Sep 12, 2024  
ARCHIVED 2013-14 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2013-14 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Residence Life

Doane College Residential Living Standard

Doane College is a residential campus because we believe that residence halls are the most conducive environments for academic achievement and personal growth. Each residence hall is a unique community. Factors that comprise these communities are the commonality of interests, respect for others’ rights and privileges, self-governance, and diversity of personalities. Each member of a residence hall community has a responsibility to enhance development of the environment. Whether it is through participation, learning to compromise, or voicing suggestions, each individual can play an effective role in improving the living atmosphere.

As a member of this unique community, members have a responsibility to do their part to make the environment as safe, healthy, and peaceful as possible. The first step in achieving this goal is for each resident to take personal responsibility for the living environment in which they reside. Issues of concern include:

  • Conditions that create an unhealthy environment within a personal room, suite, quad, or hall.
  • Students who act in a manner which creates the opportunity for injury to members of the Doane College community.
  • Disruptive behavior in rooms or halls which is not conducive to a peaceful study environment due to violation of Doane College policy.

Doane College makes every effort to provide a healthy and safe environment, and a strong partnership with students is necessary to make that happen. For this reason, Doane College has adopted a “Living Standard” which students are required to follow. This standard describes how concerns about living conditions, health risks, and policy violations will be handled. The hope is that everyone involved can quickly create a group understanding of what the expectations are concerning students’ rooms, quads, and suites.

Residential housing on Doane’s campus is a privilege, not a right. Doane College, as a private college, is not required to provide due process in its response to student discipline matters, however will provide a fair administrative process that is in the best interests of the student/s and the Doane College community. The policies and procedures listed below will be followed in a majority of student discipline cases, but the College specifically reserves the right to deviate from said policies and procedures whenever the administration determines that such deviation is in the best interests of the student or students involved; in the best interests of the effective learning and education environment to which all Doane students are entitled; or will best protect the safety and well being of the Doane community members. Nothing in these policies or procedures is intended to, nor shall it create a contractual agreement between the College and the students as to how student discipline will be handled, rather, Doane retains discretion to protect the best interests of the institution and students in all cases.

Complaints on Student Living Environment

This includes complaints filed by students, custodians, maintenance, or other members of the Doane College community. Complaints filed by any of the above listed parties will be handled in the following form after written or verbal documentation of the complaint is complete. These steps may be taken in conjunction with other disciplinary proceedings on campus (PJB, RD Disposition, Informal or Formal Hearings):

  • First Notice - Residence Life staff will make contact with the student and inform them of the complaint in writing or in person. The person making contact will explain the reasons for the concern and seek information that would explain or alter perception of the issue. A written agreement will be made between the student(s) and the person making contact on how the problem will be resolved. A copy of the outcome will be kept in the student’s conduct file.
  • Second Notice - Residence Life will make formal contact with the student(s) and inform them of the complaint. The person making contact will explain the reasons for concern and seek information that would explain or alter perception of the issue. Residence Life will then draft a letter to the student(s) explaining the issues and corrections that need to take place. The letter will state the sanctions and disciplinary actions to take place if the problems are not corrected. Students may also be subject to community service or other sanctions.
  • Third Notice - Students that do not act in a responsible fashion will be subject to disciplinary proceedings as defined in the Doane College Student Handbook. (See 114) Students at this level can be subject to loss of housing lottery points, and/or removal from current housing into another area designated by the Senior Director of Housing or removal from housing completely, and/or other sanctions.

Doane College’s focus is in creating the best environment conducive to promoting the health of every student on campus. With a commitment to the growth of fellow students, as well as personal health, students and Residence Life can create an environment that makes this goal easily attainable.

Doane College Bed Bug Policies

Student Responsibility

  • Educate yourself about bed bugs and understand how they live. More information can be found on the web at
  • Take precautions when traveling to minimize the chance of bringing bed bugs to campus.
  • Do not buy or bring second hand furniture that may contain bed bugs. Launder your clothing and bedding regularly to help reduce the chance of harboring bed bugs.
  • Empty and inspect your backpack frequently.
  • Keep your room picked up and orderly, vacuum your room and remove trash at least weekly, to reduce hiding places for bed bugs.
  • Examine your bed and the area near your bed thoroughly every couple of weeks. Always be aware of the possibility of bed bug presence and react swiftly to inform the RD that you may have a problem. Do not hesitate the call.
  • Do not treat your room with chemicals, sprays or any other type of product to control or kill bed bugs; this will hinder the efforts of our professional exterminators.
  • Help housing officials by preparing for a bed bug inspection or treatment.
  • Understand that bed bugs are a distraction and inconvenience and will require some extra work and possible temporary displacement from your room.

