Feb 06, 2025
ARCHIVED 2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
SSI 201 - Archival and Museum Studies (2)Prerequisite: Permission. (Cross-referenced with HUM 201 .) This course provides an introduction to the field of archival work that includes the related areas of museum studies, historic preservation, and conservation utilizing the Doane University Archives and Collections housed in Perkins Library. Students will gain hands-on experience in working with manuscripts, photographs, rare books, and other historical artifacts. The practical experience will include collecting, organizing, and cataloging items. Other work may include answering research requests from patrons and preparing exhibits. Students will meet professionals working in these disciplines via site visits to area museums and archives, including the Nebraska State Historical Society collections, archival and historic preservation departments, the Nebraska State Capitol Archives, and the local Benne Memorial Museum. Readings in archival and museum practices and Doane history will be included. Upon completion of the course, students will understand basic skills in researching and handling historical collections, and will understand career opportunities available in the above fields. The course can be tailored to give focus in the above-listed subjects that directly interest the individual student, and subsequently, internships can be arranged.