ARCHIVED 2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
College of Education
All majors only offered on the Crete campus
- Dean Frey
- Professor Diercks
- Professor Johnson-Farr
- Professor Kalbach
- Associate Professor Wehrs
- Assistant Professor of Practice Cooper
- Assistant Professor Griesch
- Assistant Professor Young
- Instructor Mack
Mission of the College of Education:
Belief Statements:
The College of Education of Doane University is a community that pursues and celebrates excellence. In this pursuit:
- We foster a vibrant intellectual community that values learning, collaboration, curiosity, inquiry and scholarship.
- We create connections and meaningful relationships.
- We cultivate a culture where all individuals are affirmed, challenged, and empowered.
- We advocate for diversity, equity and service through the support of socially just policies and practices.
- We promote the process of development and honor the journey that is individually and systemically transformative.
Teacher Education Program Guiding Principles:
- The teacher education programs utilize historical, philosophical and practical knowledge as the foundation for understanding educational purposes and values.
- All teacher education students have a strong foundation in pedagogical knowledge, skills, and dispositions. Emphasis is placed on learning content in context through collaboration and reflection.
- The teacher education faculty engages key stakeholders in intentional processes and reflection on data and practices that lead to continuous improvement of the programs.
- The teacher education programs design and revise certification areas based on current theory, research, applied practice, state and national requirements and program review.
- The teacher education programs provide leadership opportunities for students to engage in meaningful dialogue and experiences concerning issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.
- The teacher education program makes intentional its commitment to the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion by encouraging all stakeholders in continual growth and reflection. This is evident in the growth of personal and professional understanding and practical application in all aspects of teaching and learning.
- The teacher education faculty and pre-service and in-service teachers engage in meaningful exploration and dialogue about the world of practice to enhance contextual understanding.
- The teacher education faculty utilizes authentic forms of assessment, including performance assessment, and traditional forms of assessment to evaluate students and programs.
- All early childhood, elementary, ESL, middle school, secondary and special education pre-service teachers demonstrate competency in their respective academic areas and complete practica in their certification area(s).
- The teacher education programs integrate practicums and internships throughout the student experience designed to participate in the real world of teaching. Simultaneously and with intentionality, students analyze local and global issues through on campus course work designed to intersect with the varied real world experiences of Pre K-12 students, families and communities.
- The teacher education programs pledge the competence of their program completers to the employing school. This pledge assures that beginning teachers enter the professional work force with adequate knowledge, skills and dispositions to successfully fulfill responsibilities of the teaching profession or the teacher education programs will provide in-service education for the graduate.
- The teacher education program continues to support program completers through their first year of teaching with mentoring efforts in the schools, along with optional guided seminar sessions.
ADMISSION and RETENTION in Teacher Education
GPA Preliminary Program Requirements:
Students intending to work toward certification must have a 2.30 Cumulative grade point average to enter the initial teacher education course, EDU 211 .
Teacher Education Committee and Admission Processes
Program Admission Information
Admission and retention in the Teacher Education program are determined by the Teacher Education Committee. The Voting membership stated in the Doane University faculty handbook(section consists of: one representative from each major teaching endorsement area, member of academic affairs committee, Dean of COE, registrar, and two students. This Committee reviews each application.
The admission components identified in Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06G are the minimum requirements considered by the Teacher Education Committee. The additional requirements for admittance are determined by the institution. The requirements are included in the chart following the next section.