College Responsibility

  • Provide the resources and information to educate all students about bed bugs and what students need to do if they suspect they may have bed bugs. . More information can be found on the web at
  • Respond as quickly as feasible to any student bed bug concerns.
  • Take proactive measures to detect and treat any potential bed bug problems and guide students through all necessary bed bug related procedures.
  • Utilize up-to-date pest control techniques to minimize the risk and exposure to bed bugs.
  • Establish a high level protocol for all housing employees training and execution for effective pest control management.
  • Hire proven, qualified professional exterminators to help prevent, detect, and eradicate bed bugs.
  • Openly communicate bed bug issues to all parties affected.
  • Document all bed bug cases and monitor potential resurgence of infected area.
  • Notify the students that the college will not accept liability for damages.

Residential Housing Policy

All full-time students are required to live on campus (both regular year and summer school) except for students who meet one or more of the following:

  • Commuters - Students who live in the home of their parents or legal guardian.
  • Nontraditional Students - Students who are 21 years of age by the first day of fall semester classes and/or have significant full-time work experience (not including summer jobs), or have served in the military and have lived independently for a period of time (longer than basic training or summers) since high school graduation.
  • Student Teaching - Generally, students enrolled in student teaching are permitted to live in the community to which they are assigned for the duration of that assignment. If a student is student teaching in Crete, she/he will continue to live on campus.
  • Married Students - Students who are married will be permitted to live off campus, but may be required to provide a copy of their marriage certificate.
  • Part-time Students - Students taking classes part-time will be permitted to live off-campus if carrying less than 12 hours a semester. They may live on campus if the meet certain requirements.

* Exceptions must be approved by the Vice President for Student Leadership.

** Students who provide false information regarding their residence or status to gain an exception will be subject to disciplinary action and housed and billed as a residential student.

*** Students who do not respond to requests related to housing or who simply ignore the efforts of the College regarding housing assignments will be placed in campus housing and billed as a residential student.

**** A student may be removed and/or banned from campus housing for disciplinary issues. In this case, students may not be refunded for housing costs for that semester.

Residence Life Staff

Senior Director of Housing (SDH) - provides leadership and guidance to the entire residential Doane community. This person is responsible for the training and supervision of the Residence Directors.

Residence Directors (RDs) - Residence Directors are trained professionals who are responsible for the smooth operation of all aspects of the residence hall. This responsibility entails the assurance of physical safety and security of the hall and its residents, advising the Hall Governor, supervising Residence Advisers, supporting and enforcing the Student Code of Conduct, individual advising and referral for students, and the development of a positive, healthy, and enjoyable living- earning experience. Residence Directors have offices in their assigned halls. They are available to discuss issues, concerns, or problems with a room, hall, maintenance or custodial care.

Residence Advisers (RAs) - Each floor has a Residence Adviser who is peer manager of that floor. Each RA is a trained, mature student who helps check students in and out of their rooms, plan activities for their floor, enforce College policy, is a resource and referral person, and is on duty periodically. Remember, an RA is a student too, so please try to be understanding when they are not available. There will be an R.A on duty every night in designated halls.

The floor RA or hall RD does not have to be on duty in order for him/her to help students. If you need assistance, check with the floor/hall RA or RA on duty located at the front desk of the building. If a staff member is not available, and it is an emergency, contact the RD on duty. He/she can be contacted by phone. All emergency numbers are on the duty rosters posted, as well as in the Student/Staff Telephone Directory.

Housing Services, Facilities and Policies

Appliances and Prohibited Items

For fire safety and energy regulations, the following are not allowed in the residence halls: sun lamps, hot plates, candle warmers, electric skillets, toaster ovens, coffee machines, blenders, George Foreman Grills, ice machines, microwaves, refrigerators over 4.3 cubic feet, or any other high-energy appliance. Please ask a Residence Life Staff member or call the Residence Life Office for clarification. Each quad is allowed to have one microwave in the living room. Hansen Leadership Hall suites are not included in this allowance.

