ARCHIVED 2015-16 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Return to: Programs of Instruction: Majors & Minors
Professor Gilbert
Associate Professor Ferguson
Associate Professor Runestad
Assistant Professor Gilbert
Lecturer Ohlman
The mission of the music program is to prepare students for careers as music educators, performers, music business entrepreneurs, musicologists and theorists, as well as prepare students for graduate programs in music.
The study of music touches on many aspects of the college’s mission. It is an outstanding way to stimulate inquiry and develop perspective on the world. Those who study music at Doane gain valuable training and experience for participating in community ensembles and performing groups after graduation, thereby enriching their lives out of the workplace. Like courses in art and theatre, music is an excellent area to enhance the talents possessed by students. Finally, the band and choir programs are excellent examples of Doane’s mission to provide models of harmonious community living. These programs develop student leadership and social interaction skills.
ProgramsMajorMinorCoursesFine Arts
Associate Professor Ferguson
Music PerformanceMusic PedagogyMusic Theory, History and LiteratureMusic Performance EnsemblesMusic Performance Activities
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