of the first year, students will work with a faculty adviser for the duration of their enrollment at the College When the student officially declares a major they are encouraged to request an adviser in the discipline of the major. A student may change advisers by filing a request with the Registrar after obtaining permission of the new adviser.

Both student and advisor have responsibilities during the advising process.*

The student is responsible for:

  1. Seeking out the help available in determining the major.
  2. Preparing for the advising meeting, including preparing a draft schedule.
  3. Following through on tasks (officially declaring a major, naming the catalog of record, changing advisors, etc.).
  4. Keeping accurate records. Making certain all degree requirements are met. Faculty advisors, student advising guides, and the degree audits generated by the Registrar’s Office help students monitor their progress toward graduation.
  5. Making decisions.

The advisor is responsible for:

  1. Providing answers to questions on procedure, policy, etc. (or help find the answers).
  2. Helping the student problem solve.
  3. Providing academic advice.
  4. Helping the student in deciding/selecting a major.
  5. Providing information on careers and opportunities in the advisor’s discipline.
  6. Helping facilitate the student’s interaction with the administration.

*These responsibilities are based on the National Academic Advising Association guidelines.

A wide range of resources is available to students and their advisors. Among these resources are the Registrar’s Office, Career Development Center, and Academic Support Center. Students are encouraged to contact the Academic Affairs Office with questions and concerns about advising and other issues related to their success at Doane.

Class Attendance

A student is expected to regularly attend all classes for which he/she is registered. It is college policy that valid absences are only those due to illness or to college sponsored trips or activities. However, absences from class due to extraordinary circumstances affecting students, either directly or indirectly, such as a death in the family or a health emergency, may also be considered justified provided all parties concerned agree the absence is valid.

Absence due to college-sponsored trips or activities should be reported by the student to each individual instructor prior to the absence in order to make arrangements for making up work and assignments missed. A list of students participating in all college-sponsored trips or activities is filed in the office of Academic Affairs. Information concerning absences due to illness is on file in the Office of the Director of Health Services. Absences due to valid extraordinary circumstances require students to make arrangements with their professors as soon as possible for making up work and assignments missed.

Absence from class jeopardizes a student’s understanding of the course and may result in a reduction of grade. The extent of such reduction is to be determined by the individual instructor. The accumulated absences in all classes are considered by the appropriate committee in any probationary or disciplinary decision. Furthermore, students are subject to administrative withdrawal from the college if they miss all courses for two consecutive academic weeks without an officially valid excuse.

Each student is responsible for all work missed, regardless of the reason. There is no automatic excuse from any segment of academic endeavor. If possible, a student is expected to contact instructors before an absence occurs, in order to receive the next assignments and to minimize possible loss in the sessions missed.

All classes should begin and end on time. However, if the instructor is detained, students should wait at least 10 minutes before disbanding. Each instructor determines his or her own treatment of any student tardiness.



Evaluation of Academic Work

Letter grades are used to evaluate a student’s performance in class work. These letter grades become part of the student’s permanent record. The grade of “A” is reserved for superior performance in all course requirements. The grade of “B” is awarded for work of high quality. The grade of “C” recognizes satisfactory achievement in meeting course expectations. The grade of “D” designates unsatisfactory performance in meeting course requirements. The grade of “F” represents failure to meet course requirements.

Calculating the Grade Point Average

Grade point averages are computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total number of GPA credits. AU, I, W, and P grades are not included in the calculation. Doane’s GPA is rounded up to the second decimal point.

Grade Point System

Grade points are assigned to the respective grades as follows:

Grade Grade Points Per Credit Grade Grade Points Per Credit Grade Grade Points Per Credit
A+ 4.0 B- 2.7 D 1.0
A 4.0 C+ 2.3 D- 0.7
A- 3.7 C 2.0 F 0.0
B+ 3.3 C- 1.7    
B 3.0 D+ 1.3    



A student wishing to attend classes regularly without the responsibility of completing assignments and without receiving credit towards graduation may do so with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the instructor. One-half the regular tuition rate is charged for an audited course. This needs to be indicated at pre-registration.