Additionally, dart boards and waterbeds are not permitted in the Residence Halls. Items that are fire hazards are also prohibited and are outlined under the Fire Hazards, Open Flame and Flammable Liquids section.

Balconies of Burrage and Colonial Hall

These balconies, including the breezeway of the lower floor, are to be kept clear. Furniture, bikes, or other items left on them will be disposed of at the student’s expense. College-owned furniture is not permitted on the balconies to preserve their longevity and conform to state safety regulations.


Bicycle racks are available at most residence halls and college buildings. Fire and safety regulations require that bikes not be parked or ridden in hallways, stairs, lounges, balconies, or inside other buildings on campus. It is advised that when students are gone for extended weekends or vacations that bikes are locked inside of rooms. With a shortage of storage space we require that all bikes be removed from campus by spring graduation each year. Any bike left will be removed and donated to a local charity. Bikes improperly parked will have locks cut and be hauled away by the facilities department. Motorcycles and mopeds are considered motor vehicles. They are not to be taken into the residence halls or ridden on campus pathways. Motor vehicle regulations are covered in a later section.

Breaks and Vacations

For safety and security purposes, students must vacate the residence halls during Thanksgiving, winter, and spring break. Students with legitimate reasons may receive permission to remain in the halls with approval from the Senior Director of Housing. During fall break, residence halls will remain open, as well as the dining hall. However, the dining hall will be closed during Thanksgiving, winter, and spring break. The halls will be closed and locked during winter break, effective at 9 am on Saturday, per the dates published by the College. Students are required to turn in their room keys prior to leaving for winter break. Failure to turn in the key on time may result in a $125 improper check-out fee. Students will not be permitted in the hall until the official opening of the interterm session and only if taking an interterm course. Individuals not taking an interterm class will move in prior to the start of the spring semester. Note: Students are also required to move their vehicles from the residential parking lots during breaks and vacations. Please review the parking section of this handbook for further details.

Housing Exceptions for Thanksgiving and Spring Break:

  • Distance - Must live over 4 hours away from campus.
  • Job Exception - Must live further than ½ hour away from campus and the campus must be closer to your job than your home.
  • Academic Exception - Must live further than ½ hour away from campus. This request must come from an academic adviser and will be approved on a case by case basis.
  • Athletic Exception - Must live further than ½ hour away from campus. This request must come from a coach and will be approved on a case-by-case basis.

Students are encouraged to plan early and arrange transportation.

Cable Television

Basic service is provided free by the College in the room and ready for use. Early in the fall semester, Time Warner Cable will be on campus to take cable orders and connect premium service, if so desired. Watch for signs and e-mails noting the time and place for possible enhancements. Students are responsible for payment of any additional service contracted through Time Warner Cable.


Change for the laundry or vending facilities is available in the Business Office, Bookstore, and select residence hall laundry rooms.

Check-in: Procedures

These procedures are outlined to protect both the student and the College. Upon moving into an assigned room, students will receive a key and be asked to check the condition of the room carefully, making sure any deficiencies are noted on the inventory sheet. If discrepancies are found, students should alert the RA and the discrepancies will be added to the inventory sheet and/or corrected. Once both parties are satisfied with the inventory sheet reports, each student will sign a check-in/out sheet which verifies that they accept responsibility for the room, the key received, and preexisting damages. Students may be subject to disciplinary action for moving in without checking in or for moving to an unassigned room.

Check-in: Early Arrival

Early arrivals for the fall semester or breaks must be approved by the SDR. There will be a fee of $75 for each day that the student is early. Exceptions to this are students who arrive at the request of a department. The fee will be applied to the student’s account. Students that move into a hall without approval will be assessed a $100 fee and required to leave the hall until the appropriate check-in time. Students with approval to arrive early, who allow their roommate to enter their room and move in without approval, will also be charged a $100 fee.

Check-out Procedures

Residence Life will provide information regarding check-out to all students prior to the end of the academic year. Failure to complete the process as described and in its entirety may result in damage, cleaning or administrative fees. This includes staying past the required check-out date and/or time.

