Sep 18, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2015-16 SG&PS Graduate & Advanced Degrees Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2015-16 SG&PS Graduate & Advanced Degrees Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Procedures and Policy

Admission of International Students

Doane College is authorized under federal law to accept non-immigrant alien students.


Doane College programs are approved by the Veterans Administration for veterans and other persons eligible for Veterans Administration benefits. Doane also participates in the Yellow Ribbon program.

Doane submits enrollment verification each term, after census, to the Veterans’ administration. After this submission benefits can be received. Any change in enrollment (dropping or adding hours) must be reported to the VA. It is the student’s responsibility to notify Doane’s School Certifying Official of any change in enrollment.

Full-Time Student

Full-time students in either the Master of Arts in Counseling or Management programs are defined as those enrolled for at least three credit hours during a term of instruction. Students in the Graduate Studies in Education program are considered full-time if they are enrolled for at least six credit hours during a term of instruction.

Counseling students may enroll for one or two credit hours of internship per term and be considered enrolled full-time. Management students may enroll for one or two credit hours of the Leading Edge or Research coursework and be considered enrolled full-time.

Numbering System for Graduate Courses

All courses for each of the master’s degree programs are offered at the 600 and 700-level. Courses at the 800 and 900-level are post-masters courses.  Some special courses for continuing education are offered periodically for students who have completed a baccalaureate degree. These students may not be seeking a graduate degree, but need advanced work. Courses numbered at the 500-level cannot be used to meet the requirements of an advanced degree.


Letter grades are used to evaluate a student’s performance in coursework. These letter grades become part of the student’s permanent record. The grade of “A” is used to indicate superior performance, the grade of “B” is used to indicate adequate performance, and grades of “C,” “D,” and “F” are used to indicate performance that is below the minimal expectations for graduate students. A course in which the grade earned is below a “B-” cannot be used to fulfill any graduate degree requirement.


Graduate students may audit an available course, but they must receive permission from the Dean of their program to do so. Students do not receive any graduate credit for the audited course, and the grade assigned is an “AU.” Any course audited by a graduate student may not be changed to a credit course. The cost to audit a course is one half of the regular tuition charge per credit hour. Additional fees may be assessed, depending on the course.

Grade Point System

Cumulative grade point averages are computed by dividing the total grade points earned by the total number of GPA credits. Grades of Withdraw (W), Pass (P), Audit (AU), Incomplete (I), and In Progress (IP) are not included in this calculation.

The college calculates grade point averages by assigning grade points to the respective grades as follows

Grade Grade Points Per Credit Grade Grade Points Per Credit Grade Grade Points Per Credit
A+ 4.0 B- 2.7 D 1.0
A 4.0 C+ 2.3 D- .7
A- 3.7 C 2.0 F 0.0
B+ 3.3 C- 1.7    
B 3.0 D+ 1.3    

Grade Reports

Students’ grades in all courses are filed with the Registrar. At the end of each term, final grades are reported to students on the Doane web site via WebAdvisor and are recorded on the transcript.

Grade Changes

After grades are submitted to the Registrar’s Office, students are not allowed to submit any extra work or to ask for a reexamination in order to raise a grade.

A grade which has been reported by the instructor to the Registrar and recorded cannot be changed except in the case of an error in the grade. In the case of a successful student appeal under the established grade appeals policies (see program handbooks for details), a grade is changed by the Registrar upon notification by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Graduates Grades

Final grades for graduates are processed before commencement. Once processed, these grades are considered correct and complete, therefore can’t be changed.


An Incomplete (I) may be given if a student is not able to complete the work by the last day of the course due to sickness or other extenuating circumstance that the student has discussed with the instructor. When awarding an incomplete, the instructor will assign an expiration date no later than the last day of the next term. If the expiration date passes without a grade change from the instructor, the incomplete grade will automatically convert to an “F”. This is a final grade and will not be changed, per the grade change policy.

In order to receive an incomplete (I), a student must have completed at least 75% of the coursework required for the course. For courses such as practicums, senior seminars, or internships, intended to last longer than a single term, instructors will submit a grade of “In Progress” (IP) at the end of the first term.

Master of Arts in Counseling or Management students need to obtain a form from the Registrar’s Office that will allow the teacher and the student to detail the coursework required to remove the incomplete.