Final Examinations

The dates for final examinations are printed in the academic calendar for the year. The final examination schedule is available at the beginning of each semester. All students are expected to take final examinations in each course for which they are registered unless otherwise specified. The time allotted for each exam is three hours.

Grade Appeal Policy

If a student thinks an instructor has graded him or her in a way that is inconsistent with the grading policy outlined in the course syllabus, the student may initiate the grade appeal process below. (Students who think their grade was calculated in error should consult the Grade Change Policy.) If at any stage of the process the appeal is withdrawn or resolved, the process stops. The Grade Appeal Request form and a written statement of the resolution will be kept in the student’s record.


  1. Within 10 days of the grade’s release, the student will contact the instructor to discuss the student’s concern.
  2. To continue with the appeal, the student will contact the division chair no later than 10 days into the next term to set up a meeting with the student and instructor to discuss the student’s concern. (If the division chair is the instructor, the chair will designate another division faculty member to act as chair in this matter.)
  3. The student’s next recourse is to file a Grade Appeal Request form with the Registrar’s Office within 3 days of meeting with the division chair. The Registrar will notify the Academic Affairs Committee, which will appoint a subcommittee to render a decision on the issue. Within 7 days, the committee will seek a written statement from the student and instructor, and may call a meeting with the student and instructor. If a meeting is called, the student may have an advocate at the meeting.
  4. The student or instructor may appeal within 7 days to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, who will review the committee’s process. If the process has been followed as stipulated in the policy, the committee’s decision will be final.

Grade Changes

After final grade reports are released at the end of a term, the student has up to 10 days to report an error or omission. After 10 days have elapsed, the grade report will be considered correct and complete.

Grade Reports

Reports are issued to students over the web via WebAdvisor at mid-term and end of term. Mid-term grades are not considered permanent grades and do not appear on the transcript. New students and students on academic probation receive mid-term grades as do continuing students who are failing or doing unsatisfactory work.

Continuing students who are doing satisfactory work (C- or above) do not receive mid-term grades. Dependent students are expected to report grades to parents at mid-term and end of term.

Incomplete Grades

An Incomplete (I) may be given if a student is not able to complete the work required for a course by the last day of the course due to sickness or other extenuating circumstance that the student has discussed with the instructor. When awarding an incomplete, the instructor will assign an expiration date NO LATER THAN the last day of the next term. If the expiration date passes without a grade change from the instructor, the incomplete grade will automatically convert to an “F”. This is a final grade and will not be changed, per the grade change policy.

In order to receive an incomplete (I), a student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework required for the course. If a student wishes to receive an incomplete for a course, the student will obtain a form from the registrar that will allow the teacher and the student to detail the coursework required to remove the incomplete. The student must complete the form, obtain the signature of the instructor on the form, and return it to the appropriate office.

For courses such as practicums, senior seminars, or internships, intended to last longer than a single term, instructors will submit a grade of “In Progress” (IP) at the end of the first term.

Pass/Fail Grading Options

A number of courses at Doane are offered only on a Pass/Fail basis. Such courses include internships, activities, media practica, and many interterm courses. Instructors report only “P” (Pass) or “F” (Fail) grades for these particular courses. The grade of “P” earns credit, but this credit is not computed in the grade point average. A grade of “F” is figured into the grade point average.

A student who is a junior or senior may enroll in one course per term using the Pass/Fail option. This option allows an instructor to assign either a “P” or “F” grade in the course, instead of a letter grade. The following stipulations apply:

  1. A student must not enroll in an internship of four credits or more in the same term he/she has declared a Pass/Fail option course.
  2. A maximum of two Doane Plan courses may be taken using the Pass/Fail option. A student who transfers in two or more courses for the Doane Plan is not eligible to use the Pass/Fail option for any additional Doane Plan courses.
  3. A Pass/Fail option course may be taken in, but not counted toward, the student’s major, minor, or endorsement. Exception: A Doane Plan course which is taken using the Pass/Fail option may count toward the major or minor if the course was taken before the major or minor was declared.
  4. A student must sign up for the Pass/Fail option in the Registrar’s Office by the end of the third full week of the semester. Once a course is designated as Pass/Fail, it cannot be changed back to a letter grade.
  5. A grade of “P” will have no effect on the student’s cumulative grade point average. A grade of “F” will be figured into the student’s cumulative grade point average. (In order to receive a grade of “P”, a student must earn a grade of “C-” or above in the course.)
  6. Credits taken using the Pass/Fail option do not count toward GPA credits required for academic honors.
  7. Credits taken using the Pass/Fail option may not be accepted by graduate or professional schools.