Once the halls have been closed, Maintenance and Residence Life Staff members will do a thorough check of all the residence hall rooms. Additional charges may be added for damages that were not previously noted. Therefore, there may be a modification to student bills.

Student bills will list the charges and damages. For further clarification, call the Business Office or the Residence Life Office during business hours.

Custodial Care

Every hall has custodial care staff that maintains the restrooms, lounges, and other public areas. If there are facilities concerns, see an RA or RD

Custodial Care of Suites and Quads

The students have the responsibility to maintain the cleanliness of the shared living spaces in Hansen, Colonial and Burrage Halls. The custodial staff will clean the bathrooms in these units on a weekly basis. This service will be provided at no cost to the student, provided that excess trash and/or inappropriate materials are not left in the bathrooms. As with any of the common areas, if these areas become a health and or safety concern as determined by the College, then the College may require the student to clean the area or the College will contract a service to clean at the student’s cost.

Decorating Hall Rooms

When putting up posters, please do not use nails, tacks, or tapes that will damage walls or strip paint. Do not place anything on the doors. Students will be liable for damages. When decorating for the holidays, be thoughtful of potential property damage and fire safety. Do not use live trees or large lights. Do not spray snow on wood, etc. Check with an RA or RD regarding the holiday decorating policy.


The $100 reservation damage/deposit serves against damages or to replace college property while a resident. This deposit will be credited back to a student’s account and used on any balances that remain when they are no longer a residential student (graduation or transfer). Fines and damages to a hall room while a residential student will be billed to individual student accounts and payment will be required.

Drinking Games

Drinking game paraphernalia will be confiscated by Doane College officials or required to be immediately removed from campus. (See Doane College alcohol policy for drinking games found with alcohol present)

Front Desk Services

Brooms are available for student use in each residence hall. This equipment can be checked out for a short period of time when available. Students who do not return borrowed items and/or damage them will be held responsible for repair and/or replacement. A fee may be assessed for late returns. See an RA or RD for this equipment.

Each hall has recreation equipment for resident use. Requests for equipment in the offices should be discussed with the RA, RD, or Hall Governor. Loan and sign out procedures, as well as penalties for late return, are determined by individual residence halls.

Fire Hazards, Open Flame and Flammable Liquids

Based on recommendations from the State Fire Marshal, use of the following items is not permitted: candles, candle warmers, Hookahs, lanterns, or oil lamps. Decorative candles may be displayed, but not lit. Likewise, lanterns and oil lamps may be displayed, but may not contain kerosene or other flammable liquids. Incense and other related burning items are not allowed in buildings.

Halogen lights/lamps and bean bags, because of their potential to ignite, are not permitted in residence hall rooms.

There are limited electrical outlets in the residence hall rooms. Extension cords are not allowed. Only surge protector cords (UL approved) may be used.

Furniture: College Rooms

Beds, desks, chairs, study lamps, and dressers, and wardrobes or closets are provided in each room. Students may bring items from home and collaborate with roommates about what will give the room a more personal feeling. Road signs and beer kegs are not acceptable items. They may be confiscated immediately when found in any student room.

College furniture may not be removed from the room in traditional living environments. In Hansen, Burrage and Colonial Halls, no furniture may be removed from the quad or suite. Any furniture bolted to the wall may not be moved. Violation of this may result in a fee. Furniture provided in every room is not to be removed from that room as moving or storing often results in damages, scratches, etc.

Students are responsible for loss or damage to any college furniture. At the end of the academic year, or when a student moves from his/her room, all furniture must be returned to its original position.

Furniture is expected to be used as intended, which means all four legs of a bed must be stationed on the floor (i.e. single bed or normally stacked bunks). Also, bunks are not permitted to be placed on top of desks or dressers. If unsure a room arrangement is acceptable, ask a member of the Residence Life Staff.

Furniture: Personal

Students residing in Burrage and Colonial Halls may bring personal furniture into their rooms. The furniture must be kept in good condition. The amount of furniture is limited by any amount that causes issues with cleaning or safety concerns (blocking exits or entrances). Doane College reserves the right to require students to remove any student personal furniture. Students that damage their own personal furniture on purpose may be required to move it and may be prohibited from having additional personal furniture in the future.