In Progress

The grade of “IP” (In Progress) is used when a graduate course has requirements extending beyond the normal ending date of the term in which the student is enrolled. This “IP” grade must be replaced with an appropriate letter grade assigned by the instructor.

Repeated Courses

The following guidelines apply if the student receives a grade below a “B-” in a graduate course:

  1. The course must be repeated in order to receive credit toward the degree.
  2. A student is allowed to repeat the course only once.
  3. The original grade is used in computing the graduate cumulative grade point average until the course is repeated and a grade is given.
  4. After the course is repeated, only the second grade is used in computing the student’s graduate cumulative grade point average.
  5. All courses taken and grades earned are permanently recorded on the student’s transcript. 


The grade of “W” (Withdrawal) indicates that a student was doing passing work and was permitted to withdraw from a course. Students desiring to withdraw from classes must complete the proper withdrawal form from the Office of Graduate Studies. Failure to follow this procedure results in a grade of “F” instead of a “W.” In no case is withdrawal possible after the last class meeting.

Students in the Master of Arts in Counseling program can withdraw any time prior to the last class meeting without academic penalty.

Students in the Master of Arts in Management program must initiate a withdrawal by week four.

For Graduate Education courses, the last day to drop or withdraw from a course is the earliest date of either the last day the course is scheduled to meet or October 31 for fall semester courses and March 31 for spring semester courses. For summer courses that are offered on an intense week-long format, no drops or withdrawals are allowed after the course begins. The last date to drop/withdraw from summer online courses is June 15. After these dates have passed a grade of “F” instead of a “W” will be awarded.

Graduate students are expected to complete courses for which they have registered, unless unusual circumstances require withdrawal. Mere cessation of class attendance does not constitute withdrawal, either academically or with respect to tuition charges.

A student may be administratively withdrawn from any program by the Dean if it is determined that the student: 1) poses a significant danger or threat of physical harm to the person or property of others; 2) interferes with the rights of other members of the Doane College community; or 3) is unable to meet the institutional requirements for continued enrollment. Except in emergency situations or in the case of financial noncompliance, a student shall, upon request, be accorded a hearing by the appropriate committee prior to a final decision concerning his/her continued enrollment at Doane College.

Academic Standing

A graduate student is in good academic standing if he/she maintains a graduate cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher. Refer to individual programs for additional information.

Academic Dismissal

A graduate student may be dismissed from Doane College when the appeal process for suspension has been exhausted. Such students are notified in writing by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Academic Probation

A degree-seeking graduate student is placed on academic probation if, at any time, the graduate cumulative grade point average falls below 3.00. The student is notified in writing of his/her academic status and of any specific conditions for retention. Please refer to individual programs for additional information.

Academic Suspension

A graduate student may be suspended from Doane College for any of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to return to good academic standing after the specified probationary period (two terms for MAC and MAM; one semester for Graduate Studies in Education).
  2. Failure to meet requirements set forth in the letter of probation.
  3. Receipt of a second course grade below a “B-“.
  4. Breach of academic integrity.

In all cases, the student is notified of the suspension in writing by the Dean of the program.

For the right of appeal, consult the individual program for additional information.

Academic Integrity

The faculty expect students to pursue their work with academic integrity. A copy of the policies concerning academic honesty may be obtained from the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs in Crete or from the Dean of each program. Any breach of academic integrity may result in immediate suspension from the program.

Time Limitations

A student is expected to complete the degree within seven years of beginning graduate study at Doane College, unless noted otherwise. Credits taken in the program which were completed more than seven years prior to graduation are reviewed by the dean or assistant dean. The criteria for accepting or rejecting these credits as a part of the student’s program are always based on the relevance of the material at the time of review. If the course is not accepted because the course material is no longer relevant, the student must then retake the appropriate graduate course(s) as part of the program of study, or in the case of elective courses, select additional electives.



Application for Degree

Each candidate for a master’s degree must signify his/her intention to complete the requirements by a particular graduation date, by submitting a  graduation application online in WebAdvisor. This information is used to check completion of requirements and to print the diploma.


Commencement is held twice a year in December and May on the Crete campus.

Students are invited to participate in one ceremony. Students that complete in August, October, or December are invited to the December ceremony. Students that complete in March or May are invited to the May ceremony.

Award of Degree/Issuance of Diplomas

Degrees at Doane College are awarded and diplomas are issued three times a year-at the end of the spring term in May, August 15, and December.