Repeated Courses

Courses in which a grade of F, D-, D or D+ has been received may be repeated, and generally such courses may be repeated only once.

The cumulative grade point average and the grade point average in the major are computed using only the credits and grade earned in the most recently completed course.

A student may enroll at another college in a course that is a repeat of a course taken at Doane in which the grade earned was below a C-. The course must be taken for a grade and the grade earned must be at least a C-. The grade in the repeated course is recorded on the Doane transcript as “P” (Pass). The cumulative grade point average is then computed without the original grade in the calculation.

Senior Grades

Final grades for seniors who are completing graduation requirements in May are processed before Commencement. Once processed, these grades are considered correct and complete.


Students who withdraw from courses according to the withdrawal policy receive a grade of “W.”

Academic Dishonesty

is defined in four categories

  1. Cheating - “Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized information or study aids in an academic exercise.” (Gehring, et al p. 6)
  2. Fabrication - “Intentional and unauthorized falsification of invention or any information or citation in an academic exercise.” (Gehring, et al, p. 6)
  3. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty - “Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of dishonesty,” (Gehring, et al, p. 6) and/or coercing others to do the same. Examples (list is not all-inclusive):
  4. Plagiarism - “Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise,” (Gehring, et al, p. 6) in both oral and written projects.

Gehring, D., Nuss, E.M., & Pavela, G. (1986). Issues and perspectives on academic integrity. Columbus, OH: National Association of Student Personnel Administrators

Sanctions for Academic Dishonesty

The process is initiated when a faculty member files a complaint for alleged act(s) of academic dishonesty or misconduct. The faculty member will write up the incident and file a copy of the formal complaint with the Chair of the Academic Integrity Committee, who will forward the complaint to the Academic Affairs Office. Copies of any documents of evidence must be provided to the Academic Affairs Office. Before the Charge of Academic Integrity Violation complaint form is filed, the student must sign the form to show that he/she has been informed of the charges. Only the Chair of the Academic Affairs Integrity Committee will check to see if this is a first or subsequent charge(s) for the student. The faculty member will retain discretion with regard to the sanctions for the offense in the case of a first offense. However, sanctions will not be imposed until the faculty member receives written notification from the Academic Integrity Committee concerning the outcome of the meeting between the committee and the student. If a student is charged and found guilty of a subsequent offense, the faculty member may impose sanctions for the course; however, the committee may impose additional sanctions. In cases where the faculty member is a parent or close relative of the student involved, the faculty member is required to submit documents related to suspected academic dishonesty to the Department Chair or Vice President for Academic Affairs for evaluation and processing pursuant to the steps below.

First Offense

  1. Once the charge has been filed, the student will be notified of when to appear before the Academic Integrity Committee. At this time, students will be notified that they may have an advocate appear before the committee with them. If the student fails to appear at the set time without an excuse acceptable to the Committee, the charges will be automatically confirmed.
  2. If the student admits to the charge, he/she will appear before the committee to discuss academic integrity. The complaint and accompanying documentation will be filed with the Academic Affairs Office. The faculty member will be informed concerning the outcomes of the meeting and will impose sanctions for the course. If the student decides to appeal the charges, he/she is required to notify the chair of the Academic Integrity Committee in writing within 72 hours after receiving the initial notice. Committee members will hear testimony from the student and faculty member who has been asked to be available at the time of the meeting) and will have the opportunity to ask the student questions as well as inform the student on issues related to academic integrity. Students may provide evidence on their behalf.
  3. Based on the testimony, the Committee will either confirm or rescind the charges. [NOTE: If the charges are rescinded, the student is exonerated and all documentation sent to the Academic Affairs Office and the Chair of the Committee will be destroyed immediately. If the charges are confirmed, the complaint and accompanying documentation will be kept only in the Academic Affairs Office for a period of seven years for record-keeping purposes (i.e. to establish whether or not a student has a prior complaint). At the end of the seven-year period, all documents concerning this charge are destroyed.]
  4. If appealing or denying the charges, the student will be informed at the end of the meeting when the written decision of the Committee will be sent to the student through campus mail and that the student will need to sign for the letter during the next two weeks. The student has the right to appeal the Committee’s decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs within 72 hours after receiving the Committee’s written decision. If the student has not signed for the written decision in the two weeks after the date of the letter, it will be assumed that the student does not wish to appeal. The faculty member will be informed of the Committee’s decision and will impose sanctions for the course.
  5. If the charges are confirmed, the student’s advisor will also be informed of the charges and the sanction(s) in writing.

