When the first fall semester is an EVEN year:
When the first fall semester is an ODD year:
Computing Major: (1) Core: CMP 140, 145, 205, 252, 495 (3 semesters)
(2) Track: Software Engineering: CMP 146, 246, 311, 350, 357, 411, Elective
Information Technology and Security: CMP 321, 322, 328, 360, 415, 422,
Elective: (3) Cognate: CMP 421 (Internship)
(4) Highly recommended: A minor or second major
Software Development Minor: (1) CMP 145, 146, 246, 311, 411
(2) Six additional CMP credits
Information Technology (1) CMP 145, 252, 321, 322, 328
and Security Minor: (2) Six additional CMP credits
Software Development
Professional Certificate: (1) CMP 145, 146, 246, 311, 411
Information Technology
and Security Professional
Certificate: (1) CMP 321, 322, 328, 415, 422
Even Fall: CMP 140, 145, 252, 311, 320, 322, 328*, 421, 495
Odd Spring: CMP 145, 146, 205, 321, 325, 357, 371, 421, 422*, 495
Odd Fall: CMP 140, 145, 246, 252, 320, 411, 415*, 421, 495
Even Spring: CMP 145, 146, 205, 325, 350*, 360, 371, 421, 495
(Key: Computing Core, Software Engineering Track, Information Technology & Security Track or
Note that an * indicates a course that will be taught combining residential and non-residential
students in an
8-week term aligned with a non-residential term)