Mar 02, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2016-17 CAS Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2016-17 CAS Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Environmental Science Advising Guide


First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring
BIO 110   BIO 111   BIO 112   BIO 295   EVS 351     EVS 495   EVS 496  
GEO 101   MTH 107  MTH 108  MTH 125  or MTH 235   CHM 125   CHM 126          

Additional requirements:

  1. EVS 301 (offered fall even years)
  2. EVS 392, ECO 203, 309, ENG 318 (or HIS 320)
  3. EVS 325 or BIO 332 or 333
  4. CMS 210 is strongly recommended


Early in their course of study, students should work with their advisor and appropriate faculty to ensure prerequisites are met.  Students interested in air quality should take MTH 235.

Complete A, B, C, D or E:

A.  Biology Emphasis

Complete BIO 348, CHM 205 (or 303), and a minimum of seven credits from each of the following groups (at least one three- or four- credit course must be from each group):

  1. BIO 308, 337, 349, 333 (or 332)
  2. CHM (any four-credit course excluding CHM 101), EVS 101, 320, 325, 330, GEG 320, 325, GEO 107, HIS 352, PSI 216, 234, 313, PHY 107, 108, 201, or 202.

B.  Chemistry Emphasis

Complete 1, 2, and 3.

  1. CHM 205, 303
  2. Eight credits choose from the following:  CHM 206, 322, 326, 408
  3. A minimum of three credits chosen from the following:  EVS 101, 320, 325, 330, GEG 320, GEO 107, HIS 352, PSI 213, 234,313, PHY 107, 108, 201, or 202.

C.  Science Teaching Emphasis

Environmental Science majors completing this emphasis are qualified to teach earth science biology, chemistry, and physics in grades 7 -12.

D.  Computational Thinking Emphasis

Complete 1, 2, and 3.

  1. MTH 107, IST 145, IST 146, EVS 320
  2. Complete one course chosen from PHI 105, MTH 108
  3. A minimum of three credits chosen from the following:  CHM (any four-credit course excluding CHM 101), EVS 101, 320, 325, 330, GEG 320, GEO 107, HIS 352, PSI 213, 234, 313, PHY 107, 108, 201, or 202.

E.  Political Science and Policy

Select 15 credits from the following:

INT 101


PSI 105, 215, 234, 243, 310, 313, 327, 328, 332 



  1. Students completing this major may not minor in Environmental Studies.
  2. The mathematics requirement can be satisfied by taking any one of the following:  MTH 107, 108, 125, 235.
  3. Students must formally declare a biology, chemistry, science teaching or computational thinking emphasis at the registrar’s office.