Feb 13, 2025  
ARCHIVED 2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog 
ARCHIVED 2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Computer Science

Offered on the Crete and Lincoln campuses

The computer science major provides students with the technical and theoretical competency to enter the industry in software development or information technology and security-related areas, or to pursue a graduate degree in computer science or a related field. The major is available to all undergraduate students who can complete IST 314  and IST 315 (which are taught only on the Crete campus), or transfer in equivalents for these two courses.

Student Learning Outcomes
As a result of completing the Computer Science program, students will: 

  1. ​​Gain a clear understanding of IST concepts and processes
  2. Understand the relationships between different IST concepts and processes
  3. ​​Understand the relationships between IST concepts and processes and existing and emerging computing technologies
  4. Gain the confidence and skills to independently learn and apply existing and emerging computing technologies and processes
  5. Gain the confidence and skills to solve an unknown problem, and to efficiently research, learn, and creatively apply an unknown topic or skill to novel problem-solving situations
  6. Gain the confidence and skills to effectively orally communicate (speaking and listening)
  7. ​Gain the confidence and skills to effectively rhetorically communicate (reading and writing)
  8. Gain a deep understanding of the issues, processes, and technologies in the “infrastructure” focus area
  9. Gain industry entry-level hands-on IST skills in the “infrastructure” focus area
  10. Gain a deep understanding of the issues, processes, and technologies in the “software development” focus area
  11. ​Gain industry entry-level hands-on IST skills in the “software development” focus area

Requirements for the Computer Science Major:

Complete the following 36 credits:

Experiential Activity

Complete an IST faculty-approved experiential activity related to the student’s emphasis area. Such activities include, but are not limited to, formal internships (IST 421) and industry experience (including full-time, part-time, work-study, and summer positions). Three credits of IST 421 Information Science and Technology Internship fulfill this requirement but do not count towards the 36 IST credits for the major. 


Complete a minor outside IST or an additional major.