Students residing in Hansen, Sheldon, Smith and Frees Halls are allowed to move the following items into their rooms: desk chairs, storage bins or drawers, bookcases (not to exceed 3’ in length by 4’ in height by 1’ in depth), futons, television stands, butterfly chairs/moon chairs/any chair that may be folded and stored when not in use, and bedside lamps. Other items are prohibited, as moving furniture often causes scrapes and damages to the building.

Any furniture not included on this list will be subject to approval by the Senior Director of Housing. Additionally, in consideration for this privilege, if supplemental furniture takes the place of any supplied furniture, the supplied furniture will be stored in the individual’s room.

Bed Bug Protection **NEW POLICY, Fall 2013**

Futons are allowed in the residence halls only if they have a bed bug proof covering. The link provided is one such approved covering:

Students will need to bring a receipt to their Residence Director on move in day showing they have purchased and are using a bed bug proof cover for their futon. Futons without the appropriate covers will be removed from the halls and students are reminded that the College is not responsible for any damages done by bedbugs.

Garbage and Trash Policy

For the safety of all members of the Doane College community, and because of restrictions from the Crete area refuse service, the following items are restricted from disposal in any college-owned receptacles:

  • Flammable Liquids
  • Tires
  • Knives
  • Appliances
  • Paint Cans
  • Furniture

Moreover, glass items are restricted from Doane-owned residence hall trash receptacles, but instead must be placed into sealed bags and disposed of into the large outside dumpsters. Glass found in Doane-owned personal room trash cans may result in termination of glass privileges for that room and potential disciplinary actions. Improperly disposed glass where no one accepts responsibility may result in termination of glass privileges for the floor or the entire hall followed by disciplinary action or removal fees for subsequent violations. Students may not collect glass waste (i.e. recycling) in their personal rooms for sanitary, health and safety reasons. Students must remove collected glass trash within a 24 hour period or at the request of staff.

Additionally, when students remove waste and trash from their rooms, it must be placed in the dumpsters located in the parking lots near each of the buildings.


Questions, complaints, concerns, or proposals related to the hall community should be directed to any professional Residence Life Staff member. Concerns are best handled when the appropriate channels are used. Please ask if unsure of the direction to take with a grievance or concern.


For safety reasons, especially in the residence halls, only residential students, or supervised guests are allowed inside. All guests must be within sight of their host at all times. Guests who are unsupervised in a hall may be asked to leave immediately. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in sanctions or a ban from campus for the guest and adverse consequences for the host.

All rules and policies of Doane College apply to guests while they are on campus. Make them aware of what they can and cannot do, because ultimately the host is responsible for their actions. Doane College does not accept responsibility for the students’ guests. If a guest is asked to leave campus, the student is responsible for transportation or lodging off campus for the guest. Students who repeatedly violate the campus guest policy will be removed from campus housing and may not be refunded their housing fee. Individuals in a hall that may not be a guest of a student should be reported to a Residence Life Staff member.

Additionally, students are encouraged to contact a Residence Life Staff member or the Safety Office if guests become unruly and/or noncompliant. Just because a guest is intoxicated does not mean he/she must remain on campus. Over-intoxicated guests who cannot leave campus or take responsibility for themselves may be reported to the Crete Police Department.

Guests: Overnight

Residents may, with the permission of their roommate, have guests of the same sex stay overnight in their room up to 24 hours. The guest must be registered with an RA or RD. Guests are not allowed to move from room-to-room or hall-to-hall. All students should register guests in the RA office by filling out a guest registration form.

Housing Agreement

By accepting admission to the College, students will be required to reside on campus, unless they meet one of the exceptions listed in the Housing Policy earlier in this section. The College reserves the right to immediately terminate the housing agreement for a particular room and/or reassign housing in cases including (but not limited to) extreme or abusive behavior and/or dangerous or threatening behavior (to students, roommates, administration, or staff), damage or repetitive abuse to college property and/or upkeep of an assigned room. If such misbehavior occurs, the College may elect not to refund room and board as a sanction.

Students who live with Residence Advisers (RA) need to realize, and be reminded, that this is a designated staff area. Should an RA be removed from service or resign, the College’s Residence Life Office may move current students into another room or residence hall.

