Jan 15, 2025
ARCHIVED 2013-14 SA&S Crete Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIO 345 - Conservation Biology (3) Conservation Biology is a broad topic. In this class we will address the issues that define conservation and the need for it. We will address the complexities of conservation biology and how conservation activities can preserve biodiversity and promote human welfare. As a major component of this class will be devoted to Service-Learning, students will conduct their own conservation project. The class will also take advantage of the Doane College Green Fund by submitting a class wide proposal to the committee for approval every year. The types of projects will be broad in scope to allow flexibility in student interests. Projects will be situated at Doane or in Crete, but may extend to national or global levels. Students will also take part in the Doane Carbon Capture Project where they will actively plant new trees on a pre-designated site on campus and will monitor current carbon stocks on campus through standard forestry techniques. Upon completion of this course students will gain an understanding of the complexities surrounding the major issues in conservation such as climate change mitigation, biodiversity, and ecosystem services. Prerequisites: Must have a C- or better in BIO 110 , BIO 111 , BIO 112 or with permission. Offered spring term.