The diploma will not be issued until any outstanding financial obligations to the college are satisfied.



The Doane College Lincoln campus houses a bookstore, which stocks and orders required texts for the Master of Arts in Counseling and Management programs. Graduate Studies in Education books are ordered from Specialty Books at

Library Facilities

Following matriculation, each student is permitted free usage of the library at the main campus of Doane College in Crete and has access to the Internet, through the computer laboratory, for assistance in literature searches.


The Registrar’s Office issues official transcripts of a student’s academic record only after the student has granted permission and paid a fee per transcript. Transcripts are not issued for students who have financial obligations to the college. Students who request transcripts should include their student ID number, program of enrollment, and signature with the written request. Generally, the transcripts will be issued within three days, except during periods at the beginning or following the end of a term, when at least one week is needed for issuance.

Copies are not made of transcripts or records on file from other institutions. Any additional copies of those documents must by requested by the student directly from the original issuing institution.

When students graduate or discontinue attendance at Doane College, subsequent credits from other colleges do not become a part of their Doane College transcript.

NOTE: Grades are not posted to the transcript until the entire term is complete.


Federal Laws/Policies

Access to College Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts of 1974 (commonly referred to as “FERPA” or the “Buckley Amendment”) is designed to protect the confidentiality of students educational records and to give students access to their records to assure accuracy. FERPA outlines four rights with respect to students Education Records. They are:

  1. Access to Education Records: students have the right to inspect and review their Education Records within 45 days of the day the College receives a written request for access, anytime after their matriculation.
  2. Request for Amendment of Education Records: students have the right to request amendment of Education Records if they believe the records are inaccurate, misleading or in violation of their privacy rights.
  3. Disclosure of Education Records: this right protects confidentiality of student records and requires the student’s signature to release academic records, such as transcripts. Some exceptions exist such as school officials who’ve been determined to have a legitimate educational interest, or information determined to be directory information. Examples of directory information include: name, addresses, email, telephone numbers, major and/or minor fields of study, degree sought, expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation, degrees conferred, awards and honors, full or part time enrollment status, dates of attendance, or photograph.
  4. Compliance: students have the right to submit complaints concerning the College’s compliance with the requirement of FERPA to the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Ave., S.W., Washington, DC 202024605, email address:,

For more information on FERPA, or to view the entire FERPA policy, please visit the Registrar’s web page or office

Access/Services for Students with Disabilities

The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provide that “no otherwise qualified disabled individual in the United States shall, solely on the basis of disability, be denied access to, or the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity provided by any institution receiving federal financial assistance.” This regulation requires that Doane programs be accessible to the disabled, but it does not require that every building or part of a building be accessible. Thus, it may be necessary to reschedule classes to accessible classrooms or to take other steps to open one of the programs to students with mobility impairments.

  1. Students interested in services related to a disability should notify the college of any special circumstances that would affect their ability to compete equally in the college environment. To assist the college in providing services, documentation of such disabilities must be provided by qualified professionals upon request.
  2. While students are encouraged to self-identify at the earliest possible time, they can access services at any time by initiating the process described in number one above.
  3. To initiate this process, students are encouraged to contact the Office of Graduate Studies before beginning classes so their needs can be anticipated, reviewed, and accommodated.

Drug Free Policy

The college prohibits smoking inside the classrooms or in the building. In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1986, as amended in 1989, Doane College explicitly prohibits unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and/or alcohol by students or employees on the premises or as part of any of its activities. Beverage alcohol may only be used in conjunction with specifically authorized functions by those of legal drinking age.

There are applicable legal sanctions in Nebraska for unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol.

Title IX Policy Statement

It is the policy of Doane College not to discriminate on the basis of gender in its educational programs, activities or employment policies as required by Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendments.

Inquiries regarding compliance with Title IX may be directed to the Director of Human Resources, Doane College, 1014 Boswell Avenue, Crete, NE 68333 or to the Director of the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C., 20202.

Verification of Student Identity

To meet federal guidelines, Doane requires all electronic coursework be submitted through Black Board or Doane e-mail. Blackboard requires students to login each time using their Doane login and student selected password. All coursework e-mail correspondence is done using Doane assigned e-mail accounts. When student accounts are set-up the password is mailed to the students’ permanent address via US mail. Students can change their password via the web at any time to maintain their security.