Student Identification Card (ID)

Students are required to carry their Doane ID with them at all times while on campus. Exceptions to this are while competing in athletic events. Students are required to produce their student ID when requested by staff. Failure to produce a valid ID or failure to carry it on your person may result in sanctions or removal from campus. This is a security measure meant to assist in identifying who is supposed to be on campus (especially in residence halls). If a Doane ID is lost, contact the Safety Office.

Keep in mind these cards are used for access and to make purchases. Treat the loss of a card like the loss of a credit card.


Doane College does not carry insurance for personal property. Personal property is subject to theft, fire, vandalism, and unforeseen circumstance. The College will not take responsibility for repair or replacement. A homeowner’s insurance policy may cover any damages that may occur at Doane.


Doane provides locks on each residence hall room for the protection of the residents, and it is the student’s responsibility to use them. All halls are locked 24/7 for security reasons. Students that are found propping open doors or allowing non-residents to enter the halls may face disciplinary action and may be removed from campus housing. Residence Life Staff can open doors to accommodate move-in or move-out dates or for programming needs.

Students need to carry the key to their rooms and lock their doors. If locked out of your room, contact the RA on duty. Students may be charged for room lockouts. This charge will be placed on the student account.

If a key is lost, tell the RA or RD immediately and they will issue a key request. Lost keys may result in lock-change fess; the exact amount is determined by the Facilities Department.

Residential keys will be turned in to Residence Life staff prior to the winter break (Dec - Jan). Keys will be returned when students check in for ITM classes or for the spring semester. Keys that are not turned in at check out will result in a lock change fee charged to the student’s account.


All halls have a kitchen open to all residents. Out of courtesy to neighbors and the housekeeping staff, keep these areas clean. Failure to do so may result in cleaning or damage fees to the residents of the hall.

The College reserves the right to close the kitchens at any time. During posted breaks these facilities are locked for safety and security reasons. They will only be available during these times if the RLO staff is available to provide supervision.

Laundry Facilities

Coin- and card- operated laundry facilities are available in each hall. Please use the machines with care and consideration. If new to the world of washing and drying clothes, don’t be afraid to ask for help. If a machine is not working properly, please inform a Residence Life Staff member, or contact Jetz, the company that provides the machines, at 402.339.2565. Failure to keep laundry facilities clean may result in damage or cleaning fees, or locking the room.


Rooms in Frees, Sheldon, and Smith Halls come equipped with lofting materials in each room. Lofting options are also available in Hansen and the Quads by request upon check in. Students will be responsible for storing any extra pieces of furniture that result from lofting in their rooms. Students residing the residence halls must utilize the beds and equipment provided by the College.


Several types of lounges are available in the halls: TV lounges, study lounges, public lounges, etc. Students are encouraged to make use of these areas and enjoy their benefits. They often serve as good places for discussions and study groups, or as places to relax and take a break from homework. These lounges, and the furniture in them, are for the pleasure and convenience of all residents. Lounge furnishings must not be moved or removed from the area. Lounges can be reserved for programming and special events. Please contact an RD to reserve a lounge. Failure to keep lounges clean may result in cleaning or damage fees to the residents of that area. Please note quiet/courtesy hours do apply to the lounge areas.

Lounge Furniture and Equipment

College furniture in residence halls and other areas on campus must be treated with respect and left in its place. No college furniture from any other location, except for what is provided in the room, can be used in residence hall rooms.


Due to health and safety regulations, and consideration for campus living environments, students are prohibited from having pets in the residence halls. The only exceptions are small fish. Reptiles are not allowed. Violation of this policy will result the immediate removal of the pet and/or disciplinary action.


Residence Life and Residence Hall Association (RHA) host regular educational and social events for Doane residents. Each staff member presents a number of educational, social, and developmental programs throughout the year. Topics vary widely and often are prompted by student requests and needs.

Quiet Hours and Noise

Each hall has quiet hours as a time for concentrated studies and sleep. These hours begin at 10 pm on weekdays and 1 am on weekends. However, starting the Friday prior to finals week each semester and continuing through the dates the halls close, quiet hours are in effect 24 hours a day campus-wide. In general, noise should not be heard outside any room. If it can be heard outside a room, the resident must honor requests from members of the community to reduce the volume. Each resident is responsible for activities that occur in the room, including the actions of all guests. When quiet hours are not in effect, it is the student’s responsibility to remain courteous to all community members.