Subsequent Offense(s):

If a complaint is filed by a faculty member and it is determined that this is a subsequent offense for the student, the following procedures will take effect:

  1. If the Committee confirms the charges, the Committee has the right to impose additional sanctions for the second offense, including possible suspension or expulsion from the college.
  2. The student has the right to appeal the Committee’s decision to the Vice President for Academic Affairs within 72 hours after receiving the Committee’s written decision.


Academic Probation and Suspension

A student not maintaining the minimum required cumulative grade point average based on credits attempted is subject to academic probation or suspension at the end of any term, according to the following formula

Credits Attempted Academic Average  
12-35 Below 1.70  
36-59 Below 1.85  
60 or over Below 2.00  

The Academic Standing Committee may place a student on academic probation or suspend a student who is not making satisfactory academic progress and is in danger of failing to meet any all-college requirement, including the grade point average in the major. Such students are notified in writing by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

A student who is suspended may request a review of the facts of his/her case by the Vice President for Academic Affairs by the appeal deadline stated in the suspension letter. A student suspended for academic reasons must remain out of the college for at least one regular term and undertake an activity that illustrates a renewed commitment to learning before applying to the Academic Standing Committee for readmission. Students who remain out of the college for an academic year or more must request readmission through the Admission Office.

A student whose cumulative grade point average is above the minimum for the number of credits attempted, but whose last term grade point average was low, is notified in writing by the Vice President for Academic Affairs that he/she is eligible to continue at Doane College, but the term grade point average needs to improve in the next term.

Students may also be suspended or expelled based on the policies outlined in the student handbook which includes the Student Conduct Code.


Academic Honors

A student award ceremony is held in the spring to recognize individual students and groups who have excelled academically during the previous year. Academic honors are based upon GPA credits earned at Doane College.

Alpha Lambda Delta

The purpose of Alpha Lambda Delta is to recognize men and women who achieve high scholarship in their first year at Doane College. Eligibility is based on a grade point average of 3.50 or above in at least 14 GPA credits during the first semester at Doane College, or by earning a 3.50 or above in at least 28 GPA credits in two consecutive semesters of the first year. Credits earned in the summer terms are not included. A transfer student can meet requirements for membership in her first semester at Doane, provided no more than 20 credits have been transferred from previous schools.

Dean’s List

A student who earns a grade point average of 3.70 or higher in at least 12 graded credits for the term is placed on the Dean’s List for that term and receives a letter of congratulations from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Doane Scholar

A student ranking in the top eight percent of his or her graduating class and completing at least 105 GPA credits at Doane College receives the honor of Doane Scholar at the Student Award ceremony in the spring in the year the student intends to graduate from Doane. A student who participates in an approved one-semester off-campus or study abroad program in which credit is transferred with “P” (passed) grades rather than letter grades must have completed 85 graded credits at Doane in order to qualify for this award. A student who participates for two semesters must have completed 70 GPA credits at Doane.

Graduation Honors

Degrees with honors are conferred upon those students who graduate with a 3.80 GPA or higher.

Summa Cum Laude 3.98 - 4.00  
Magna Cum Laude 3.92 - 3.97  
Cum Laude 3.80 - 3.91  

The School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Graduate and Professional Studies graduates are considered separately for determination of degrees with honors.

Degrees with honors are not conferred upon students who have been enrolled at Doane College for less than four terms, excluding summer sessions. Such degrees are not conferred upon those who have earned fewer than the following number of graded credits:

Regular Terms of Attendance Graded Credits  
4 52  
5 65  
6 78  
7 91  
8 104  

If a Doane student participates in an approved off-campus or study abroad program in which credit is transferred as pass/fail rather than graded, the term or terms the student is off-campus do not count as regular terms of attendance.

