ARCHIVED 2017-18 CAS Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Return to: Programs of Instruction: Majors & Minors
Professor DeBoer
Associate Professor Erickson
Assistant Professor Gentzler
Sociology involves the systematic study of groups and institutions. Social scientists examine the social world using a variety of approaches. Students in sociology learn about urban and rural life, family patterns and relationships, social class, social movements, crime and the criminal justice system, and contemporary social issues. The major prepares students for careers in social research, criminology, demography, gerontology, and human services. The criminology emphasis within the sociology major meets the needs of students with interests and career plans in criminal justice while providing general background in all areas of sociology in order to maximize employment opportunities. A bachelor’s degree in sociology also provides students with an excellent liberal arts foundation for numerous career paths. Students graduating with degrees in sociology develop their ability to critically consider issues having to do with human social behavior, develop an understanding of the logic and techniques of examining human social behavior, develop practical skills and knowledge about work, and develop an understanding of sociological concepts, theories, ideas, and explanations.
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