Stereos and other noise (including conversations, running, or yelling in the hallways, etc.) should not reach a level that disturbs neighbors or hinders the academic process of the College. Again, if noise can be heard outside a room, the resident must honor requests from members of the community to reduce the volume.

If a neighbor is being too loud please ask them to lower their noise level. If unsuccessful or if this is a persistent problem, ask for the assistance of a Residence Life Staff member. If individuals have to be asked to lower their volume more than once in one day or evening, residents and their guests will be subject to disciplinary action. Repeat violators may be required to remove their stereo or the offending item from campus.

The college reserves the right to move students who have persistent noise problems or remove them from campus housing all together.


Doane College fully supports students’ educational rights as outlined by FERPA laws. However, issues revolving around health and safety allow the College to share these concerns with parents, guardians, faculty, staff, and law enforcement when necessary. The College reserves the right to contact the parents or guardians of any minor students involved in alcohol-related incidents or safety and health concerns (all students regardless of age).

Roof Tops, Windows, and Ledges

For the safety of the students and protection of campus buildings, students are not permitted on any campus roofs or ledges. Climbing onto rooftops, ledges, or leaning out of balconies and windows could result in a fall leading to serious and possibly life threatening injuries. Violations will carry serious consequences, which may include a ban from campus for non-Doane students. The same consequences apply to anyone found vandalizing or removing window stops. Windows are not to be used as an alternative means of entering rooms. Windows are monitored by video surveillance. Anyone seen attempting to or entering a window will be reported to local law enforcement and the report will be reviewed by the Judicial Affairs Office.

Room Changes

Changes in room assignment will be granted for a two-week period each semester (check the calendar). To change rooms, contact Residence Life at All check-in and check-out procedures apply when changing rooms. Be sure to follow proper procedures as described on the Room Change Form to avoid improper check-out charges, damage or cleaning fees. The College reserves the right to change a student’s residence when there is a need to do so as a result of a disciplinary action. Students who are found to have changed rooms without prior consent from Residence Life will be assessed an administrative fee.

Students who are left with a private room prior to the census date of each semester will be billed for the private room. Room consolidations are encouraged to help students save money. It is the student’s responsibility to find a replacement roommate or they will be billed at a private room rate. Doane College reserves the right to move students at any time during the year to accommodate room consolidations or other housing needs. If a roommate leaves after the census date in each semester, the College may consolidate the room or elect to leave the student alone in the room without charge. However, if the roommate leaves prior to the census date of the fall semester, the College will notify the student that a roommate must be found for the spring semester, or a charge or consolidation may occur. Interterm classes are not part of the spring semester. If a roommate leaves during interterm, the student will be required to fill the empty space, consolidation, or pay a private rate.

Students that live in Hansen Hall, Burrage Hall or Colonial Hall may have roommates leave in a way that creates an entirely open room in the quad or suite. If this occurs, the remaining students will have the option to reorganize the room to fill all spaces (i.e. one student may want to move in and pay private rate) or find other roommates to fill the space. However, the College reserves the right at all times to alter housing arrangements The College may place transfer students or other students needing housing into these open spaces or require the students to move as need dictates.

Room Checks

To assist the College in keeping up with maintenance and/or damage assessment in the residence halls, there are thorough maintenance checks several times a year in addition to those at checkout. Room checks occur during Fall Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Interterm Break and Spring Break. The Residence Life staff will notify students of the dates and times of these checks. During these checks all rooms will be entered at the announced time to verify who is present, to make sure all check-out procedures were followed, and to check for maintenance and policy issues. Personal trash left in the room may result in a removal fee.

Rooms: Abroad Students

The College reserves its on-campus housing for students who are paying for the usage of rooms. Students who are traveling abroad in the fall semester have the option of utilizing their lottery points with groups for the fall semester, but only under the following circumstances:

  • Students must be signed up to live with a roommate who agrees to pay for a private room. The private room pays for the empty space and “reserves” it for the abroad student returning for Interterm or spring. If a roommate refuses to sign a private room rate form, the abroad student may not use their lottery points. Likewise, if a roommate decides to live off-campus or leaves Doane after the housing process, the room is no longer paid for and the Residence Life Office reserves the right to reassign the abroad student to utilize the empty space for the year. The abroad student will then be notified of the room change and new housing location.
  • Students who are traveling abroad in the fall semester must note this when applying for campus housing or must contact the Residence Life Office immediately when signing up for this travel. The roommate of the abroad student will then be assigned a new roommate (if available), be requested to pay for a private room or be consolidated to another space on campus by the Residence Life Staff.