Honor Societies

Doane has chapters of several national honor societies, including:

Alpha Lambda Delta, freshman honorary
Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology honorary
Alpha Psi Omega, theatre honorary
Beta Beta Beta, biology honorary
Cardinal Key, honorary society recognizing outstanding scholarship, leadership, and character
Delta Phi Alpha, German honorary
Omicron Delta Kappa, leadership honorary
Phi Epsilon Kappa, physical education honorary
Phi Sigma Iota, languages honorary
Pi Kappa Delta, forensic honorary
Pi Sigma Alpha, political science honorary
Psi Chi, psychology honorary
Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honorary
Sigma Tau Delta, English honorary


Participation in Commencement

Commencement is held once a year at the end of the spring term. A student who has not completed degree requirements by the end of the spring term may participate in the ceremony and be considered a candidate for the August degree if he/she is lacking one requirement (competency or course) and receives permission from the Vice President for Academic Affairs to participate. The decision is based on the following criteria:

  • Both the cumulative grade point average and the major grade point average are at least a 2.00 after spring grades are processed, and
  • The student’s plan to complete the requirement no later than August 15 is approved before Commencement by the Registrar or Vice President for Academic Affairs.

NOTE: Any anticipated May graduate who takes a trip following Commencement may participate in the ceremony. However, all course work must be completed and the grade processed by the Registrar’s Office before the diploma and any graduation honor can be awarded.

Application for Graduation

Students need to make formal application for graduation through the Registrar’s Office. This application should be filed by February 1 for students who plan to graduate in May. Failure to comply may extend his/her intended graduation date.

Award of Degree/Issuance of Diplomas

Degrees at Doane College are awarded and diplomas are issued twice a year-at the end of the spring term in May and on August 15. However, the graduation ceremony takes place only in May. Students who complete graduation requirements after the August 15 degree date and before May Commencement of the following year will be May graduates. A comment stating that requirements for the degree have been met and that the degree will be awarded at the May ceremony is added to the transcripts of such students upon completion of all requirements. The diploma will be issued during the May Commencement or mailed to the student if he/she is in absentia.

Students who complete graduation requirements after May Commencement but no later than August 15 of the same year are awarded their degree as of August 15. (All final grades and any official transcripts from other schools must be received by the Registrar by August 15.) Diplomas will be mailed to each August graduate.

Diploma’s only list the degree awarded (Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science) not the majors earned. Students who double major do not receive two diplomas.

Second Degree Policy

It is possible for a student to satisfy the requirements for more than one major program; the College will not grant two degrees for programs taken concurrently. The student must declare which degree will be posted on the transcript and diploma. A graduate who returns and completes a minimum of 30 credits beyond whatever number was accumulated for the first baccalaureate may qualify for a different Doane degree. (One can earn two majors, that will be posted on the transcript, but cannot earn two B.A. degrees, for example.)

Transfer of Credit

A Doane student may enroll in summer courses at other institutions with the intention of transferring those credits to Doane, but that student must receive prior approval from the Registrar, adhere to the final 30 credits in residency rule, and complete the appropriate forms. A student who plans to enroll in courses in his/her major or minor field of study must also receive prior approval from faculty in the department. Courses are to be taken for a letter grade, but they are entered on the Doane transcript as “P” (Pass), provided the grades earned are C- or above.

Approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs is needed before a student may enroll in the School of Graduate and Professional Studies (GPS) in any term other than summer. The Registrar must also be consulted before enrolling in any GPS course in order to verify that the course meets a particular requirement. All GPS courses are considered Doane credits and therefore show on the transcript as graded. All costs associated with GPS enrollment, including tuition, must be paid.

A student who is full-time in the School of Arts and Sciences during a regular term must have permission from the Vice President for Academic Affairs to take a course from another institution during that term.

A student who studies abroad for a summer, semester, or year must have his/her program approved in advance by the appropriate study-abroad program director, the Registrar, and the Director of Financial Aid. For additional information on study abroad, refer to Off-Campus and Study Abroad options.