Application to Teacher Education Program
Students who select elementary education or special education as a major, or early childhood, middle school, English as a Second Language endorsements or PreK-12 endorsements, or a major leading to certification in a secondary subject area must make a formal application to the Teacher Education Program. (Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06G)
- Requirements for admission to the Teach Education Program:
Application: Sophomore - Spring semester
(Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06G) |
Declare a Major |
GPA requirements:
- Cumulative GPA in all courses of 2.60
- Cumulative GPA in education courses of 2.8
- Cumulative GPA in major courses of 2.5
(Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06E1, 004.06E2 ,004.06G)
Positive Backround check |
Satisfactory Recommendations from:
- Cooperating teachers of field experiences
- Faculty of student’s major
- Faculty in teacher education
Passing the CORE test:
- Reading - 156
- Writing - 162
- Math - 150
(NAC 92, Rule 23, 003.02) |
Completed and on file: Personal and Professional Fitness Self-Disclosure Form (NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06) |
Decisions by Teacher Education Committee
Decisions granted by the Teacher Education Committee to the Teacher Education Program can be one of the following:
- full admission,
- provisional admission,
- admission with concerns,
- denial of admission.
- The student will be informed by letter within a week of the Teacher Education Committee’s decision about the application to the Teacher Education Program.
- Appeal decision process
The student has the right of an appeal to any of the decisions and can request a personal review to seek changes of the decisions.
The procedure is as follows:
The student meets for a personal interview with the Dean of College of Education.
A date is set for the Teacher Education Committee to meet as a whole for reconsideration.
The student has a personal appearance before the Committee, with another faculty member as consul if desired, for the purpose of presenting additional data and answering questions prior to Committee vote.
- Determinations and options of decisions
Denial reasons may include, but are not limited to the following:
1. CORE test: Denied admission to the program due to below passing scores on the CORE test.
a) A student may choose to continue taking education courses through Education 321 and one methods course, but must have passed the CORE test and been admitted to the Teacher Education Program prior to continuing in the program beyond that point.
b) In the special case of students from underrepresented groups, if the student has been denied admission to the Teacher Education Program on the basis of CORE test scores below the Nebraska minimally acceptable level, the student may continue in education courses beyond the first methods course provided the student is also enrolled and participating in special courses designed to improve performance on the CORE test. Education faculty will assist all students in enrolling in these special courses.
c) A student whose primary language is sign language or for whom English is a second language shall be required to take the same basic skills competency tests as other students. However, if the student fails to obtain the minimum passing scores the student can apply to the Nebraska Commissioner of Education for a review. (NAC 92, Rule 23, 008.01 and 008.02)
d) A student may retake the CORE tests as many times as the student wishes. After completion of the test with scores at the minimum or above the Nebraska requirements, the student may reapply for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
2. Grades: Denied admission to the program due to a grade below a C-:
a) The student with any grade in a cognate that is below C- will have that grade reviewed and may be required to repeat the course.
b) After completion of the cognate course and meeting the GPA requirements, the student may reapply for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
3. Cumulative GPAs: Denied admission to the program due to not meeting GPA requirements
a) The student may be advised out of the program until meeting the required GPA. After GPA requirements are met, the student may reapply for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
b) The student may be advised to change academic major.
c) The student may have another semester to bring GPA up to continue in the teacher education program. At the end of semester student may reapply for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
4. Negative comments/Dispositions: Denied admission due to negative recommendations.
a) The student is denied by cooperating teacher selecting “deny” to teacher education program on the practicum final evaluation with comments indicating concerns.
b) The student is denied by faculty selecting “deny” to teacher education program on the recommendation form with comments indicating concerns.
5. Background check: Denied admission due to convictions. (NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06B)
a) The student with a conviction may request approval by the Nebraska Department of Education.
b) The student can follow the procedures set forth in NAC 92, Rule 21, sections 009.02 through 009.04.
Application to Student Teaching
Students anticipating the student teaching experience must make a formal application to the Teacher Education Program prior to student teaching. (Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06G)
- Requirements for admission to Student Teaching:
Application: Junior - Spring semester (Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06G) |
GPA requirements:
- Cumulative GPA in all courses of 2.75
- Cumulative GPA in education courses of 3.00
- Cumulative GPA in major courses of 2.60
(Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06E1, 004.06E2 ,004.06G)
Positive Backround check |
Satisfactory Recommendations from:
- Cooperating teachers of field experiences
- Faculty of student’s major
- Faculty in teacher education
Completed and on file: Personal and Professional Fitness Self-Disclosure Form (NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06) |
Successfully complete the practicum(s) |
Decisions by Teacher Education Committee
Decisions granted by the Teacher Education Committee to the Teacher Education Program can be one of the following:
- full admission,
- provisional admission,
- admission with concerns,
- denial of admission.