Rooms: Privacy

Doane College respects the privacy of its students, but as a private institution retains the right to enforce policy and safety standards in the best interest of the institution. For issues related to safety, security, or belief that harm to persons or facilities will occur, the College or its designee reserves the right to enter student rooms without notice.

For instances where policy violations are suspected, the reporting staff will contact the Senior Director of Housing or the Associate Dean of Student Leadership to articulate the situation and request permission to enter a student’s room prior to entering. Searches of student’s personal belongings will only occur when there is an articulate and specific reason to believe that a specific location (i.e. refrigerator) contains an article that is in violation of school policy.

The Doane College Maintenance staff will attempt to notify students in advance if there is a need to enter rooms for maintenance related issues. However the urgency and desire to respond to requests as quickly as possible sometimes make early notification impossible. Facilities staff will announce themselves before entering rooms.

The College reserves the right to enter A room unannounced for health/safety reasons and/or probable cause related to violations of campus policy.

Rooms: Residents

Students are not allowed to enter other students’ rooms unannounced or without permission from a student assigned to live in that room. Doane College, as the owner and proprietor of all residential housing, is the sole authority for who is assigned to residence hall rooms. Students who enter other students’ rooms without consent may be subject to disciplinary actions regardless of the wishes of the assigned residential student. The College also reserves the right to report these incidents as trespassing to the Crete Police Department.

Rooms: Selecting Housing for the next academic year

Housing selection for the fall will take place following pre-registration in the spring semester. To ensure a smooth selection process, Residence Life will provide information and instructions in the halls and in Perry Campus Center in the weeks ahead of housing selection.

Roommates: Making the relationship work

Difficulties may occasionally arise when sharing the same living space. The most important skill needed is open communication. In order to keep things running smoothly, share likes and dislikes before problems occur. When problems do arise, remember to calmly and directly communicate feelings without personal attack. Be open and honest and give the roommate the chance to do the same. If problems reach the point where communication does not seem to work, ask a Residence Life staff member to help.

During the academic year roommates, suitemates and quadmates must be the same sex.


There are no storage facilities in the residence halls for students’ belongings other than their personal rooms. The College will not store any student’s furniture including beds, sofas, chairs, desks, tables, or carpeting. Students are not allowed to take college furniture off campus for storage. (See the section on Furniture: College Rooms.)

Suites and Quads (Multiple student living environments)

Students living in multiple student living environments are responsible for maintaining order in and around these environments at all times. Students are required to keep their doors locked at all times to prevent other students from entering their shared living spaces without their supervision. Guests that cause disturbances or damage, or violate policy will be removed, but the students assigned to that living environment will still be held responsible for their actions. Students who demonstrate that they cannot control the activities of their shared living environments will be relocated to a traditional residence hall (Frees, Smith, or Sheldon) or removed from campus housing all together. If there is one roommate or select individuals living in the Quad or Suite causing issues, it is the other resident’s responsibility to inform the Residence Life staff. Damages, vandalism, and disturbances caused by “unknown persons” will be considered a failure to provide reasonable care for an assigned room and may result in relocation or removal from campus housing. Window Screens must stay in the windows at all times. If removed or damaged, an appropriate charge to replace or repair the screen will be assessed to the respective suite or quad.


Residents are responsible to pay for damages that occur to the building or its furnishings if the responsible party is not determined. Damages assessed to common areas may be appropriated to all hall residents under these circumstances. If someone is causing damage to a hall, immediately contact a Residence Life staff member or any other College official. Students who have guests in their room or hall are responsible for any damages that their guest(s) cause(s). Please assist the hall community and help prevent irresponsible behavior.

Vending Machines

All residence halls have vending machines. If a machine collects money but provides no item, please visit the Business Office. If a machine is not working or has been vandalized, please report it promptly to a Residence Life Staff member.