A student who has been admitted to Doane College as a degree-seeking candidate may transfer credits to Doane for inclusion on the Doane transcript. Official transcripts must be sent directly to Doane from all colleges attended. Hand-carried transcripts are not acceptable. Final determination of all transfer credit is made by the Registrar with the advice and consent of the instructors in the appropriate academic disciplines.

The following guidelines are used in the evaluation process:

  1. Doane requires that the previous institution(s) be accredited by one of the regional accrediting associations: The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), New England, Middle States, Northwest, Southern or Western. Credit from unaccredited institutions is not accepted. However, in some instances, credit from special purpose institutions (e.g., Bible Colleges accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education) is accepted.
  2. Transfer credits are accepted for courses in which a student received a C- or above. Credits transferred from another institution are entered on the Doane College transcript as “P” (passed) credits. These credits are not included in the Doane College grade point average calculations, but do count toward the total credits required for graduation.
  3. The School of Arts and Sciences accepts a maximum of 90 semester credits completed at a four-year college or university.
  4. If a student has completed an Associate Degree, Diploma, or Professional Certificate at a two-year college, a maximum of 60 semester credits are accepted in transfer.
  5. If a student did not complete a professional competency, (i.e., Associate Degree, Diploma, or Certificate), courses are evaluated individually. In this evaluation, a maximum of six semester credits are accepted in transfer for courses not normally offered at a four-year accredited college or university.
  6. Doane awards credits in semester hours. Credit from institutions on the quarter system are accepted at the rate of two-thirds of a semester hour per quarter hour.

Students who transfer to Doane may use courses from a previously attended institution to meet requirements for a major or minor at Doane College. If all requirements for the major or minor are met using previous course work, the transfer student must enroll in a three- or four-credit senior-level course in that major or minor which is not a repeat of any previous course work and must earn at least a grade of “C”.

Courses taken at a previously attended institution may also be used to meet requirements for the Doane Core Connections. Courses which fit Doane Core Connections criteria, but are not offered at Doane, may be substituted in the appropriate area. Completion of three or more courses, each of which are equivalent to at least two semester credits in one Doane Core Connections subject, fulfills the general education requirement in that subject.


Credit by Examination

A student may qualify to receive up to 30 semester credits through one or more of the following options: Advanced Placement Program, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Doane Tests, ACT Proficiency Examination Program, DANTES, and International Baccalaureate Diploma. If credit is earned, a grade of “P” (pass) is given and the credits count toward the total required for graduation. The grade of “P”, however, does not figure in the calculation of the grade point average. Credits earned through the credit-by-examination options may not be accepted by graduate or professional schools.

Doane will not award test credit if the course has been failed in the past at Doane. A student who receives credit for a course by examination and repeats that course at Doane will have the examination credit removed. Also, students are not eligible to receive credit by examination for a lower-level course after they have completed or begun a course for which the other is a prerequisite.

Advanced Placement (AP)

The College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Placement Examinations are used by Doane College in awarding advanced academic credit to an incoming student who receives a grade of 5, 4 or 3. A student must request that the College Board send results directly to the Registrar at Doane. There is no additional tuition charge for AP credit which is accepted by Doane College.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Doane College grants credit based upon successful completion of subject CLEP examinations and supplementary essays. Credit is not awarded for the CLEP General Examinations. A student must request that the College Board send results directly to the Registrar at Doane. The credit for subject examinations is awarded according to the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE). There is no additional tuition charge for CLEP credit which is accepted by Doane College.

DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs)

A student who has successfully completed selected subject examinations administered through the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) may earn college credit. This credit is awarded according to the recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE). There is no additional tuition charge for DANTES credit which is accepted by Doane College. Only tests which are designated as Baccalaureate/Associate Level (B) or Baccalaureate Upper Division (BU) are considered in the awarding of credit.

Doane College Test

A student has the opportunity to earn credits by successfully completing a test administered by Doane faculty. If credits are earned, a tuition charge of $75.00 per credit is assessed and must be paid prior to the student’s final term of attendance. Test are available in accounting and math. The credit is not added to the Doane transcript until the tuition is paid in full.