- The student will be informed by letter within a week of the Teacher Education Committee’s decision about the application to the Teacher Education Program.
- Appeal decision process
The student has the right of an appeal to any of the decisions and can request a personal review to seek changes of the decisions.
The procedure is as follows:
The student meets for a personal interview with the Dean of College of Education.
A date is set for the Teacher Education Committee to meet as a whole for reconsideration.
The student has a personal appearance before the Committee, with another faculty member as consul if desired, for the purpose of presenting additional data and answering questions prior to Committee vote.
- Determinations and options of decisions
Denial reasons may include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Cognate Grades: Denied admission to the program due to a grade below a C-:
a) The student with any grade in a cognate that is below C- will have that grade reviewed and may be required to repeat the course.
b) After completion of the cognate course and meeting the GPA requirements, the student may reapply for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
Note: Even though the guidelines for GPAs are met by the student, such a grade may be used as part of the criteria for not admitting the student into student teaching.)
2. Methods Grades: Denied admission to the program due to a grade below a B-:
a) The student with any grade in a methods course that is below B- will have that grade reviewed and additional work may be required.
b) After completion of the cognate course and meeting the GPA requirements, the student may reapply for admission to the Teacher Education Program.
Note: Even though the guidelines for GPAs are met by the student, such a grade may be used as part of the criteria for not admitting the student into student teaching.)
3. Cumulative GPAs: Denied admission to the student teaching due to not meeting GPA requirements
a) The student may be advised out of the program until meeting the required GPA. After GPA requirements are met, the student may reapply for admission to student teach.
b) The student may be advised to change academic major.
4. Negative comments/Dispositions: Denied admission due to negative recommendations/comments.
a) The student is denied by cooperating teacher selecting “deny” to student teaching on the practicum final evaluation with comments indicating concerns.
b) The student is denied by faculty selecting “deny” to student teaching on the recommendation form with comments indicating concerns.
5. Background check: Denied admission due to convictions. (NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06B)
a) The student with a conviction may request approval by the Nebraska Department of Education.
b) The student can follow the procedures set forth in NAC 92, Rule 21, sections 009.02 through 009.04.
Certification Approval
Students are recommended for certification when the following requirements have been met:
- Requirements for certification:
GPA requirements:
- Cumulative GPA in all courses of 3.00
- Cumulative GPA in education courses of 3.00
- Cumulative GPA in major courses of 2.80
(Nebraska Department of Education, NAC 92, Rule 20, 004.06E1, 004.06E2 ,004.06G)
Successful completion of student teaching experience |
Satisfactory Recommendations from:
- Cooperating teachers of student teaching
- Supervisors of student teaching
Completion of the 12 graduate credits in the summer following graduation successfully |
NOTE: To receive licensure from Nebraska State Department of Education students must take and pass the required content test(s) for one’s endorsement area
- Appeal decision process
The student has the right of an appeal to any of the decisions and can request a personal review to seek changes of the decisions.
The procedure is as follows:
- The student meets for a personal interview with the Dean of College of Education.
- A date is set for the Teacher Education Committee to meet as a whole for reconsideration.
- The student has a personal appearance before the Committee, with another faculty member as consul or one of the cooperating teachers if desired, for the purpose of presenting additional data and answering questions prior to Committee vote.
Licensure and Certification outside of Nebraska
As educational requirements vary by state, students interested in this program should consult the General Licensure and Certification Disclosure page prior to enrollment.