Jul 26, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2014-15 SG&PS Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2014-15 SG&PS Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Federal Disclosure Information

According to federal regulations, institutions must disclose certain information to enrolled students, prospective students, parents and employees. Below is a list of available disclosures, a brief description, department to contact and phone number. Much of this information is also available on the Doane College Web site: www.doane.edu/about-doane/HEA.


Disclosure Rights Under Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Description Student’s right to review educational records
Contact Registrar’s Office - 402.826.8251 or 402.466.4774
More Information
Doane website, Registrar page
Disclosure Federal student deferments for Peace Corps or volunteer services
Description Eligibility to defer loan payments for services performed in these areas
Contact Financial Aid Office - 402.826.8260 or 402.466.4774
More Information
Financial Aid Office, your student loan lender and/or student loan guarantor
Disclosure  Financial assistance available
Description Types of financial aid programs available at Doane College
Contact Financial Aid Office - 402.826.8260 or 402.466.4774
More Information
College catalog, Financial Aid web page
Disclosure Institutional Information
Description Information about the school costs, policies and procedures
Contact Office of Admission - 402.826.8222
More Information
College catalog, Financial Aid web page, various recruiting brochures
Disclosure Completion rate, graduation rate
Description Number of students who start and graduate from Doane
Contact Director of Institutional Research - 402.826.6776
More Information
Office of Institutional Research
Disclosure Campus Security Report
Description Doane College crime statistics
Contact Associate Dean of Student Leadership and Director of Campus Safety -402.826.8295
More Information
Doane web site, Crime and Security Data
Disclosure Doane College Code of Conduct
Description Compliance of Higher Education Opportunity Act
Contact Financial Aid Office - 402.826.8260
More Information
Financial Aid web page
Disclosure Equity in Athletics
Description Information on Doane’s intercollegiate athletic teams
Contact Doane College Athletic Director - 402.826.8583
More Information
Athletic Department
Disclosure Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Awareness Program
Description Information on Doane’s drug-free workplace policy
Contact Office of Human Resources - 402.826.8200
More Information
College catalog, student handbook
Disclosure Satisfactory Academic Progress
Description Minimum standards for maintenance of federal dollars at Doane College
Contact Financial Aid Office - 402.826.8260 or 402.466.4774
Doane College Academic Dean’s Office - 402.826.8221
More Information
College catalog, Financial Aid web page
Disclosure Doane College Student Employment Information
Description Doane College student employee handbook and guidelines
Contact Financial Aid Office - 402.826.8260
More Information
Financial Aid web page, Doane College student employment handbook
Disclosure Study Abroad
Description Information on academic and financial opportunities for study abroad through Doane College
Contact Academic Dean’s Office - 402.826.8221
Financial Aid Office - 402.826.8260
More Information
College catalog
Disclosure Section 207 of Title II Higher Education Act
Description Annual report on teacher preparation
Contact Office of the President - 402.826.8253
More Information
College catalog, Teacher Education web page, DTEPH book
Disclosure Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504
Description Compliance of Civil Rights Act 1964, Education Amendments of 1972, and Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Contact Laura Sears, Director of Human Resources - 402.826.6773
1014 Boswell Ave., Crete, NE 68333
More Information Employee handbook, student handbook