Feb 19, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2018-19 CAS Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2018-19 CAS Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ART 460 - Advanced Professional Practices (2-1)

Students will take 2 credits in the fall semester and 1 credit in the spring semester.

During the fall semester, this course will begin preparation for a smooth transition from their undergraduate college career to their after-graduation plans. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to articulate and contextualize his/her work within art history and the contemporary scene, will have designed a web portfolio and CV, will have received additional information on establishing themselves professionally, and will have researched and proposed work for a small group or solo exhibition (based upon Rall Gallery schedule availability). This proposal must be submitted by mid-term of his/her penultimate semester at Doane, and will serve as a contract with the dept. that the student will complete the proposed show. Finally, students will then undergo an end of semester critique by the art/design faculty and non-dept. faculty or professionals, of work related to the proposal.

In the spring semester, students will work independently to research and develop work for the proposed gallery show, with the oversight of an advisor within each one’s area of focus. This advisor will be declared in their fall proposal. All work for the gallery show is subject to review at a designated submission date, and must be of a professional caliber to receive the approval of the department by consensus, prior to installation. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have exhibited practice-related work in the gallery as the culminating experience, meeting the specifics outlined in the proposal. 

Students with the Art History emphasis are subject to all proposal deadlines and standards, but will write a research paper in place of exhibiting work in the gallery.

Prerequisites:ART 107 , ART 110 ART 207 , ART 214 ART 231 ART 235 , and ART 260 ; ART 352   or ART 450   
Offered 2 credit fall term; 1 credit spring term.
(Cross-referenced with GDC 460 .)