Oct 07, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2015-16 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2015-16 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Theatre, Teaching Advising Guide


First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
THE 101   THE 115   THE 108   THE 109   THE 217  * EDU 361   ENG 392  ** THE 495  
THE 103     THE 217  * EDU 221   ENG 392  ** EDU 341   EDU 453    
EDU 101   EDU 211   THE 210    EDU 321        
    IST 201   EDU 325        

*Take fall term of second or third year

** Take fall term of third or fourth year

Additional requirements:

  1. THE 303, 304 (alternate year courses – take during the 2nd or 3rd years)
  2. THE 309, 314
  3. ENG 392
  4. PED 101 (Creative Movement) or PED 101 (Jazz Dance)
  5. Successful completion of ATV 173 each term of attendance.  A minimum of 4 credits must be applied to the major.
  6. One other teaching major, such as English, Communiction, Art, Music, Business, etc. or subject endorsement.
  7. All requirements listed under the catalog section Secondary Education.

Special Notes:

Students should meet with Dr. Linda Kalbach early in the fall term and should meet prior to preregistration each term.