Oct 01, 2024  
2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-25 Undergraduate Catalog

Social Science, Teaching Advising Guide


First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year
Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring

FAK: Search meaning &

Value: HIS 105  

HIS 106  /HIS 206   HIS 105 HIS 205   HIS 106  /HIS 206   EDU 321  + EDU 221L  (2cred). EDU 361   (2 cred)

EDU 453  (8 Cred.):

Student Teaching

HIS 496  
HIS 205    PSY 117  +/ SOC 109  + HIS 220  EDU 211     SSI 343  (2 cred) SSI 344  (2 cred) EDU 454  (2 cred) PSI/SOC/PSY*

FAK: Community & 

Identity: PSI 101  

FAK: Scientific Perspective:

GEG 112  

HIS 307  /ECO 203   EDU 221   EDU 325  

EDU 341  (LAR 303  )




FAK: Mathematical


FAK: Search meaning & Value LAR 202    PSY 117  +/SOC 109  +    ECO 203  /HIS 307   ECO 204     HIS 3XX

 FAK: Rhetorical

Communication: ENG 101  

FAK: Human Creativity 

FAK:Global & Cultural Context/

GEG 301   

ECO 204  /LAR 202  + HIS 3XX  ANT 308     HIS 3XX** 

 LAR 101  


  PSY 117  +/SOC 109  +  HIS 302  or HIS 321    HIS 3XX PSI/SOC/PSY*    
EDU 101  (rec)   EDS 207  +          

  + Offered Fall and Spring     

 * Three additional credits chosen from:  anthropology/sociology, economics, political science, psychology.


Students seeking certification for teaching in social science must complete the following:

History: HIS 105, 106, 205, 206, 220, 307, 321 (or 302), 496 AND three additional 300 level history courses, one each from the European and World History areas.  

     United States History: HIS 302, 305, 306, 307, 320, 321, 329, 337, 342, 352

     European History: HIS 317, 318, 335, 338, 341, 348, 350

     World History: HIS 302, 304, 326, 339, 342, 350, 353


Special notes: Students must take HIS 220 during the fall semester of their sophomore year.  

HIS 302 and HIS 342 may count as either United States History or World History. HIS 350 may count as either European History or World History. HIS 306, 326, 329, 338, and 342 are cross-listed with PSI.

**Students should consider declaring a History major as well (one additional History course required, for a total of five courses).


Other requirements

  • Required courses: ECO 203 and 204, GEG 112 and 301, PSI 101, PSY 117, SOC 109, ANT 308 and three additional credits in each of the following areas (9 cr. total): PSI, PSY and SOC at the 200 or 300 level.

  • All requirements listed under the catalog section Secondary Education.

  • Cognates: SSI 343, 344


Students should meet with Dr. Emily Griesch early in their first year. Students will be assigned two faculty advisors, one from Education and one from History, both of whom will approve courses each semester, to ensure that students are meeting all requirements.