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Students who have earned the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma through their high school are eligible to receive college credit. Visit www.doane.edu/international-baccalaureate-credit for score requirements and credit amounts awarded. There is no additional tuition charge for IB credit which is accepted by Doane College.


The Registrar’s Office releases official Doane transcripts of a student’s academic record only after the student has granted permission in writing. Transcripts are not issued to students who have financial obligations to the college. Students who request transcripts should allow three days for them to be prepared and issued. Transcript fee’s range from $5.25 to $7 depending on the request and delivery method.

During periods at the beginning or following the end of a semester, at least one week should be allowed for issuance. Official transcripts from other institutions which may be a part of a Doane student’s file cannot be copied and issued to the student. To obtain copies, the student must contact the original issuing institution directly.

Once a student graduates or discontinues attendance at Doane College, subsequent college credits from other schools do not become a part of the student’s Doane College transcript.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts of 1974 (commonly referred to as “FERPA” or the “Buckley Amendment”) is designed to protect the confidentiality of students educational records and to give students access to their records to assure accuracy. FERPA outlines four rights with respect to students Education Records. They are:

  1. Access to Education Records: students have the right to inspect and review their Education Records within 45 days of the day the College receives a written request for access, anytime after their matriculation.
  2. Request for Amendment of Education Records: students have the right to request amendment of Education Records if they believe the records are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their privacy rights.
  3. Disclosure of Education Records: this right protects confidentiality of student records and requires the student’s signature to release academic records, such as transcripts. Some exceptions exist such as school officials who’ve been determined to have a legitimate educational interest, or information determined to be directory information. Examples of directory information include: name, addresses, email, telephone numbers, major and/or minor fields of study, degree sought, expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation, degrees conferred, awards and honors (e.g. Dean’s list), full or part time enrollment status, dates of attendance, or photograph.
  4. Compliance: students have the right to submit complaints concerning the College’s compliance with the requirement of FERPA to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 202024605, email address: ferpa@ed.gov.

For more information on FERPA, or to view the entire FERPA policy, please visit the Registrar’s web page or office.

Verification of Student Identity

To meet federal guidelines, Doane requires all electronic coursework be submitted through Black Board or Doane e-mail. Blackboard requires students to login each time using their Doane login and student selected password. All coursework e-mail correspondence is done using Doane assigned e-mail accounts. When student accounts are set-up the password is mailed to the students’ permanent address via US mail. Students can change their password via the web at any time to maintain their security.

Academic Divisions

Courses are grouped into the following six academic divisions:

Academic Information Services - Library, Instructional Design

Economics and Business - ACC-Accounting, BUS-Business, ECO-Economics, ENT-Entrepreneurship

Education - EDC-Early Childhood, EDU- Education, EDS-Special Education, PED-Physical Education

Fine Arts and Humanities - ART-Art, ENG-English, ESL-English as a Second Language, CMS-Communication Studies/Speech Communication, FAR-Fine Arts, FRE-French, GER-German, HUM-Humanities, JOU-Journalism & Media, MUS-Music, PHI-Philosophy, PRE-Philosophy/Religion, RST-Religious Studies, SPA-Spanish, THE-Theatre

Science, Mathematics, and Information Science and Technology - AST-Astronomy, Biochemistry*, BIO-Biology, CHM-Chemistry, CST-Computational Studies, EVS-Environmental Science, GEG-Geography, GEO-Geology, HSC - Health and Society, IST-Information Science & Technology/Computer Science or Information Systems, MTH-Mathematics, PHS-Physical Science, PHY-Physics, RES-Research, SCI-Science

Social Science - ANT-Anthropology, HIS-History, INT-International Studies, LDR-Leadership, LPS-Law, Politics & Society, PSI-Political Science, PSY-Psychology, PAD-Public Administration, SOC-Sociology, SSI-Social Science

Italics indicate areas where courses are offered, but not a major or minor.
*Indicates an interdisciplinary major without a course prefix

Additional interdepartmental course areas include: ATV-Activities, CED-Cooperative Education, DLC-Doane Learning Center, DSS-Doane Student Support Services, HNR-Honors Program, IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies, LCM-Learning Communities, LAR-Liberal Arts Studies, MSI-Military Science